New Labour government ‘will harness entire nation’s potential’

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat says political tribalism cannot continue to determine government style.

Joseph Muscat: 'No good can come out of fomenting political tribalism'.
Joseph Muscat: 'No good can come out of fomenting political tribalism'.

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat has promised Labour will govern for the Maltese as a united nation, and not exploit its inherent political tribalism, in a reference to a secret tape that captures the PN's Sliema councillor Julian Galea speaking of his "phobia of Labourites".

"It's been a history of two tribes, those in favour of the English or Italian language, those who favoured the Crown or the Republic... what good can come out of fomenting such division?" Muscat said. "We want to be a government that will govern for all the Maltese, and not for Labourites only."

The Labour leader also said that employees inside government departments who were transferred to uncomfortable postings because of their political allegiance would see justice being made with them, in another reference of the political discrimination apparent inside civil service structures.

Muscat said a new Labour government would seek a rapprochement between the two political sides, by solving the country's national problems "by harnessing the power of not just one half of the country."

The Labour leader promised a united front in the governance of the country if elected to power.  "I would employ the aid of my worst enemy if it could solve the problems faced by this country and its people... we are here because we want to use part of our life to improve families' quality of life, to give children the chance to be a success in their life."

Easier said than done.
Luke Camilleri
dR. Joseph Muscat addresses a Nation in his speech....Dr. Gonzi, those in front of him.... or his 887 PN councillors!
Some GOOD NEWS after 25 years in HELL. Five vendictive transfer in the last 2 years. I also hope that JUSTICE will be done with those who BULLIED their employees in their Departments because of their political colour and with those HONEST Nationalists were also bullied under this Government because they fought against INJUSTICES being done against those who some Nationalists want them DEAD