Church commission welcomes proposal for St Augustine’s College extension

The Church’s Environment Commission welcomes government’s proposal to use the old medical school in Gwardamangia to house the primary school of St Augustine’s College

Picture shows original proposed location for the building of the primary school
Picture shows original proposed location for the building of the primary school

The Church's Environment Commission this morning welcomed the government's proposal in which it offered St Augustine's College the possibility to house its new primary school in the building of the old medical school in Gwardamangia.

Earlier this year, the Planning Authority turned down an application for the construction of a new school in Pieta, next to the existent premises of the College. Rector Fr Alan Scerri said the refusal meant that "hundreds of children will be denied the chance of being educated within a Church School setting with a smooth transition from Primary to Secondary".

Teachers, pupils and parents had marched in protest to the Office of the Prime Minister and presented a petition against MEPA's refusal. A total of 600 signatures were collected.

"The Commission believes that this proposal finds the balance between saving undeveloped land and giving the College the facilities it needs," the Commission said in a statement.

"It is this kind of reasoning that we need to ensure sustainable development on our islands. It satisfies the requirements of the college, while making use of existing buildings."




il gvern jista jaghmel hekk ? igifieri li kieku jien kien ikolli bzonn xi haga simila ghall estensjoni tal business edukattiv tieghi..kien joffrili xi wkoll ?
The Government's offer is a good one only if it sets conditions. The Medical School is public property. The Church too has its property. Will there be an exchange? Will it be a lease for 50 or more years? It would not be correct to set precedents of this kind.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Kumbinazzjoni kellha tkun l-offerta tal-Gvern li joffri l-iskola Medika biex tinbena l-estensjoni tal-Kullegg ta' Santu Wistin biex l-Awtoritajiet tal-Knisja jistenbhu u jindunaw li hemm kwistjoni dwar l-estensjoni ta' dan il-Kullegg. Probabli s'issa kienu qaghdu kwieti ghax ma riedu jirfsu l-kallu ta' hadd... imma issa, li hemm ftit cans li jfahhru l-Gvern, issa hargu jigru stqarrija. U ma nafux jekk hux kumbinazzjoni ohra li dawn stenbhu propju lejliet l-elezzjoni ghall-Kunsilli Lokali.