Muscat says Labour is changing Malta's political map
Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat says the political landscape in Malta is changing and claims that his party is still the underdog. (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)
In a press conference held this morning in Hamrun, the Opposition leader Joseph Muscat expressed his satisfaction at the party's success in the local elections held yesterday and said that he accepts the results "with humility, good-will and we will keep ourselves grounded."
Muscat said one of the most significant aspects of these elections is the ground Labour is gaining in traditionally Nationalist strongholds. "The political map is slowly changing. We have confirmed and strengthened our traditional strongholds in the south but we have also made inroads in the north and in Gozo."
He said that the party belongs to everyone and mentioned Balzan as an example where a shift in favour of Labour was evident even though the PN retained its majority. "We are making inroads within certain sectors of society who given the opportunity to choose the right people and the right proposals people are ready to move towards the Labour Party."
Although he said that the local elections result show that the political map in Malta is changing, Muscat said that his party remains the underdog because Labour had to "work hard to convince the electorate and entered these elections at a disadvantage." He insisted that Labour is still the underdog in general elections because history shows that the party does well in mid-term local elections but this advantage is not reflected in general elections.
Echoing Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's speech last month at the end of the PN's general council, Muscat said "As from tomorrow I will give instructions to all our councillors and candidates to continue visiting families even in localities where elections were held to make it clear that Labour does not only visit families when elections are held." He added that he will continue his daily home visits next week to make sure that the party remains close to the people.
On the lowest turnout in the history of local council elections Muscat said that the message sent by the persons who chose not to vote "must not be ignored.
Muscat added that the mass abstention cannot be ignored and he attributed the low turnout to a variety of factors, including "the message voters sent to the PN by not voting, dissatisfied voters on local level which mostly affected Labour and the weather did have an effect, although it is not the main factor."
Asked whether he is concerned with the fact that the PL only incresaded its vote by 150 when compared to the last round of elections held in the 35 localities, Muscat said that it is "difficult to compare with previous rounds because this is the first time elections for half of Malta's localities were held together and comparisons cannot be made because of these differences."
Muscat said he is "impressed by the performance of young candidates." He added that the young candidates will inject new energy in local councils and will work together with experienced councillors for the benefit of residents.
On the results gained by Labour, Muscat confiormed that his party gained around 56% of votes cast however he said that if Sliema is taken out of the equation Labour would have gained around 58% of the vote.
During the press conference Muscat constantly referred to the Nationalist Party as GonziPN and in regards to the election results he said that "GonziPN attempted to play around with democracy by including Sliema in this round."
Muscat said his party will be ready to work with everybody and offer a "hand of friendship other councillors who militate in other parties for the well being of the locality and to exit from a partisan mind frame"
On the party's victories in St Paul's Bay, Safi and Qala, Muscat said that the Labour councillors will have to "prove themselves" but he expressed his confidence in the "capable team Labour has."
On St Paul's Bay he said that the Labour majority will build on the good work of previous administrations and make amends for past mistakes. "We will work together with PN councillors for the good of locality."
On Mosta, Muscat said that despite the PN's negative campaign, Labour won a "marginal majority in the first count" however said that is too close to call. "If Labour is the minority in Mosta we will be ready to work together with other councillors without hindering the council's work."