[WATCH] Gonzi steers clear of Sliema councillor's 'PL-phobia' comments

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says government and Nationalist local councils worked hard to give the families ‘the best,’ while Joseph Muscat let his own councils ‘fall into ridicule’

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi during the political activity held this morning in Sliema
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi during the political activity held this morning in Sliema

Addressing party faithful in Sliema six days before the local councils elections, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said the electorate should place its trust in the Nationalist candidates.

"It's easy to see how those councillors who worked with prudence and integrity achieved good results, while other local councils left their localities abandoned," Gonzi said this morning.

But while he was hailing the works carried out in Sliema, Gonzi steered away from commenting over recent discriminatory comments made by PN incumbent for Sliema elections Julian Galea.

Galea made headlines after the Labour's Party media revealed a secret recording of the Sliema councillor talking of his "phobia" of Labourites. He yesterday issued an apology and also posted it on his Facebook wall.

Galea, who was present for this morning's debate, sat behind the Prime Minister together with the rest of the candidates contesting the elections in Sliema. He also received a round of applause from those gathered under the tent when his name was read out.

Referring to the ongoing criticism over the Mosta local council, the Prime Minister said PL leader Joseph Muscat failed for four years to intervene in a council that was torn with internal fighting.

"Muscat let his council fall into ridicule when the mayor of Mosta ordered his workers to tear and burn away pages from the magazines published by the local council, because an article had criticised the mayor's work," he said.

The Prime Minister recounted how it was after he spoke with a family from Mosta, that had a child with special needs, that he thought about the Pharmacy of Your Choice scheme.

"But while Mosta had been my inspiration, the same cannot be said for Muscat. The families were abandoned and the locality left in a disastrous state. As a government we tried to intervene and give them the best. We built a new school and refurbished the football ground," Gonzi said.

"We want the best for our families. We will always work to give them the best."

He went on to ask where PL deputy leader Anglu Farrugia - who hails from Mosta - had been while the Mosta local council degenerated.

"While Muscat was accusing me of being clutched on to power, he was clutching on to power in Mosta," Gonzi said. "The PN is clutched on to the people."

He added that because the PN recognised the suffering of families and businesses, government took the decision to shoulder the latest increases in the price of oil, instead of increasing the utility bills.

The Prime Minister was also referring to the downgrade of Enemalta by Standard & Poor's. Gonzi said that part of the downgrade was because government insisted on not increasing water and electricity bills.

Pressed by journalists at the end of the political activity, PN secretary general Paul Borg Olivier said he and the party had nothing to add to the comments made by Julian Galea.

"The PN has already issued a statement condemning Galea's comments. Galea also apologised for his comments," he said.

Borg Olivier failed to comment when asked whether Galea should withdraw his candidature.


He Gonzi leader of the party (remember the 96.5 per cent?) so he cannot stay aloof from the Julian Galea or Joanna Gonzi affair. Either he agrees or does not agree with Julian Galea. In my opinion, Gonzi agrees in full, otherwise he would not have had Galea at his side yesterday, just a day after the revelation of that infamous recording. After all, Gonzi is a chip of the old block.
@gs ir raguni li ma morrux fil cafe tieghu ghax miskin ibati minn kundizzjoni ta phobia kief jara laburist ghalldaqstant inkunu nghamlu att ta karita ma dan il proxxmu jekk ma nersqux lejh!!!!!
Ghaliex il-PN qieghed kull ma jmur jereq l-isfel fil-popolarita? Ghaliex issa il-Prim Ministru qed jisserva bis-segretarju PBO? Issa veru il-PN qed imiss il-qiegh, mhux ahjar li l-PN sab aktar kunsillira kredibbli mhux halla f’idejn PBO biex jillapazza l-kunsilli li hafna minnhom l-anqas hemm materjal biex jimmanigjaw kazin tal-banda. U zgur li ghalhekk thalla jikontesta Julian Galea ghax m’hemx minn johrog. Fil-Gzira mhux ukoll il-PN hargu 4 li l-anqas kapaci jmexxu banka tal-lottu. U f'hafna u f'hafna lokalitajiet ohra li kellom isibu bi tqanzieha… u dawn tal-PN li kienu welldu l-kunsilli lokali!!!!!!!……..Issa ghax gej l-iebes hadd f’sensieh mhu ser jidhol ghal piz biex jirranga d-dgerfix li hallew u issa ser joqodu fuq ic-cint iharsu u jikkumentaw. Povru PBO li ser ikollu jerfa’ r-responsabilta' u jsofri il-grif, it-tbengil, is-slieh u l-gundalli tat-tkaxkira li l-PN ser jiehu f’dawn l-elezzjonijiet tal-Kunsilli. Ghaliex Gonzi PN ma talabx lill Austin Gatt biex jiehu hsieb ukoll dawn l-elezzjonijiet, kif ser jaghmel ghal elezzjoni generali…mhux ghax hemm xi manuvrar biex din it-tkaxkira jiblahha l-povru PBO (li jigi mil-Belt wkoll) u Gonzi PN johrog ifuh fuq spallejn Simon Busutill…u fejn qieghed issa David Casa biex izomm jekk ikun hemm bzonn il-forcina???
"He added that because the PN recognised the suffering of families and businesses, government took the decision to shoulder the latest increases in the price of oil, instead of increasing the utility bills." Tghid qighad jiftakar meta ivvota bil qalb biex ma jorhsux il prezzijit tad dawl u ilma. VERU IPPOKRITA.
bir ragun majsemi xejn gonzi ghax tal misthija. Basta ipparla fuq il kuxjenza gonzi, ghal dawn matnigzux il kuxjenza, basta jipqa imkahhal mas siggu tal poter.
Mhux bizzejjed li tghid li Julian Galea ghandu jaghmel apologija publika , ghax jekk int ma tikkundannax l-agir ta' din il-persuna tkun qed tibghat sinjal li int lest tittollera dawn l-atti , basta wara dak li jkun jaghmel apologija u barra bid-daqq . X'zammek milli tikkundanna dan l-agir , Sur Prim Ministru ? X'zammek milli izzomm lill din il-persuna milli tikkontesta din l-elezzjoni f'isem il-partit Nazzjonalista ? Jew ghalik kollox sewwa , basta dan isir mil-partit tieghek ?
Luke Camilleri
Never saw dr. Gonzi in such a panic to leave the site and escape the media! he practically left kate Gonzi behind...the way he bolted into his car surrounded by security to keep the media away! "No ladies first" , opening the car door to let Kate go in first, ......just get me out of here!
Dear Dr. Gonzi, you need only look at what has happened during the long years. Do you tolerate persons who have leftist leanings in Gov agencies? Have you ever enquired how many persons suffered discrimination just because they are labour, despite giving their best. And then your predecessor spoke of recionciliation and some 16 years after he was yelling fejn huma l' laburisti, as though they were some sort of second class citizens, then came edwin who spoke of some labour flu. TRULY DISGUSTING
Shame, shame, shame on Lawrence Gonzi for failing to condemn the racist and scandalous declarations made by his candidate for the Sliema local council election, Julian Galea ! Lawrence Gonzi also had the cheek to praise the Sliema local council for the good work they had done in Sliema - WHEN HE ORDERED THE SAME COUNCIL TO BE DISSOLVED ! WHAT A HYPOCRITE !!!!!!!
Does Lawrence Gonzi really believe that Sliema residents are all that stupid as to believe that the downgrade by S&P happened because he refused to raise further water and electricity tariffs ??!Is it not too obvious that the real reason is the local council elections on March 10. And the general election when Gonzi decides to call it ??!!
Ghandu ragun gonzipn isaqsi fejn kien il-partit laburista waqt li l-Mosta kienet sejra l-bahar. Imma gonzipn jista' jghidilna fejn kien hu waqt li tas-Sliema kienet sejra l-bahar? Dan hu wiehed mill-hafna difetti ta' gonzipn - tieghu kollox ifuh, ta' haddiehor kollox jinten. Fejn kien gonzipn waqt li qariba tieghu kienet qed titkellem baxx u b'diskors ta' hamallu fuq il-laburisti? Fejn kien gonzipn waqt li kunsillier nazzjonalist ta' tas-sliema kien qed jiftahar li jiddiskrimina kontra l-laburisti? IMMA BILHAQQ INSEJT li meta kandidat nazzjonalist jitkellem, ikun qed jghid affarijiet li ma jemminx fihom - wara kollox, ma tantx ghandhom ghalfejn iharsu 'l boghod - kulma jridu jaghmlu jharsu lejn goznipn. Ezempju klassiku hareg il-bierah: wara li ilhom snin jghidu li t-tariffi tad-dawl iridu bilfors jirriflettu l-prezz taz-zejt, ISSA LI GEJJA L-ELEZZJONI TAL-KUNSILLI ga belghuha din - imma dawn possibbli jahsbu li n-nies boloh u bla mohh?
Min jisimek titkellem jahseb li qed jisma xi vangelu. Int semmejt il-medicini li ghidt li huma b’xejn. Ghall-informazzjoni ta dawk li qadu iccapcpu, ghandek tkun taf li: 1, Il-bolla balla li w t-taxxi esageratili inhalsu 2. L-gholi tal-hajja, gholi fil-prezzijiet tal energija. Taf li cilindru gas jiswa €22 meta ftit ili kien jiswa €7 4. Taf li fis-9 ta’ Frar suppost hadt il-pilloli tal-pressjoni u sal bierah 3ta Marzu kienu “out of stock”. Dik il-kumdita li ghidt lil dawk ta quddiemek. Ghalfejn ghandi l-ispizerija wara il-bieb, biex ma insibs il-pillolo li ghandi bzonn. Taf li kelli immur nixtri Sur prim Ministru. Ara int ma ghandekx ghalfejn thabbel rasek ghaliex bhala Prim Ministru int issib dak kollu li trid u ikollok bzonn.
government took the decision to shoulder the latest increases in the price of oil-- NO, the government did NOT shoulder the latest increases in the price of oil. The TAXPAYERS did! Gonzi has a habit of talking through the aperture he normally sits on.
Il-Prim Ministru qal li ma jridx izid il-kontijiet tad-dawl. Min fejn se ggib il-flus biex taghmel tajjeb ghaz-zieda fl-energija? Mil-but tieghek jew mit-taxxa tal-poplu? Kemm tiflah tidhak bil-poplu siehbi.
Nazzareno Pace
It is nice to hear that in some cases Gonzi remembers so much. However he should have added how long ago he had such an inspiration as everyone knows that the scheme started, but it is still not implemented in all localities. Anther half baked statement. He should also remember the free doctor scheme, which was promised to the Maltese a number of times but never implemented. Like this there were a lot of other promises such as that of the reduction of income tax which was not implemented because of the economical situation (sic). However the situation permitted a EUR500 increase for his cabinets salary. This PM is not to be trusted as he makes a lot of promises just to win votes and then find the excuses not to do them until the next election time. I hope that most of the people open their eyes that what is said now at the eve of an election is not binding to PN goverments.
Zack Depasquale
Dr Gonzi ghandu tattika kif jiehu l-idejat, perezempju tkellem ma familja u hey presto saret l-ispizerija tal-ghazla tieghek, hasra li ma tkellimx ma xihadd min naha t'isfel ta' Malta fejn din is-sistema ghadha m'hiex tahdem kif suppost. Tghid meta l-istess Dr Gonzi qal li sejjer jivvota bil-qalb kontra il-prezzijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma, meta ta’ lillu innifsu u dawk ta madwar 500EUR zieda, kif ukoll it-tnaqqis li qieghed isir mill-budget ta’nies bi bzonnijiet specjali, tkellem ma din il-familja? Issa li GonziPN tant sar sensitiv ha nfakkar naqra x'qalu esponnenti ta'GonziPN. Dr Gonzi nesa meta ghajjar lill-Laburisti mumji? Dr Louis Galea jghid lill-haddiema biex ma jithannzrux, jew il bravu l-iehor tal-GRTU kandidat ta'GonziPN li qal li dawk il-haddiema li jkollhom isiru self-employed biex jahdmu xoghol prekarju huma grieden (tghid il-GRTU sejjra tfakkar il-grajja storika w importanti fl-istorja ta’Malta ta’ meta is-Sur Vince laqqat daqtejn). Niftakru l’Dr Fenech Adami jghajjat f'nofs il-belt fejn huma il-Laburisti jew l-istess Dr Fenech Adami jghid li jekk xihadd igiblu kaz wiehed fejn hu ghen Laburist kien lest li jirrezenja. Jiftakar GonziPN meta ghajtu biex lill-Mintoff isalbuh,jew inkella l-eluf ta’transfers politici wara l-1987, xi nghidu ghalihom? Il-lista ma tispicca qatt x johrog min halq u l-ghemil ta’dawn li jilghabuha hafna ta'Qaddisin. Julian Galea, bid-diskors li qal kull m’ghamel ikkonferma dak li hu maghruf.
So according to PBO people who does not apologize are people without guts.Was he reffering to Eddie Fenech Adami re A.Sant? Beppe re F.Debono? GonziPN re John Dalli? and so on and so on.............. I have a feeling that one of the main task which S.Busuttil has is to get rid of you as soon as possible!
Igor P. Shuvalov
"He added that because the PN recognised the suffering of families and businesses, government took the decision to shoulder the latest increases in the price of oil, instead of increasing the utility bills." Tghid ghax henn ghall-familji, jew ghax ghandu l-elezzjoni ma saqajh? Propju issa ntebah li l-familji qed ibatu?