Franco Debono says election result shows disapproval of PN

Nationalist backbencher Franco Debono says that the heavy losses suffered by the PN in Saturday's local election reflects the problems within the Cabinet.

Franco Debono said that the PN has lost its
Franco Debono said that the PN has lost its "not so conservative wing".

Nationalist MP Franco Debono declined to comment on the trust ratings published yesterday by MaltaToday in which Debono's trust increased among Labour voters but decreased among PN voters.

Debono told MaltaToday that he cannot comment because "one has to compare the trust rating with that of other ministers and MPs."

However, the 'rebel' MP said that the local council results, particularly in the fifth district, Debono's home district, showed that the heavy losses suffered by the PN "was not a disapproval of me but a disapproval of the PN.” He added that the results also "reflect the problems in the Cabinet of ministers." 

Birzebbugia, Marsaxlokk, Safi and Zurrieq were the localities in the fifth electoral district to hold local elections on Saturday. The PN lost its majority in Safi to Labour and suffered heavy losses especially in Zurrieq where the PN lost 1047 when compared to the 2008 round.

In regards to Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's re-election as PN leader last month, Debono said that the PN councillors who voted for Gonzi with an overwhelming majority "seem to be out of touch with the people's reality" when compared to the local election results.

"The law on parties and party financing which I drafted calls for more transparency in the way parties are run. It also includes a proposal to have parties registered with the Electoral Commission which would oversee internal elections within political parties," Debono said.

Debono said that the PN has destroyed its "not so conservative wing" which he says was previously represented by former deputy PN leader and President of the Republic, Guido de Marco.

Debono, who considers himself to be part of this faction, said the "disappearance of this not so conservative wing" meant that the PN lost part of the electorate who identified itself with it.

"The PN lost this segment which could decide which way an election goes and the Labour Party is making inroads in this part of the electorate," Debono said.

On the other hand, Debono had no hesitation in expressing his surprise at the outcome of the survey results published in yesterday's MaltaToday which included a question about who should replace Lawrence Gonzi as PN leader.

Debono said that he was "positively surprised" by the result especially since he was mentioned and compared to other politicians. He added that he was also pleased because "the respondents mentioned my name without being given the option to choose my name."  

The Ghaxaq MP came in at third with 5.9% among all respondents, behind Nationalist MEP Simon Busuttil and Tourism Minister Mario de Marco.

Debono also noted that he performed particularly well within the group of respondents who voted PN in 2008 and pointed out that he is placed above Deputy Prime Minister Tonio Borg and Finance minister Tonio Fenech.


Good or not so good, you are the one and ONLY dear Franco
Tghid baqaghlu lil min iqazzez u jdardar? Difficli naqra.
Tghid baqaghlu lil min idardar, iqazzez u jqalla' dal-proxxmu!
Franco Debono, dejjaqna u xebbajtna bil-paroli fil-vojt tieghek. Taghmel sew jekk taghlaq halqek u toqghod kwiet. M'ghadek timpressjoni lil HADD. Kien hemm zmien meta il-maggoranzi tal-poplu Malti u Ghawdxi kien qed jammirak ghax kien qed tidher li ghandek bocci tal-bronz. Izda rrizulta mod iehor u issa prattikament il-poplu kollu jistmerrek - min ghal raguni u min ghal ohra. Ahjar tilghaq dak kollu li ghidt fuq Gonzi u GonziPN u bhal shih tzu (kelb ta' l-idejn ghal min majafx) toqghod kwiet kwiet f'hogor Gonzi.
Franco ahjar tmut tiggieled ta iljun, milli tghix ta naghga;l-istorja hija mieghek: GonziPN huwa agunija, ghax in-nies ma jifilhux il-klikka li hadet over: make history Franco: ehlisna minn din il-klikka. Ibqa cert li hemm MP's ohajn li jaqblu mieghek imma jibzghu johorgu onqom kontra il-klikka: show them and us the way!
Franco ahjar tmut tiggieled ta iljun, milli tghix ta naghga;l-istorja hija mieghek: GonziPN huwa agunija, ghax in-nies ma jifilhux il-klikka li hadet over: make history Franco: ehlisna minn din il-klikka. Ibqa cert li hemm MP's ohajn li jaqblu mieghek imma jibzghu johorgu onqom kontra il-klikka: show them and us the way!
Qed jidher sewwa li hemm bzonn qasma kemm fil partit Nazzjonalista u dak Laburista. Kandidati progressivi u liberali fiz zewg partiti ghandhom jifformaw partit gdid li jkollu serjeta fit tmexxija u bhall Franco ikunu open u b'direzzjoni ghall vera progress u mhux dik tal partit! Issa xbajna miz zewg partiti! Ejjew nirriflettu vera demokrazija u maturita!Le ghall PN u le ghall MLP! Iva ghall bidla fiz zewg partiti!
Billi Franco DEbono ghadu zghir, jidher li ma tantx jaf li storja politika tal-PN. Possibbli qatt ma nteressa ruhu fli storja politika ghax kieku jaf li l-PN QATT ma kien partit tal-poplu u tal-familji ! Kieku kif dejjem kienu KONTRA mizuri socjali u drittijiet civili ?? Kienu kontra l-vot lin-nisa- Kontra l-vot liz-zghazagh ta' 18 il-sena, kontra d-dhul tal-income-tax. Insomma kontra KOLLOX ! Bdew jinbidlòu xi ftit meta Eddie Fenech Adami ha t-tmexxija tal-PN. U dan ghax induna li minghajr l-appogg tal-haddiema u l-familji taghhom kien difficli li jirbhu l-gvern.Kieku jistudja sewwa ghaliex anki llum GonziPN qed ihallu dan li sfruttament kollu tal-haddiema b'xoghol prekarju etc.. malajr jinduna li l-PN hu bhal-lupu - IBIDDEL SUFU IZDA MHUX GHEMILU !Eddy Privitera
Franco,ghalaq halqek jew hu azzjoni jew baxxi rasek ghas-sahha tal-klikka.
Franco please proceed an action or else dont speak any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
M'hemmx ghalfejn tghidilna int Franco li l-maggoranza ma baqghalix fiducja f'GonziPN. Pero tghidx kemm qalilna s-sur Nathaniel Attard fuq in-net li l-PL zied biss 150 vot. Dan miskin bhal Gonzi u l-klikka jaraw it-tibna f'ghajn haddiehor u ma jarawx it-travu f'ghajnejhom - PN naqqas 11,500 vot.....Ha nghidlek Franco, jien kieku ma ghandix pacenzja nissaportihom izjed...kieku ilni li baghthom ghal-elezzjoni...qed jaghmlu hsara irrepparabbli lil PN....issa inti taf kemm tiflah thallihom jiehdu torturi.