Health unions must be constructive and ready to accept criticism, says MAM

The Medical Association of Malta ‘hopes’ that all unions with ‘a constructive mentality’ will agree to join the task force

Reacting to the open letter sent to the Health Ministry by the Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses (MUMN), MAM President Martin Balzan said the union had "taken note of the fourth reason" given today by MUMN for not participating in the task force organised by the Health Ministry.

"Initially it was stated that this was in protest to transfers issued by the Ministry, than it was stated that MUMN had not received an invitation, later it was stated MUMN did not know the terms of reference, while today it was stated that MUMN is not ready to be criticised," Balzan said.

He added that while it is "unusual" for the contents of a trade union meeting to be leaked, during the meeting the Health Minister had provided the unions with an MUMN press release.

"I had major objections to patients being inferred as, or referred to as a 'sack of potatoes' especially by a professional union from the health sector, as stated in the MUMN press release," Balzan said.

MAM added that as a public entity, it accepted that someone else criticised it.

"MAM also sees no reason why MUMN cannot except criticism from whichever quarter, when it is so easy in a democratic environment to rebut immediately any argument in the public arena," he said.

"MAM hopes that all those unions with a constructive mentality will agree to join the task force."