Apparition invoked to justify ODZ shrine

The development of a shrine in a Natura 2000 site in Siggiewi “could not be relocated elsewhere” because “the use of the site is related to a religious apparition”.

When Guza Mifsud had been asked whether she had a permit from the civil and ecclesiastical authorities to erect this statue, she famously replied she had the permission of the Virgin Mary. Now she has MEPA’s permission too.
When Guza Mifsud had been asked whether she had a permit from the civil and ecclesiastical authorities to erect this statue, she famously replied she had the permission of the Virgin Mary. Now she has MEPA’s permission too.

This was the justification given by the architect proposing the sanctioning of the illegal development in Girgenti, which was unanimously approved by the Environment Planning Commission last Wednesday.

But the board also decided that a "major fine" is applicable in this case.

The newly-approved development retains the existing 100 benches and adds a podium and an altar, a store with underlying basement as well as boundary walls and a timber canopy above the altar. Prior to 1992, the site was characterised by two open fields.

The board also heeded the advice of the Planning Directorate, which also recommended the approval of the development while acknowledging that it could be in breach of the Structure Plan.

"In terms of current applicable policies for rural areas, particularly Structure Plan policies RCO 2, RCO 4 and SET 11, the proposed sanctioning is considered objectionable in that it has entailed the take up of new land, has led to the formalisation of land outside development zone, and has introduced urban forms and materials in a rural landscape."

Notwithstanding this, the case officer's report notes that the use of the site as a worship place dates back prior to 1992, and that there is no pending enforcement action on site.

It also states that the proposed sanctioning is not for commercial use but rather for "socio-religious purposes".

According to the report "such sanctioning is generally considered objectionable on policy grounds" but the guidance of the Planning Directorate Advisory Team was that the proposal could be considered favourably, on its own merit, on the understanding that no further development will be considered in the future.

The case officer's report also refers to communication with the Archdiocese of Malta stating that the local ecclesiastical authorities find no objection to the holding of prayer meetings and such other religious activities by the 'Moviment Madonna tal-Konsagrazzjoni' on the site in question.

The shrine attracts pilgrims who come to pray to the statue of the Virgin Mary, erected by Guza Mifsud herself in 1986. Prayer meetings are held on the site twice a month.

When Mifsud had been asked whether she had a permit from the civil and ecclesiastical authorities to erect this statue, she famously replied she had the permission of the Virgin Mary. Now she has MEPA's permission too.

Alan, i don;t intend arguing about this endlessly but you are clearly mixing me up with someone else. I never mentioned you in connection with armier boathouses. Meanwhile if churches were built on ODZ areas it is only because they predate the entire concept of 'outside develpment zones'... which for obvious reasons are not retroactive. Otherwise you could extend the argument all the way back to Neolithic temples. As for fatima and lourdes these are not even in malta and therefore clearly not answerable to MEPA. Oh and one last thing: i am not a member or exponent of AD, so please stop insinuating connections where none exist. Merci beaucoup.
Raphael - are you serious about doubting my position re the ODZ sanctioning, after all these years of harping against ODZ development and opposing Church-sponsored ODZ development (which includes the Gozo Cathedral car park at Victoria, by the way)? My answer is obviously a resounding no. I was only objecting at the cheeky way in which James Debono framed the piece, namely the 'Now she has MEPA's permission too', when he could easily have treated this like any other ODZ sanctioning application rather than using it to indirectly pile scorn on those for whom matters related to religious faith and piety are still important. Having said this, you opened a can of worms here, since originally probably most churches and shrines were built in ODZ areas - what about the cave chapel dedicated to St. Paul in the Mosta Valley? What about Fatima, Lourdes, etc, etc - normally, places of prayer are located in natural areas for people to connect, but I really should not take this line with you, should I, since I am simply wasting my time? Re the Armier boathouses, I wonder why you found my argument so convoluted - what I meant was that some of the original AD exponents, 1 or 2 of which are Maltatoday journalists today, way back in the early 1990's had adopted a soft stance towards the Armier boathouses with the argument that these were just small fry and that one had first to tackle the Marfa Caqnu hotel ODZ extension nearby - that's all - sahhiet
Alan: actually it was Shakespeare who said 'brevity is the soul of wit', not me. I am flattered you would confuse us, but we are not exactly interchangeable, you know. Meanwhile can you translate the rest of your comment into something we can all understand? Who are 'my journalists'? what you do mean, 'sort of called for tolerance'? are you implying I agreed with Caqnu's mtarfa hotel extension? I think you will find you are very much mistaken. I also see that you did not answer the question. Do you approve of the sanctioning of an illegal shrine in a natura 200 site? It's not exactly complicated, Alan: a simple yes or no would suffice.
Alan: actually it was Shakespeare who said 'brevity is the soul of wit', not me. I am flattered you would confuse us, but we are not exactly interchangeable, you know. Meanwhile can you translate the rest of your comment into something we can all understand? Who are 'my journalists'? what you do mean, 'sort of called for tolerance'? are you implying I agreed with Caqnu's mtarfa hotel extension? I think you will find you are very much mistaken. I also see that you did not answer the question. Do you approve of the sanctioning of an illegal shrine in a natura 200 site? It's not exactly complicated, Alan: a simple yes or no would suffice.
one last thing Raphael - dont pigeonhole people pls as dyed-in-the-wool conservatives or liberals - for instance, I am a conservative but this does not mean I am not an environmentalist, in the same way that most individuals with liberal economic views are generally not environmentalists - sahhiet
one last thing Raphael - dont pigeonhole people pls as dyed-in-the-wool conservatives or liberals - for instance, I am a conservative but this does not mean I am not an environmentalist, in the same way that most individuals with liberal economic views are generally not environmentalists - sahhiet
@Raphael Vassallo - your trademark cheeky stance aside: - Nadur cemetery, Ta Pinu extension, Rabat Seminary These are but a few of the Church-proposed projects in ODZ which I have publicly denounced. I am amazed at the lengths to which you went to reply since you once famously said: brevity is the soul of wit. In the case of the Armier boathouses, I find it funny that your journalists are getting so hot under the collar now, when some of them, 20 years ago within AD, had sort of called for tolerance in view of the Caqnu's Marfa hotel infraction. Talking about consistency? You will perhaps concede that a declared atheist like yourself is not in the perfect position to judge the validity or value of apparitions. Sahhiet
@Raphael Vassallo - your trademark cheeky stance aside: - Nadur cemetery, Ta Pinu extension, Rabat Seminary These are but a few of the Church-proposed projects in ODZ which I have publicly denounced. I am amazed at the lengths to which you went to reply since you once famously said: brevity is the soul of wit. In the case of the Armier boathouses, I find it funny that your journalists are getting so hot under the collar now, when some of them, 20 years ago within AD, had sort of called for tolerance in view of the Caqnu's Marfa hotel infraction. Talking about consistency? You will perhaps concede that a declared atheist like yourself is not in the perfect position to judge the validity or value of apparitions. Sahhiet
Alan Deidun - are we to understand from your comment that you now approve of ODZ development? If so, do you approve of them in all cases, or only where apparitions of Madonna are concerned? The reason I ask is that anyone can claim to see the Madonna anywhere they choose... including NATURA 2000 sites, urban convervation zones and even other people's private property. Does this mean that any illegal development can suddenly be justified on the grounds of an unproven claim to have seen Our Lady on any given spot? (because in case you hadn't realised it yet, there is not a jot of evidence to support Guza Mifsud's claims, which have not been accepted even by the Church.) Oh and one other thing. Is it just visions of Catholic saints that count? If someone claimed to have a vision of Shiva, Rama, or even Pastor Joseph Smith in your own back garden.... would you argue that this entitles that person to an automatic, unanimously approved MEPA permit for a development which would otherwise be illegal? I'd like an answer please, Mr Green Whistleblower. Thanks
Alan Deidun - are we to understand from your comment that you now approve of ODZ development? If so, do you approve of them in all cases, or only where apparitions of Madonna are concerned? The reason I ask is that anyone can claim to see the Madonna anywhere they choose... including NATURA 2000 sites, urban convervation zones and even other people's private property. Does this mean that any illegal development can suddenly be justified on the grounds of an unproven claim to have seen Our Lady on any given spot? (because in case you hadn't realised it yet, there is not a jot of evidence to support Guza Mifsud's claims, which have not been accepted even by the Church.) Oh and one other thing. Is it just visions of Catholic saints that count? If someone claimed to have a vision of Shiva, Rama, or even Pastor Joseph Smith in your own back garden.... would you argue that this entitles that person to an automatic, unanimously approved MEPA permit for a development which would otherwise be illegal? I'd like an answer please, Mr Green Whistleblower. Thanks
Alan Deidun - are we to understand from your comment that you now approve of ODZ development? If so, do you approve of them in all cases, or only where apparitions of Madonna are concerned? The reason I ask is that anyone can claim to see the Madonna anywhere they choose... including NATURA 2000 sites, urban convervation zones and even other people's private property. Does this mean that any illegal development can suddenly be justified on the grounds of an unproven claim to have seen Our Lady on any given spot? (because in case you hadn't realised it yet, there is not a jot of evidence to support Guza Mifsud's claims, which have not been accepted even by the Church.) Oh and one other thing. Is it just visions of Catholic saints that count? If someone claimed to have a vision of Shiva, Rama, or even Pastor Joseph Smith in your own back garden.... would you argue that this entitles that person to an automatic, unanimously approved MEPA permit for a development which would otherwise be illegal? I'd like an answer please, Mr Green Whistleblower. Thanks
@scicies. Besides completely missing the point of my statement I really hate to disappoint you, but you are WRONG on all counts
Toqrob l elezzjoni.kemm ha jkun hawn vizjonijiet il girgenti u borg nadur!.madonna ehlisna mil labour!
Ian George Walker
The Angel Gabriel appeared to me in my sleep and ordered me to knock down my house and build a block of flats instead. Can I have planning permission, please?
@ Alan Deidun: Funny. I thought this was about an illegal structure. Instead of spouting nonsense and persecution-complex-induced irrelevancies, how about explaining what's wrong in the report?
@ Alan Deidun

No part of this news story has "denigrated" anything religious, and no disrespect towards people with faith has been shown in a report which otherwise deals with a planning application.

Ironic that you should point out that such a news story "foments more Catholics in becoming fundamentalist in their approach as a sort of reaction to [our] constant attacks" - you have sort of proved that point...

@wenzu: What's wrong with Mary being Jewish. Have you got some phobia against semitic people? Then propably you're a fascist or a nazi simpatiser. Thought such vermins were extinct.
Ian George Walker
So its official now - superstition, obscurantism and hallucinations are sufficient reasons for MEPA to issue permits. And I see that it was approved unanimously - which means that both parties are afraid of the lunatic fringe.
this is news.....the latest in a spate of anti-clerical articles by Maltatoday and a blog dominated by anonymous contributions, all having a field day at denigrating anything remotely religious - so long for your claim to objective reporting Maltatoday - it would not even cross the antechamber of your brain, would it, that a fraction of the population actually believe in these things which cannot be explained in a rational way like politics, science, etc, but that people still believe in them since there is something known as FAITH???? I am hardly surprised however since anything remotely connected with religion or the Church raises the hackles of your rabidly atheistic (or at best anti-clerical) team of journalists - in doing so, you are simply fomenting more and more Catholics to become fundamentalist in their approach as a sort of reaction to your constant attacks - bravo!
this is news.....the latest in a spate of anti-clerical articles by Maltatoday and a blog dominated by anonymous contributions, all having a field day at denigrating anything remotely religious - so long for your claim to objective reporting Maltatoday - it would not even cross the antechamber of your brain, would it, that a fraction of the population actually believe in these things which cannot be explained in a rational way like politics, science, etc, but that people still believe in them since there is something known as FAITH???? I am hardly surprised however since anything remotely connected with religion or the Church raises the hackles of your rabidly atheistic (or at best anti-clerical) team of journalists - in doing so, you are simply fomenting more and more Catholics to become fundamentalist in their approach as a sort of reaction to your constant attacks - bravo!
Camillu, jekk ma qalitx biex ma jivvutawx Labour, qalet li biex jivvutaw PN ! MHux xorta wahda ? Tghidli kif naf ? Is-segretarju tal-ghaqda ta' Guza Bugeja inzerta kien HIJA STESS !!!! U KIEN RELIGJUZ U NAZZJONALIST !!!
Kif ma nixbghux naqghu ghaz-zufjett f'dan il-pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse?! Ma niskantax jekk ezatt qabel l-elezzjoni generali terga' tidher biex taghti palata lill-Gonzi!
Next step, a multi-storey retreat centre, cathedral, souvenir shop and ATM machine, with a percentage of the profits going to the officials who facilitate the permits needed.
Din l-affari, ser tiftah orizzonti godda ta ideat ghal lis spekulaturi. Issa jibdew jghejdu li raw u kellimhom xi qaddis/a u wara li johrog il permess, ftit wara tara xi farmhouse fl`ODZ. Ovvja ikun hemm l-istatwa tal qaddis/a.
Eddie/joyce mhuwa minnu xejn li Guza Mifsud kienet qalet li l-Madonna kienet qaltilha biex ma jivvutawx Labour. Din hija qlajja tieghek u thallix lix-xitan juzak.
Aktar ma' jkun hawn fares ta' dan it-tip, aktar toħroġ l'ipokresija mġiddma li hawn f'dan il-pajjiż! Għax fejn jidħlu affarijiet li għandhom xi konessjoni mar-reliħjon, l'awtoritajiet ibaxxu rashom! Bħal, per eżemplu l'istorbju sfrenat li jsir fil-festi tal-lokal! Mur ġid xi għaqda oħra li tgħamel dak l'istorbju u ma' ssibx ruha l-qorti, b'xebgħa akkużi kontriha! Pajjiż tan-n**k minn fuq s'isfel! Aħna mal-għarb missna naqagħdna u mela mal-Ewropa! Għax qisna bħalhom, dawk fanatiċi fuq l'Islam u hawn imġienen fuq il-qaddisin!!! U ħalluna!
Apparition? AKA senile hallucinations. Don't you Catholics forget, that the myth known as Mary, was JEWISH!
Religion…has certain ideas at the heart of it which we call sacred or holy or whatever. What it means is, ‘Here is an idea or a notion that you’re not allowed to say anything bad about; you’re just not. Why not? – because you’re not!’ If somebody votes for a party that you don’t agree with, you’re free to argue about it as much as you like; everybody will have an argument but nobody feels aggrieved by it. If somebody thinks taxes should go up or down you are free to have an argument about it. But on the other hand if somebody says ‘I mustn’t move a light switch on a Saturday’, you say, ‘I respect that’. Why should it be that it’s perfectly legitimate to support the Labour party or the Conservative party, Republicans or Democrats, this model of economics versus that, Macintosh instead of Windows – but to have an opinion about how the Universe began, about who created the Universe…no, that’s holy?…We are used to not challenging religious ideas but it’s very interesting how much of a furore Richard creates when he does it! Everybody gets absolutely frantic about it because you’re not allowed to say these things. Yet when you look at it rationally there is no reason why those ideas shouldn’t be as open to debate as any other, except that we have agreed somehow between us that they shouldn’t be. -Douglas Adams (speech at Digital Biota 2, held at Magdelene College Cambridge, in September 1998)
I saw a flying elephant on this site and it told me to build my farmhouse there... Sanction please... Lolol. Only in Malta...
Il Vangelu tal Hadd li ghadda Kien meta Gesu qaleb l-imwejjed fit tempju. Kieku jigie llum x'jghamel? Il knisja tiftah halqa meta jaqblilha ma smajna xejn bwar < I have a phobia against Labour> nipprovu il mibedgha.
Luke Camilleri
What next? Now we'll be having apparitions and weeping madonnas with ODZ applications for sure approval by the MEPA BOard! Mima taghaddhiex mill-Bieb traghaddi mit-tieqa! Xejn ma jsir b'kumbinazzjoni meta tersaq l'elezzjoni! Nistennew aktar apparizzjonijiet.... u aktar permessi ODZ!
Jekk niftakar tajjeb Guza MIfsud kienet qalet xi kliem li suppost qaltilha l-Madonna, biex ma jivvutawx Labour! Jigifieri t-taparsi " Madonna" li kienet tidrilha , kienet ukoll tindahal fil-politika bhal ma ghadhom jaghmlu certi sacerdoti u patrijiet !!!! Tkomplux twaqqaw ir-religjon Kattolika ghar-redikolu, ghax b'hekk aktar qed jitbieghedu nies mill-Knisja maltija. U sadanittant, l-Isqfijiet b'halqhom maghluq ihallu dawn il-fares ghaddejjin fil-Girgenti u Borg in-Nadur !!!!!!!!!!!!!