The PN has a lot of work to do - Gonzi

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says that the PN's poor showing in yesterday's local election is a strong message to the party.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the local councils election results have disappointed him. (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the local councils election results have disappointed him. (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)

A visibly disappointed Lawrence Gonzi addressed the press this afternoon at the PN headquarters in Pieta, speaking in the aftermath of yesterday's local council elections in which the Nationalist Party gained 41.7% of the vote compared to Labour's resounding 55.7%.

"The most important message that comes out of the local election result is that we still have a lot of work to do on the national, local and personal levels with families," PN leader and Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said.

“We need to go into detail of our families' needs. Many times it takes little effort to grant people their rights which are sometimes hindered by bureaucracy,” Gonzi said.  

The Prime Minister stressed that he was disappointed with the result for three main reasons. "Firstly I am disappointed because the PN lost its majority in three localities. Secondly, although it is difficult to compare results of different elections, the PN lost 11,500 votes compared to the previous round of elections held in the same localities, and thirdly because the party decreased its share of the vote by 5%."

Although Lawrence Gonzi made it very clear that he was disappointed with the vote, he said that in his speech to the PN's General Council which two weeks ago reconfirmed him as party leader with 96.5% of the 887 votes cast, he had predicted the outcome of this election.

At the end of last month's PN General Council, Gonzi had appointed Simon Busuttil as a special delegate to coordinate meetings between the prime minister and civil society.

"The result of the local elections echoes my speech at the end of the General Council which reconfirmed me as leader, in which I prepared everyone for such a result. We need to be closer to the people than we have been so far," Gonzi said.

Asked whether the PN councillors who re-elected him as leader had actually reflected the mood of the PN voters, Gonzi said that the PN councillors "are representative and make part of the PN's network of communication" and added that the PN never won elections by coincedence but because the party "persuaded the electorate that the PN has the best policies and is the best choice for the country."

Gonzi added that his speech to the PN's general council was not only addressed to the party councillors, but to the whole country.

On the low turnout of 59,2%, the lowest ever recorded in local councils elections, Gonzi said that the sharpest drop in turnout was in traditionally PN strongholds. "This is another message to the PN. It is a call by the electorate for the party to listen to the people, understand the needs and aspirations of our families and also explain its policies better."

On the party's poor showing, Gonzi said that the electorate had sent out three clear messages, namely that local councils should be administered with greater integrity and dedication for the residents' needs, that local councils should be free from partisan politics and that mayors, councillors and everyone involved in local councils should not be arrogant.

"The electorate wants local councils to hear and take note of the people's needs and aspirations," Gonzi said.

On the loss of the PN's majorities in Safi, Qala and St Paul's Bay, Gonzi said there were various and different reasons for the losses  and one cannot pinpoint one sole reason. On St Paul's Bay he said that the party suffered from a low turnout  but this does not apply to Safi.

GonziPN the Maltese people are not that fool anymore, u educated them so well,that they regognice every trick you make.PN u have 40% of the votes.We lost my friend.
Issa l-anqas jekk tagħmel l-ilma jizfen Dr Gonzi ma se niħduk bis-serjeta. Nigudikawk fuq is-snin li ilek titmellah bina mhux fuq dawn il-ftit xhur li fadal. Jekk veru tħobb lil Malta, triq waħda fadal SEJJAĦ Elezzjoni Generali. Grazzi!!!
About time li nduna. Kos ghandek tghid Dr Franco Debono was right when he said those things in Parliament. And another thing, the people at Safi too gave a message to the former major, when he tried to collect signatures against Dr Debono to make him resign from Parliament. It seems they were not happy about it and they did not vote him as major again. Even the PM said that everyone involved in local councils should not be arrogant. Ara kemm ser iroxx karrotti issa qabel l-elezzjoni, biex kif qal il-PM stess fid-diskors tieghu 'jiehdu dak li jridu' cioe jirbhu l-elezzjoni. Mela jaghtu c-cejca lil poplu mhux ghax ihobbuh imma biex jirbhu l-elezzjoni. U l-poplu bahbuh jibqa' jissawwat bil-vot tieghu stess...
M'ghandekx ghagla Sur Gonzi. Mela l-ewwel taghmel erba' snin tbazwarna u tfaqqarna imbaghad meta toqrob l-elezzjoni tghidilna li trid tkun vicin in-nies. Kont vicin in-nies Sur Gonzi meta bil-mohbi int u shabek haddtu dik iz-zieda kollha? Kont vicin in-nies meta b'qalbek kollha ivvutajt sabiex it-tariffi tad-dawl u l-ilma joghlew mas-sema? Kont vicin in-nies minxurin fuq stretcher fil-kuruduri ta' l-isptar state of the art? Kont vicin in-nies jistennew is-snin ghal operazzjoni? Kont vicin in-nies meta dawn marru ghall-medicina u qalulhom "out of stock"? Kont vicin in-nies meta eluf ghaddew minn kalvarju fir-riforma tat-trasport pubbliku? Kont vicin in-nies meta wahdek iddecidejt fuq il-progett ta' Bieb il-Belt meta l-poplu ghaddej min tbaghtijiet kbar? Hemm ghalfejn inkompli? Facli tghid li trid tkun vicin in-nies Sur Gonzi. Il-verita' hi li ghaddejtna biz-zmien kemm-il-darba u ahna l-bciecen emminnijk. DID-DARBA IZDA LE. DID-DAR MHUX SE JHALLUK TERGA TAGHDDI Z-ZMIEN BINA!
Dr. Gonzi, the work you need to do is to clean your party!! The first clean up should be the secretary general and yourself!! Noone is looking at you at a solving problem guy!! Please give the PN the character it had during Fenech Adami!!!
Hon PM. How can you expect my family to vote PN when I was sidelined (at work) for one whole year as if I had some contagious disease. How would you feel if you had to go to work from 0800 -1700 and not being given any work, and by so doing pushing you into a depression? No PM, as far as my family is concerned, the PN lost 35 votes.
He can start with sending letters to the 500/600 ex airmalta staff and their families stating that he is sorry for firing them from the crap airline.He might even promise to take them back.
"We have a LOT of work to do" Here is the job list: Detoxification of arrogance. Vacuum of corruption. Sweeping at headquarters. Cleaning at public broadcasting. Mending with the disgruntled. Polishing of honesty. Use your ears more then your mouth. oooohhhhh by the way, there's not enough time now, leave it.
of couse PM has got a lot of things to do. First he must reign in the politics of hate as voiced by his famed bloggers, the disrespect to the electorate for his failings in energy and the environment. (did someone saif heavy fuel oil is good for you)Te said thing is that you left it TOO LATE. All you can do is call an election for the good of the country
L-ahhar darba li Gonzipn qal li jrid ikun vicin il-familji, jigifieri xi 3 gimghat ilu, wara li kien telaq wahdu, lanqas kienu ghadew tlett ijiem li ma gholiex il-fuel. Nisperra li mhux se tirrepetti ruha l-istorja. Jekk Gonzipn jahseb li l-poplu Malti se jinsa l-arroganza li ghada ninnha dawn l-ahar 4 snin, sejjer imqarraq. Bdejna qabel l-elezzjoni b'weghdi ta' garanziji ta' xoghol lill-haddiema, fosthom lil tat-Tarzna. Wara beda theddid li jekk ma jitilqhux ikollu jiddikjara falluta. L-haddiema kellhom jfittxu xoghol iehor, b'hafna incertezzi ghalihom u l-familja. Mur femmhom issa Gonzipn lil dawn il-haddiema u l-familji taghhom,(laburisti u nazzjonalisti) biex ghall-elezzjoni li gejja jerga jafdaw lilhekk! Maghhom hemm lista twila ta' haddiema ohra. Hemm weghdi ohra li kienu biss lixka bhat-tnaqqis tal-income tax. Il-lista ta' zbalji hi twila, bhal kontijiet essagerati tad-dawl u ilma, gas, petrol u diesel, power station li tahdem b'heavy fuel oil, b'sptar "state of the art" b'waiting list li ma tispicca qatt waqt lill-pazjenti fil-kurrituri ma jonqsux, arroganza ta' xi zewg Ministri li dardru l-kulhadd u hafna affarijiet ohra. Issa tard wisq biex tersaq vicin in-nies, u kulhadd se jiggudikak fuq dak li ghamilt, kif dejjem int ghedt.
ABOUT TIME YOU REALISED! Too DAMN LATE now, you and your clan have done enough harm to me to the point that I'll be leaving the island rather than remain here under sharks like PN or the still useless PL! You can keep my vote, cause you ain't finding me home!
Dazgur li gonzipn ghandu hafna x'jaghmel fix-xhur li gejjin - aqta' kemm se jkun imhabbat - ha nghidilkom jien x'se jkun qed jaghmel fix-xhur li gejjin --- se jkun qed isalva l-ewro f'isem l-Unjoni Ewropeja; se jkun qed johloq eluf u eluf u eluf ta' impiegi fi Smart City; se jkun qed jizgura li ma jersaq ebda vot fil-Parlament; se jkun qed jimpala hames mitt ewro kull gimgha; se jkun qed jigri 'l hemm u 'l hawn ma' buzupn; se jkun qed jinawgura l-pont tal-breakwater tal-Port il-Kbir li ma jwassal imkien; se jkun qed jinawgura l-bini tal-Parlament; se jkun qed jinawgura t-tejatru l-gdid bla saqaf (nispera mhux f'xi gurnata b'temp bhal tal-bierah!!!); se jkun qed jigi umiljat kull meta franco debono filghodu jqum min-naha l-hazina tas-sodda; se jkun qed jimbotta lil kate gonzi quddiemu b'xi intervista bhal tal-lum fuq il-pull out ta' shabu tat-Times; se jkun qed izomm it-tariffi tad-dawl fl-istess livell ta' bhalissa ghalkemm ilu s-snin jghidilna li dawn iridu jirriflettu l-prezz internazzjonali taz-zejt; se jkun qed iqassam il-pjaciri, il-promozzjonijiet, il-permessi, il-favuri, il-preferenzi lil dawk li mbaghad jippretendi l-vot minn ghandhom; se jkun qed jikkonkoffja ma' tal-klikka; se jkun qed jikkontrolla x-xandir; se jkun qed ihalli l-ministri tieghu jaghmlu li jridu u jipprova jghattilhom xturhom; se jkompli jinsa xi tfisser il-kelma accountability; se jkompli jtaqqal id-dejn nazzjonali tal-pajjiz; ...... qtajt nifsi ... u zgur li se jkollu HAFNA, HAFNA U HAFNA x'jaghmel gonzipn fix-xhur li gejjin !!!!! Hemm ghalfejn jghidilna hej !!!!
Dear Dr. Gonzi, One of your Gozo M.P.s came to my place just about 5/6 weeks ago. He's already working for the next general election. We talked for at least 45 minutes. He literally tried to take me for a ride and finally I told him that he did NOT understand anything we told him. He took us for fools!!! He was completely useless!! He's living in cuckooland!! What a waste of time!!! Does this guy want our votes again??? Fat Chance!!!
Luke Camilleri
Well shut up and do it!
Luke Camilleri
What have you and your coterie been doing than, busy doing nothing and getting highly paid for your lack of service? Move Over! Put your ear to the ground and get the message! You AND YOUR TEMA are simply not performing, and by stating you have work to do , you are just inviting disgrunted supporters for handouts and favours....with a little help from your friends at MEPA, TM, Ministries, g'min?onziOPM, PBS, TVM 1, TVM2, etc., etc. etc..... Min qieghed jithaq b'min?
Donnu jirrenja a feel-bad factor fost il-poplu li qed inissel apatija u rabja ghall-PN. Dan inholoq tul perjodu ta’ zmien. Il-kagun tieghu jistghu jkunu diversi fatturi. Fosthom wiehed jista’ jsemmi l-Arms Ltd., l-Arriva, ir-reghba u l-arroganza tal-izviluppaturi, l-istat hazin ta’ bosta toroq u l-inkwiet intern fil-PN.
The wheel! The wheel ! The PM adn Chief of the PN in govt for 25 years has discoverd the wheel ! There is 'more work to be done'he said . Hello???? And what is the PM waiting for to start doing it? Getting closer to elections, perhaps so that he can wow the electroate with his rhetorical bul*****it ? He consoles himself with the 96% the converted at Pieta' got him in his one-donkey race. If he has any dignity left at all, he should now test his polularity with the electorate. Something tells me that if he does, he will see a slightly (!!) lower number supporting him than he got from HIS appointees, and he and his web of eeil will not be as cocky as they like to be. he should also stop playing the charade in the H of R by refusing to go for a vote. He is usulting us all and is defying democracy to a shameful degree. If truth be said, dr Gonzi is afraid to face the electorate to a degree which is pathetic...and the longer he takes to call for the elections the more pathetic he will get.
Dr.Gonzi....Trid tifhem li ma tistax tinalqa f`kastell imdawwar bir regina u bi shabek u tinjora lic cittadini.Xi haga hekk kien qallek il membru parlamentari Robert Arrigo xi sena u nofs ilu. Ghadek ma tridx titghallem u mhux ser titghallem ghax ma tridx temmen li int qeghed hemm ghax ic cittadin iridek hemm u mhux tahseb li mibghawt mis sema. Issa wara li cahduk shabek fil parlament, qeghed jichdek il poplu in generali.Ghal gid tal pajjiz ammetti li fallejt, u ikkunsidra x`ghandek taghmel, u mhux terga tmur fil kunsill tal partit tieghek u terga titlob vot ta fiducja. Iddejjaqna nidqu.
Jobs, MEPA permits and other goodies to be distributed unequivocally. ".....that local councils should be free from partisan politics...." so finally the man had the guts to prove Dr Alfred Sant right.
Lawrence Gonzi qal li d-diskors li ghamel wara li rebah it-tigrija li tellaq wahdu, kien ippreveda r-rizultat tal-lum ! Mela zgur li ma fehmu hadd ghax kieku ma kienx ikun hemm dik l-ewforija kollha u l-ghajjat " GONZI..GONZI...GONZI.. GHAX GHANDNA L-GONZI MAGHNA AHNA MAGHQUDIN ". Illum rajna kemm GonziPN huma " Familja wahda" U KEMM HUMA MAGHQUDIN !!!!!! Eddy Privitera
Lawrence Gonzi qal li d-diskors li ghamel wara li rebah it-tigrija li tellaq wahdu, kien ippreveda r-rizultat tal-lum ! Mela zgur li ma fehmu hadd ghax kieku ma kienx ikun hemm dik l-ewforija kollha u l-ghajjat " GONZI..GONZI...GONZI.. GHAX GHANDNA L-GONZI MAGHNA AHNA MAGHQUDIN ". Illum rajna kemm GonziPN huma " Familja wahda" U KEMM HUMA MAGHQUDIN !!!!!! Eddy Privitera