Government commissions feasibility study on Sargas proposal

Finance minister Tonio Fenech says that the government has commissioned an audit firm to compile a feasibility study on the proposed power plant by Sargas.

The Sargas proposal includes carbon capture technology that captures and stores carbon dioxide.
The Sargas proposal includes carbon capture technology that captures and stores carbon dioxide.

Finance minister Tonio Fenech announced that the government has commissioned a private company, KPMG to compile a feasibility study on the Sargas proposal.

Last year, Sargas proposed a new power plant with carbon capture technology,  that can run on either gas or 'biopaste' to complement the existing Delimara power station extension that will run on heavy fuel oil.

Carbon capture is a process that captures carbon dioxide (CO2) from power plants, and then stored so it does not enter the atmosphere. 

Fenech was answering a parliamentary question tabled by PN backbencher Jesmond Mugliett. He said that the study is still ongoing. KPMG is a local firm which carries out audits and tax and advisory services.

Sargas, a Norwegian company, was involved a public controversy last year after proposing set up a carbon capture technology enabled power plant at Delimara. The proposal was championed by the Labour Party, scientists and other stakeholders but was heavily criticised by Alternattiva Demokratika and other experts.

The Norwegian firm had denied having any link to any political party and that it never expected to enter a political controversy. The firm had been suggested to the Prime Minister by former foreign minister John Dalli.

Luke Camilleri
Min ha jkun il-Commissioned agent din id-darba?????? Mhux l-istess Mizzi wkoll tal -BWSC ,issa dak ghandhu l-esperjenza!
Who are KPMG? [url][/url]
"Finance minister Tonio Fenech announced that the government has commissioned a private company, KPMG to compile a feasibility study on the Sargas proposal." ..... After lining BWSC's and their agents pockets and after dismissing the SARGAS proposal because PL had shown interest now Jetset Tonio is now interested in a project he scorned only a couple of months back. Anyway BWSC have recieved most of their monies so Tonio has no problem to try and fool the people.
As you say this will be the expected result and to ensure this outcome an Financial Audit Firm was entrusted with this study. But then how qualified are you to already know that the project is not feasible? Have you already done a feasibility study on the project yourself? For if this is the case why don't you send the report to the Minister of Finance and save us some money
The study will show that the option is not feasible and that Joseph Muscat was being very silly when he built his plans on the project.
I wander what KPMG expertise in the sector is? The company is made up of accountants and certainly not of environmentalists. As accountants they can study the proposals financial aspects but no other aspect. How is it that when government wants to carry out an independent study KPMG are always on the top of the list? Is this because the Minister of Finance is an accountant himself? I would have thought that the environmental section of the MEPA should be the persons to come out with the relevant studies. At least this would not cost us tax payers the huge amounts charged by such companies as KPMG.
mela dan il buffon madux jibza li tista tereg il platform.
Ara x'sorpriza kbira dik, ahjar ma nghid xejn - tonio fenech ghandu jkun kien Malta l-bierah it-tlieta - dan x'kien din id-darba ma ddubbax ticket fuq ajruplan privat minn ghand xi habib biex imur Londra u ma ddubbax ticket ghall-emirates stadium minn ghand xi habib iehor biex imur Londra jara l-loghba tal-Arsenal kontra l-Milan? Tghid ghax dawn il-hbieb issa sparixxew jew ghax din id-darba kellu qalbu maqtugha li l-Arsenal jghaddu ghar-round li jmiss tac-Champions League? Opportunitajiet bhal dawn ma jinqalghux kuljum - u nahseb li tonio fenench din id-darba ipprefera li jaghmel sagrificcju. Izda hemm possibilita ohra wkoll wara kollox - forsi gonzi did-darba ma halliehx avolja d-darba li ghaddiet qal li ma ra xejn hazin f'din il-balbuljata !!!!