From blue to red...

Rachel Tua, the niece-in-law of former Nationalist Party leader Eddie Fenech Adami explains why she no longer feels attracted by the PN and why she is now a Labour Party candidate.

Labour candidate for Mosta local council Rachel Tua.
Labour candidate for Mosta local council Rachel Tua.

In an interview with Sunday newspaper Illum, Tua explains that the Fenech Adami clan did not take news of her candidature well. She will be contesting the Mosta local council election which is the most hotly-contested locality on 10 March.

"The Nationalist Party leadership contest did not resolve anything. On the contrary, it has exposed the government's misgivings," she says.

On Labour leader Joseph Muscat she says that he "listens and not just hears."

Read more in today's edition of Illum



@Xifajk. Propja propja jibqghu biss tal-klikka...
Tghid sa l-elezzjoni jibqa xi hadd Nazzjonalist:)
A sentiment felt and shared by many. What i personally think, however, is that while PN is the problem, Pl is not the solution - but very much part of the same problem. Its like in the middle ages when they would fight to replace one king with another when the problem was the whole institution of kingship that was the problem as much as the person proclaiming himself king. In Malta - its the whole political structure that is sick and there is no cure - its a system that needs to be destroyed and replaced with something new. One of the biggest problems is the culture of no accountability. Its Ok for Muscat to say that PL will not be vengeful - but what about accountability - is he saying that all the wrong done is OK and everyone will get away with all the corruption, theft and illegalities? This does not seem to me that the an end to the culture of 'no accountability'. Tell us instead that justice will be done and what was stolen - will be returned and not have innocent citizens have to shoulder the burden and consequences of 20 years of PN.
Anke n-nies taghhom stess qed ihallu l-partit. Fil-PL qed jaraw partit li veru jisma' lill-kullhadd, u mhux biss bil-paroli. Il-PL ihoss il-polz tal-poplu kollu, u mhux ta' dawk il-ftit tal-qalba jew ajhar tal-klikka.