Government keeps mum on authorised officer’s earnings

Government refuses to publish details of the payments received by Transport Malta chief enforcement Ernest Tonna in his capacity as local council's authorised officer.

Ernest Tonna (right) accompanying Austin Gatt after November's no-confidence vote in parliament. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday
Ernest Tonna (right) accompanying Austin Gatt after November's no-confidence vote in parliament. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday

The Home Affairs ministry is refusing to publish details of the payments received by Ernest Tonna in his capacity as Authorised Officer for a number of local councils.  

Apart from being on the payroll of Transport Malta and Malta Freeport,  Ernest Tonna, a former police officer and member of the Nationalist Party's 'Gakketta Blu' security retinue, is also an authorised officer for the joint committee which comprises the Floriana, Marsa and Valletta local councils.

The contract for authorised officers is awarded by tender and the terms of reference of the tender include clauses which effectively exclude applicants who have never been awarded a similar contract in the past.

Applicants must have at least three years' experience, completed three projects and "the minimum value of projects of a similar nature completed shall be not less than €50,000 per annum."

In total there are six authorised officers in Malta and all are employed on five-year definite contracts. The government has not published the payments received by Tonna or any other individuals or companies providing such services.

Last month, Transport Malta (TM) refused to publish Tonna's contract of who is employed as Chief Office Enforcement inside the transport authority. Tonna is also employed as the senior security manager at the Malta Freeport, a parastatal company.

Chief Officers at TM earn an annual salary of anything between €39,000 and €66,300, according to a reply by transport minister Austin Gatt in parliament.

Tonna has been an Authorised Officer for 11 years and according to the local enforcement system, authorised officers are appointed by the joint committee "to administer the Local Wardens."

Authorised officers have the responsibility of preparing the schedule of all the Local Wardens who are on beat within the localities and monitor the services of the Local Wardens "so as to ascertain that the optimum level of enforcement is being delivered in the most cost-effective manner."

Tonna also remains close to political circles: last October he was accompanying transport minister Austin Gatt in parliament after a motion of no-confidence by the Opposition was defeated. Tonna was also present for the Opposition's motion of no-confidence against government, which it lost, last January.

Percezzjoni ta' korruzzjoni jew KORRUZZJONI? Mela ghandek x'tahbi Wistin?
Kullhadd jistaqsi ghaliex GonziPN ma jridx jikxef x'salarju qieghed jiehu Ernest Tonna ? Risposta semplici. GHAX GHANDHOM X'JAHBU !!! U minn fuq tisma l-Gonzi jitkellem tahsbu xi bniedem tal-affari tieghu u innocenti ! Sa lllum ghadu ma lissen ebda kelma ta' kundanna ghal dak li qalu Julian Galea u Joanna Gonzi.B'dawn il-kwalita ta' nies iridu lill-poplu jivvutalhom ???????????
No wonder Gonzi bluffs with the number of jobs created.
The main issue here is what qualifications does this person has to occupy two or three concurrent high positions? I am not referring to what sort of degree Ernest Tonna has, but what O-levels he has, if he has any. This is incredulous. How can one equate this approach to the consistent by-pass of senior officers by the head of the government service notwithstanding their high qualifications?
Yesterday Saviour Balzan referred to Joe Cilia who had to leave politics for a petty issue involving Lm2,000. This case of Minister Austin Gatt and Ernest Tonna involves much much more than that but none of the papers including this one are interested to delve deeper into it. As usual two weights and two measures by the national (?) papers of ToM and MI.
Filwaqt li GonziPN ta' spiss jakkuza lil-Labour li ghadu ma nbiddilx ghax ghandu nies taz-zmien it-80ijiet meta jsemmi nies bhal Karmenu Vella, li bla dubju huwa bniedem validissimu, jibqghu jipproteggu sa l-ahhar nies tal-gakketta blu tas-70s u 80s li kienu nvoluti f'inkwiet politiku. Il-vera kas tal-qa#*% milli jkollha ittik! meta-PN se jibda jaghti ezempju fuq dak li jistenna minn hadiehor?
As a taxpayer, financing govt expenditure of its entities, what right has the governmnet to refuse the publishing of the contract of a person occupying a state funded post ? I would also like to understand what qualifications this man has - apart from being blindingly loyal to Austin Gatt - to occupy 3 posts and get 3 salaries which have been caluclated to reach Eu 125,000. This individual is very often seen in Valletta in the mornings chatting with known PN canvassers and having coffee in a known Valletta cafe. With 3 important jobs to handle, how does Ernest Tonna have also time to waste (frequently) his time having coffees during work time? However I understand why these men fight nail and tooth for their party to be in govt -- because they are greedy parasites who have been given more than they deserve or are qualified for. 3 Jobs !!! Kif ma jisthux jisolhu l- poplu?
Jista' xi hadd jispjega lil poplu Malti kif meta jissemma l-hmieg, korruzzjoni u t-tbghabis kwazi dejjem jidher fin-nofs isem ministru wiehed partikolari - Austin Gatt.
Tal-Gakketta Blu really had a good time since 1989 , EFA once said "Dawn it-tip ta' nies ghandna bzonnhom biex jiddefenduna" as body guards he had Tal-Gakketta Blu plus a couple of "garbage patch kids" like Zeppi l-Hafi. As PM he always went around with 4 in his car followed by a second car with another 5. He always had dillusions of grandeur as if he was the predsident of The USA or the Queen of England
Jeffrey Vella
Jien nahseb li dan xi wiehed minn tal-klikka. Inkredibbli.Il-poplu mghaffeg u mgieghel jaghmel is-sagrificcji biex ilahhaq mal-hajja u imbghad tara dawn l-affarijiet. Imbghad hawn minn jiehu ghalih jekk tghidlu sangisugi.
This man is earning salaries and allowances from government-owned agencies and hence it is public monies we are talking about. We have the right to know what we are paying for and to whom, irrespective whoever is concerned. After all, all MPs declare their earnings according to law, so what is so special about these other persons?