Pressure mounts on PN secretary over ‘worst result in 40 years’

Fingers point towards Paul Borg Olivier, as PN supporters ask themselves why nobody has shouldered responsibility for the ‘electoral meltdown’ experienced in Saturday’s local council elections.

PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier comes under attack by PN supporters who ask why nobody has assumed responsibility for PN's dismal performance.
PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier comes under attack by PN supporters who ask why nobody has assumed responsibility for PN's dismal performance.

"If opinion polls are anything to go by, the Government is presently lagging behind the opposition by around 13 percentage points. The local council elections, a good poll in themselves, appear to confirm this unenviable position with the PN losing more than 11,000 votes. I do not remember such a disaster for the PN in the last 40 years..."

So states Dr Frank Portelli, a former Nationalist MP and president of the party executive, in reaction to the results of Saturday's election.

"No one assumed responsibility for this electoral defeat - not even the party secretary," the typically outspoken Portelli continues, in an undisguised barb at Paul Borg Olivier, who has occupied the post of secretary-general since 2008.

"Comments from prominent individuals claiming that the PN will continue to govern for another 20 years did not help the PN," Portelli added, with reference to widely reported quotes by Transport Minister Austin Gatt. "These comments may have been interpreted as bravado by some; or they can be interpreted as arrogance bred from having been in power for a quarter of a century."

Portelli is not alone in questioning the apparent failure of the party in government to assume responsibility for the extent of the defeat, which - though widely predicted - still managed to take the PN by surprise.

MEP Simon Busuttil, recently appointed as the party's 'special delegate' to re-establish links with civil society, described the result as '"nothing short of an electoral meltdown".

 "I take this to be an ultimatum. Unless we get it right in the next 12 months, we are heading for a certain electoral defeat," he said on Monday.

Franco Debono, the maverick MP who has been an outspoken critic of the present government from within its own ranks, likewise pointed towards Borg Olivier when apportioning blame for the result.

"It is clear I have been representing the sentiment of thousands of PN voters nationwide and especially in my district," Debono said, after pointing out that Alexis Callus (a relative of the prime minister, who had circulated a petition calling for Debono's resignation) failed to get elected in Safi.

"Where is Paul Borg Olivier now?" he asked.

Elsewhere, Debono hinted at widespread discontent with Borg Olivier at PN grassroots level. In an online spat with Wayne Hewitt - former secretary of the defunct Azzjoni Nazzjonali, now a fervent supporter of PN leader - Debono wrote: "Redirect your criticism to Paul Borg Olivier, as many thousands of PN supporters are doing."

Efforts to contact Paul Borg Olivier by phone and email for his reaction proved futile yesterday.

Read more in the MaltaToday Midweek digital edition with more from James Debono and his analysis of the local council election results.

Sa fejn naf jien lil Pawlu Borg Olivier mhux Gonzi poggieh hemm. Qed nghid sewwa Thorny?
Luke Camilleri
FRANCO DEBONO zgur aktar validu minn Pawlu Borg Olivier ,,,, jekk mhux ghal Gonzipn ghal pajjiz! Fi kliemu gew u kellu ragun biex ibiegh meta affirma li l-inkompetenti, dawk b'talent limitat jigu premjati minn Gonzipn & co. PBO top of the list u Carm Mifsud Bonnizi u Austin (Smart?) very close seconds!
Franco Debono ZGUR li ma ghenx biex il-PN jirbah.
I am still waiting for Dr Eddie F.A. reaction regarding Mosta Local council. "Should history repeats itself" "Should the LP boycott Mosta Council?" I was under the impession that whats good for the goose is good for the gander!
"Unless we get it right for the next 12 months we are heading for a defeat"...Does this mean that the next 12 months GONZIPN is going to give something back to the MALTESE people and if the PN party get reelected they are going to give us the HAMMER???????
Micheal Bonanno
@Fed Up. Nahseb xprun sa certu punt ghandu ragun. Hafna jiftakru li meta GBO ghamel 3 xhur fil-lukanda Savoy f'Londra biex jinghata risposta dwar l-Indipendenza. Imma dan ma jnaqqasx il-meritu ta' statista lanqas.
fejn hu jgalea mela inheba
Its not Paul Borg Olivier that is in charge of GonziPN; its Dr Gonzi. It is he that should resign. Borg Olivier is a gentleman; others are not.
Sur Xprun, nahseb ahajr tieqaf tghid ic cucati jekk jogghbok. Jekk ghalik Dr GBO ex prim ministru ta Malta ifisser biss xalar nahseb ghandek problema kbira u tippruvax twaqqa " bniedem statista" ghaz zufjett , ghax f'dak il kaz nahseb int tkun il redikolu u hadd aktar. Grazzi.
Sur Xprun, nahseb ahajr tieqaf ic cucati jekk jogbok. Jekk ghalik Dr GBO ex prim ministru ta Malta ifisser biss xalar nahseb ghandek problema kbira u tippruvax twaqqa "statisti" ghaz zufjett , ghax f'dak il kaz nahseb int tkun il redikolu u hadd aktar. Grazzi.
The only song that fits exactly to his situation is , "Va fan culo".
"Il-hmar il-maghkus idur ghalih id-dubbien" "Min jahsel ras il-hmar jaħli l-ilma u s-sapun."
Why there always has to be a scapegoat, as far as responsability goes it should finally end on the leader's lap. It was only recently that he suggested a solo leadership conteset and bragged about the 96% confirmation vote. He was told that this will not solve anything but yet he insisted on the solo run thinking that his victory would nudge the supporters to emulate the general council members who after all are all YES men and women.No it is not solely PBO's fault but Gonzi has a large part in it as he kept dismissing the advice given to him by the back benchers and others who do not form part of the oligarchic clique.
Pawlu Borg Olivier mhux maqtugh ghall-hajja politika. M'ghandu xejn li jaqilghu hlief kunjomu, u anki hemm iqajjem xi ftit tad-dubbju ma xi nies ghax kulhadd aktar jiftakar lil Gorg Borg Olivier bhala xalatur milli bhala PM meta tawna l-indipendenza fuq platt fl-1964. U Borg Olivier l-iehor bhala ministru tal-edukazzjoni jibqa' msemmi ghax qatt m'ghamel xejn. PBO anke thares lejn wiccu, tisimghu jitkellem jew tircievi xi email bi zball minghandu, qatt ma jtik l-impressjoni li hu - jew qatt jista' jkun - xi figura fil-pulitika Maltija. Possibbli l-PN ma sabux ahjar. Ghal darba sewwa kien qal Gonzi li m'ghandux materjal tajjeb biex imexxi.
Is it surprising that Wayne Hewitt, former secretary of the defunct Azzjoni Nazzjonali, is now a fervent supporter of Lawrence Gonzi ? The Azzjoni Nazzjonali was nothing but an extreme right Fascist party and, as they say, birds of a feather flock together. Regarding Paul Borg Olivier, if he is made to resign he will have served as a scape-goat. The slipping PN is not his fault (although his gaffes have not helped), but a structural defect of GonziPN as a whole.
Last Sunday I heard Dr Paul Borg Olivier rubbishing Labour's win of the majority vote in the Mosta locality. He was one of the guests on a panel chaired by Natalino Fenech on TVM. He forgot the slim majority which elected his in the 2008 General elections. Dr Borg Olivier's state of denial is symptomatic of the serious poltical mess that the PN is in to-day. Furthermore he was humiliated by Dr Gonzi when he called in Austn Gatt and Joe Saliba to run the PN election machine and appointed Simon Busuttil as his personal representative in the PN's damage control exercise giving Dr Borg Olivier a minor role to keep him happy.
Last Sunday I heard Dr Paul Borg Olivier rubbishing Labour's win of the majority vote in the Mosta locality. He was one of the guests on a panel chaired by Natalino Fenech on TVM. He forgot the slim majority which elected his in the 2008 General elections. Dr Borg Olivier's state of denial is symptomatic of the serious poltical mess that the PN is in to-day. Furthermore he was humiliated by Dr Gonzi when he called in Austn Gatt and Joe Saliba to run the PN election machine and appointed Simon Busuttil as his personal representative in the PN's damage control exercise giving Dr Borg Olivier a minor role to keep him happy.
If they are so afraid of a meltdown, why don't they roll heads? PBO must be the first to go.
Ilni insegwi il politika Maltija ,ghal hafna snin...kwazi 50 sena.....Qatt ma niftakar Segretarju Generali ,kemm tal Partit Nazzjonalista, tal Partit Laburista, jew ta xi Partit iehor li kellu jew ghamel fjask daqs Dr. Paul Borg Olivier....Forsi it tort mhux kollu tieghu, imma ta dawk li qeghedin imexxu lil PN min wara il kwinti.
The Nationalist Government wants to help Councils with a Nationalist majority, they are going to make favours with those who opted not to vote. Yesterday Dr Borg Olivier mentioned that he helped a person who needed to change his medicine, because the change was taking a long time. Dr Gonzi boasts about the pharmacy of your choice but when I go to get my medicne I am told that its out of stock. It has been out of stock for the last 2 months or so. Is medicine now given by political colour? I hope not. Sliema Resident
An appropiate campaign song in this situation would be: The only way is up!