Labour increases overall vote and gains three new majorities

The Labour Party scores surprise victories in Safi, St Paul's Bay and Qala and is likely to hang on to its majority in Mosta. The PN suffers a hemorrhage of votes in traditional strongholds.

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat seen in St Paul's Bay where the PL has gained a majority for the first time ever.
Opposition leader Joseph Muscat seen in St Paul's Bay where the PL has gained a majority for the first time ever.

The Labour Party has pulled off a number of surprise victories in Safi, St Paul's Bay and Qala and indications show that the party might hang on to its majority in Mosta. Labour has also increased its share of votes in traditionally Nationalist Party strongholds such as St Julian's and Sliema.

The unofficial results show that the Labour Party has gained around 55% of the overall vote whilst the PN gained around 42%. The remaining 3% goes to Alternattiva Demokratika and the handful of independent candidates who contested these elections.

The lowest turnout ever has resulted in a 5-point gain in favour of the PL as the lead it had in the 35 localities which held an election yesterday increased from around 50% to 55%. The PN vote is down to 42% from 47%.

Before yesterday's election the two big parties held a majority in 17 localities each and Floriana was the only council with no overall majority. After the vote it seems that at least the PL has gained three new majorities and it is expected that Labour also increases its number of overall councillors.

The lowest voter turnout in 19 years, 59.2% has not only wielded significant victories for the Opposition but it has also dealt a heavy blow to the PN. The PN low-key electoral campaign indicated that the party was bracing itself for an overall defeat, however the PN was mainly aiming at overturning the Labour majority in Mosta and retaining its majority in St Paul's Bay. The PN has certainly lost its majority in St Paul's Bay and Mosta looks set to remain a Labour majority.

The PN defeats in Mosta and St Paul's Bay added to the significant defeats in Safi and Qala indicate that the PN has not only been punished by abstention but there also seems to have been an overall swing in favour of the Labour Party.

The PN's poor showing in its traditional strongholds which it either lost such as Safi and St Paul's Bay or decreased its lion share such as Sliema and St Julian's sends out stronger shockwaves than its failure to re-capture Mosta. The PN was pinning all its hopes on re-gaining Mosta and although the party held a low-key campaign it concentrated its media efforts on the scandal ridden Mosta council.  

The PN has also suffered a haemorrhage of votes in traditional strongholds such as Sliema, St Julian's and Swieqi.  The PN will most probably blame its poor showing on the low turnout and argue that local council elections have little bearing on a national level. The PN had also suffered defeat in the 2007 local elections but went on to win the general election the following year, albeit with a very narrow margin.

The record low turnout illustrates that the electorate has lost interest in local elections and this could be attributed to the number scandals which afflicted a number of localities with different majorities in recent years. However, whilst the voter turnout is low by Maltese standards, it still is higher than most other countries when compared to local and national election turnouts in Europe.  

The result also indicates that the PN voter base has sent out a clear message of discontent and wanted to get its message across by not picking up the voting document at all, not voting or voting for other parties.

Altghough nothing has been confirmed, Alternattiva Demokratika seem to have secured the re-election of its chairperson Michael Briguglio in Sliema and its secretary general, Ralph Cassar in Attard. Before the elections the Greens were hoping to elect three councillors, however the best the party can hope for is to elect two out of 10 candidates. 

avatar taghkom Pitru Pawl Busutill mhux biss tilef is-sindikat imma anke naqqas mill-voti sew, turija li anke in-nazzjonalisti ta' vera iddejqu mis-sangisugi ta' gonzipn, Tinsiex li dan beda petizzjoni kontra Franco Debono li kellu jibla lura ghaliex ma wassalx u fuq Hal Safi gonzipn urewh li aktar jemmnu lil Franco milli lil gonzi. Issa kull ma jrid jghamel gonzi jmur jilghaq lil Franco biex forsi igibu l-voti lura. Ara kemm ser johorgu permessi u jinghataw postijiet tax-xoghol mil llum sa l-elezzjoni. Biss il-poplu taghlem x'inhu genwin u x'hinu bzarr fl-ghajnejn.
Hbieb ,hallina min dawn il-hafna argumenti zejda ta' min rebah u min tilef,ghax l-importanti li jirbah il-lokal taghna ,issa jenhtieg li nibdew nahdmu ghal gid ta dan il-lokal. Jiena naghmel appell lill-kunsilliera kollha fejn hemm Kunsill b'maggoranza Laburista biex wara li jdewwu il-griehi li garrbu diversi kunsilliera nazzjonalist wara din it-tkaxkira li qalghu , ixammru il-kmiem u jistiednu lill-istess kunsilliera nazzjonalisti u juruhom li anke huma jistghu jaghtu sehemhom ghal-gid tal-lokalita taghhom/
Nikkoregi kelma li ktibt fil-kumment ta' qabel: Flok il-kelma " SIGGIJIET" ridt nghid " VOTI" ! Ghadni nistenna risposta J.Galea. Jew forsi sibt il-mistoqsija tqila wisq ghal-mohhok ??!! Eddy Privitera
@J.Galea - nirriservalek post Frankuni forsi tigi ftit f'tieghek? X'tahseb? Ghax trid tkun altru mignun biex timmagina rebha ghall-partit tal-hmieg f'elezzjoni generali. Anke jekk int ossessjonat daqshekk intik parir biex toqghod daqsxejn lura u ma tghidx aktar cucati.
@jgalea- Mela ma rbahtuwomx il-kunsilli kif ghedt ilbierah?? Issa saru tikka u friendly dawn ghax tliftu?? Kompli ghix fid-dinja tal-holm tieghek habib
j.galea:Kieku rebah GonziPN kontu tifirhu, jew kont tghid l-istess kliem li ghidt ?? Fil-Mosta, fejn noqghod jien, ghamiltu kull ma stajtu biex tirbhu lura l-maggoranza tal-voti izda ma rnexxilkomx ! Issa pero naraw kif se jispiccaw is-siggijiet bil-wirt tal-voti. Mistoqsija wahda j.galea: Jekk fl-ahhar GonziPn jirbah il-maggoranza tas-siggijiet, tkunu lesti li "TIGGVERNAW FIL-MOSTA META M'GHANDKOMX IL-MAGGORANZA TAs-SIGGIJIET "??????????Infakkrek f'kemm il-darba 'ssemmu ghax il-PL iggverna fl-1981 b'maggoranza tas-siggijiet izda b'minoranza ta' voti !! Ghandek risposta jew id-dwejjaq mhux ihallik tahseb car ?!Eddy Privitera
@jgalea. Ibqa ifrah Sur Galea, taf bizzejjed li il-PL fi zmien Dr. Sant kellu problema iwa meta tasal l-elezzjoni generali izda issa inbidlet l-istorja, barra minn hekk Gonzi PN hlief jitfixkel f'saqajh m'ghamilx dawn l-ahhar erbgha snin, Wara l-elezzjoni fazulla li saret gimghatejn ilu kont nippretendi li l-PN ikaxka kollox peress li Gonzi gie progettat bhala l-mexxej dinji!!!
Ifirhu ifirhu. Rbahtu friendly, imma il final tac "Champions League" (l Elezzjoni Generali) nirbhuha dejjem ahna, like it or not. Msieken. Nitthassarkom. Tifirhu bit tikka. Ahna nifirhu b affarijiet kbar.
No doubt another clear message for the one clinging hopelessly to the chair. Labour needs to consolidate its message and be resolute in tacking inefficiencies within its ranks.