No clearance from Explosives Committee on Dingli fireworks depot

The Malta Environment and Planning Authority says it will recommend refusal for a government’s application to build a fireworks depot in Dingli

The former Pulvich Explosive Industries site at Dingli Cliffs; the Justice Ministry is proposing a fireworks depot should replace the factory
The former Pulvich Explosive Industries site at Dingli Cliffs; the Justice Ministry is proposing a fireworks depot should replace the factory

According to the Planning Authority, the Explosives Committee has not issued its clearance for the proposal to replace an existing explosives factory in Dingli, with a fireworks factory depot.

The original application was submitted by the Ministry for Justice - under then Justice Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici - in 2009. Government wanted to convert the former Pulvich Explosive Industries site in the Il-Qaws zone to collect all explosives material related to the manufacture of fireworks, under one roof.

On insistence of the Dingli local council, Mifsud Bonnici withdrew the application last November.

But yesterday, the Justice Ministry - now under Minister Chris Said - re-activated the application.

Reacting to the media reports, MEPA said it had withdrawn the application because the Planning Directorate requested further information and clearances from the architect. "But his was not forthcoming," MEPA said in a statement.

"With the Explosives Committee having not issued its clearance for this proposal, the Planning directorate's position will remain that of recommending this application for a refusal," the Authority added.



Anette B Cassar
Il-poplu Dingli qieghed inkwetat b'dawn l-affarijiet. Nittama li hemm miktub fit-Times: Jibqa jghodd ghaldejjem.