Apparition invoked to justify ODZ shrine
The development of a shrine in a Natura 2000 site in Siggiewi “could not be relocated elsewhere” because “the use of the site is related to a religious apparition”.
This was the justification given by the architect proposing the sanctioning of the illegal development in Girgenti, which was unanimously approved by the Environment Planning Commission last Wednesday.
But the board also decided that a "major fine" is applicable in this case.
The newly-approved development retains the existing 100 benches and adds a podium and an altar, a store with underlying basement as well as boundary walls and a timber canopy above the altar. Prior to 1992, the site was characterised by two open fields.
The board also heeded the advice of the Planning Directorate, which also recommended the approval of the development while acknowledging that it could be in breach of the Structure Plan.
"In terms of current applicable policies for rural areas, particularly Structure Plan policies RCO 2, RCO 4 and SET 11, the proposed sanctioning is considered objectionable in that it has entailed the take up of new land, has led to the formalisation of land outside development zone, and has introduced urban forms and materials in a rural landscape."
Notwithstanding this, the case officer's report notes that the use of the site as a worship place dates back prior to 1992, and that there is no pending enforcement action on site.
It also states that the proposed sanctioning is not for commercial use but rather for "socio-religious purposes".
According to the report "such sanctioning is generally considered objectionable on policy grounds" but the guidance of the Planning Directorate Advisory Team was that the proposal could be considered favourably, on its own merit, on the understanding that no further development will be considered in the future.
The case officer's report also refers to communication with the Archdiocese of Malta stating that the local ecclesiastical authorities find no objection to the holding of prayer meetings and such other religious activities by the 'Moviment Madonna tal-Konsagrazzjoni' on the site in question.
The shrine attracts pilgrims who come to pray to the statue of the Virgin Mary, erected by Guza Mifsud herself in 1986. Prayer meetings are held on the site twice a month.
When Mifsud had been asked whether she had a permit from the civil and ecclesiastical authorities to erect this statue, she famously replied she had the permission of the Virgin Mary. Now she has MEPA's permission too.
No part of this news story has "denigrated" anything religious, and no disrespect towards people with faith has been shown in a report which otherwise deals with a planning application.
Ironic that you should point out that such a news story "foments more Catholics in becoming fundamentalist in their approach as a sort of reaction to [our] constant attacks" - you have sort of proved that point...