Richard Cachia Caruana targeted in Debono's speech over 'power behind the throne'

Backbencher Franco Debono questions authority of Permanent Representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana over 'behind-the-scenes' manoeuvring.

Richard Cachia Caruana was the focus of Nationlist MP Franco Debono's critical speech this evening.
Richard Cachia Caruana was the focus of Nationlist MP Franco Debono's critical speech this evening.

Nationalist backbencher Franco Debono this evening hit out at Malta's permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana, calling for answers over Cachia Caruana's "behind-the-scenes" role in Maltese politics.

Speaking in Parliament, Debono said it was time that people started asking questions about other individuals rather than himself, referring to mocking speculation over his psychological state of mind after in he threatened to withdraw his support for the government back in January when Lawrence Gonzi announced a cabinet reshuffle.

Debono reiterated that while the Prime Minister more than once admitted that government had made mistakes several times, still no resignations were forthcoming.

"We are now creating one task force after the other, as if we were in the 80s. A task force for the public transport, another task force for the shortages of beds at Mater Dei ... I am surprised when people ask me what I am going to do next," Debono said.

He said that many are asking him when a vote will be taken in parliament. "Why don't they ask those sitting on the House Business Committee or the leader of the House Carm Mifsud Bonnici? Or Cachia Caruana? He's the one who gives them advice. For over 25 years he has been working in the shadows," Debono said.

Debono claimed that Cachia Caruna is the person who decides "the next steps" for government.

The outspoken MP said that while his criticism in government and his proposals for reforms and ideas have always been public, the same could not be said for Cachia Caruana: "They accuse me of seeking out the limelight. It's better to act in the limelight rather than in the shadows like he does."

Debono went on to add that he had been ready to sacrifice his political career: "But while I have to put up with harsh criticism for nothing - because I'm fighting for reforms for the good of this country - others receive the praise."

He said that the local councils elections had sent a clear message from the electorate. "The people want their country back. It was a clear and resounding message. Government now has to make amends: repair what it broke. The people are suffering... but no one listened to me when I said that," he said.

Debono also commented that he felt as if he were living in an outdated monarchy: "No matter how hard you work, if you are born into a less privileged class you remain suffering forever."

Referring to the loss of the Safi council to the Labour Party during last Saturday's elections, Debono said he had worked hard to convince hundreds of Safi residents to vote for the PN. "Now look what happened. I am sorry for Pietru Pawl Busuttil - despite his harsh comments in my regard. And maybe he has now realised his mistakes," Debono said, referring to comments made by Busuttil that the rebel MP should have been the one to resign when the latter had asked for the resignation of Lawrence Gonzi.

Turning his focus back on Richard Cachia Caruana, Debono said people should start questioning the power held by the former right-hand man to Eddie Fenech Adami. "He was the one who came up with this hysterical absurdity to dig a quarry in front of the co-cathedral. Who was the one who hurt government? Cachia Caruana, or the backbencher calling for reforms?

"Is he a team player? Is it true Cachia Caruana wanted to become a European Commissioner? Is it true he puts pressure on government? He moves as if he has some sort of divine right to intrude in everything. He fights with everyone and eliminates those he cannot control. He is hungry and obsessed with power. If you give him something, he wants more."

Debono went on to accuse Cachia Caruana of being "selfish", of being accountable to no one and to think "he is the authority".

"How can one remove him? He is not in power following an election. Is it true he's the one who decides who make it to the Cabinet? Is he addicted to power?" Debono said.

As Debono ranted on over Cachia Caruana, Speaker Michael Frendo intervened and asked him to control his words. However, Debono said that just liked it had been asked whether Debono had needed psychiatric care, the same should be asked of other people.

"Does this man need psychiatric care? Is he holding the Prime Minister hostage ... threatening him quietly behind the scenes, stamping his feet when something doesn't go as he planned?"

Luke Camilleri
Jekk nigu f'dan, ahjar faxxist milli komunist. O Malta taghna, ehlisna mill-lembubi socjalisti. Zomm il-boghod minn xtutna il-gass tad-dmugh nord korean li kienu jisparaw il-komunisti maltin fuq il-Maltin fit-taqbida ghal-Liberta` 1981-1986. L-aghar zmien immaginabbli ta`mizerja,swat u diskriminazzjoni. Demmna ncarcru ghal-Liberta`. Viva Malta u l-Maltin. Viva l-Lemin.
U mhux bilfors stupidu trid tkun biex issaqsi ,lil min qatel lil Karen? Bhalma nkun stupidu jien jekk insaqsi LILEK min qatilha. Kontu intom fil-gvern u bil-professuri kollha li lahhaqtu fil-korp ma qbadtu lil hadd. tghid ghala, imma? Hemm hafna teoriji u misteri. Mhux veru li EFA qal li jaf min qatilha. MHUX VERU. Min jixjieh akka mhux stupidu jkun balalu. Ikun b'sahhtu. U min ghadu mhux xih, anki jekk ikollu z-zokkor, jitlob 'l Alla kontinwament li jixjieh. Jekk le.... Considering the alternative old age is not so bad, after all. U mhux stupidu trid tkun biex issaqsini ghala fuq l-arma hemm l-iswed? Vera ma x'biza meta btara t-Times taqbad huggiega bil-haddiema gewwa, il-kazini kollha mfarrka, l-istamperija, il-Kurja, il-HQrs tal-MUT maaaaax.biza.
@Demartino — "Irid jaf minn ghandi min qatel lil Karen Grech. Ma tindunax kemm int stupidu?" I don't know how Malta Today accepts such insolence. In other blogs such posts are banned! When he writes on TOM he uses much milder tones. So why on Malta Today?
@Giovanni Demartino — "Irid jaf minn ghandi min qatel lil Karen Grech. Ma tindunax kemm int stupidu? INTOM kontu fil-gvern" ----Stupidu hu dak li xjah akka u jahseb li hu bravu izjed minn kulhadd. Jaqaw kont xi professur taghlem fl-Universita ta' Malta? Fil-kaz ghidilna ha nbaxxu rasna ghall-intelligenza superjuri tieghek. Pero minn kif tikteb nahseb li m'hemmx ghalfejn ghax tikteb bhal tifel li ghadu bin-nappy.Remember EFA? Wasn't it he who proclaimed before the whole world that he know who murdered Karen and on coming to power he would put to book the culprits?
@ Giovann..........Tista tghejdli ghalhiex fuq l-arma taghkom hemm tafx ...ha nghejdlek..Mussolini, Franco ( ta Spanja u mhux dak tat teatrini li ghandkhom fil parlament ) Hitler...Ugo Pasquale Mifsud tal PN,Enrico Mizzi PN, Giorgo Borg Olivier PN, Eddie Fenech Adami PN u fuq kollox Lawrence GonziPN....kollha kemm huma hallew fl`isfond tal bandiera tal partit !!ISWED !!...jigifieri FAXXISTI !!Ma x`biza...
Irid jaf minn ghandi min qatel lil Karen Grech. Ma tindunax kemm int stupidu? INTOM kontu fil-gvern u lil min qatilha ma qbadtuhx. Tghid ghala? TRid lili nghid? Int taf min?
@Demartino - "Rajtux kif Franco baqaghlu lil min idardar. Dan mar l-universita u lahaq avukat? Titwahhax. Kif dardar 'l.."----Tinsiex li Gonzinu tieghek qallek biex ma tattakahx izjed lil Franco.
@ Demartino "Faxxisti ghax kienu joqtlulna n-nies" ---Who killed Karen Grech??? Some blue angel of peace????
@Giovanni Demartino taf li ahna ma naqblux fuq il mod kif qed jitmexxa il-partit, izda fuq Franco naqblu zgur- Kif jghidu bl-Ingliz- 'waste of space' jew ahjar 'bag of air'
Ejja nitkellmu frank, Dr. Franco. Dan kollu li semmejt int hawn fuq qed isehh bil-komplicita tieghek. Int intelligenti bizzejjed u m'hemmx ghalfejn noqghodu nelaboraw.
Faxxisti ? Tridx tmur. \Faxxisti ghax kienu jaharqulna l-kazini kollha kull jum? Faxxisti ghax kienu joqtlulna n-nies u jiffrejmjaw ohrajn? Faxxisti ghax harqu t-Times, kissru l-Kurja, farrku d-dar ta' EFA, farrku l-HQrs tal-MUT Faxisti biex? Ghax kienu jisfrattawlna kull attivitra politika? Faxxisti ghax kienu jittorturaw cittadini normali u joqtluhom id-depot? Biex faxxisti? Ghax min jistrajkja kienu jsallbuh? Jekk tghidlhom faxxisti taqla libell minn ghand il-Faxxisti. Kemm huma mahmugin!
Ara siehbi is-sur Demartino. Mela stenbaht habib?.L-ewwel nett qabel dhalt hawn missek tfarfart ftit mit trab li laqqat siehbi u it-tieni tghallem li mux bilfors ghax minalik taf tikteb hafna jfisser li jkollok l-aqwa argument ghax ergajt qed tghamel bhal siehbek GONZIPN (KEMM SIRTU TIDDEJQU META NEJDULKOM HEKK HUX?) U tinfexx tattaka personali.x'arroganza!!!!!!!
@Giovanni Demartino Il-Faxxisti huma dawk li kienu jiffinanzjaw lill-Partit Nazzjonalista fis-snin tletin. Il-Faxxisti ta Mussolini u Franco huma dawk li kienu jaduraw u jammiraw il-mexxejja tal-Partit Nazzjonalista. Ninsewh il-passat Sur Demartino jew inkomplu?
@ Giovanni Demartino.....Dik inhar li attakkawlkhom l-istamperija, hija meta sabulkhom l-armi mohbija wara hajt falz lesti sabiex tqajmu rivoluzzjoni fil pajjiz ?Jekk terga tmur fuq nahseb li issib xi haga.Il passat insieh ghax taghkhom mahmug wisq.
franco l-anonimu il-passat irhilu. Naf, iva, li ta. faxxisti li huma attakkawlna l-istamperija f'nofs ta' lejl u ghamlu herba....imma issa dak ghadda. Mela Franco s-super baqaghlu lil min idardar....lil franco tal-maskra.
franco l-anonimu, mhux is-SUPER, kif ghedt tattika faxxista? Issa rhilu l-passat. Naf li dawn, ta' veru faxxisti, attakkawlna l-istamperija f'nofs ta' lejl u ghamlu herba. Imma issa dak ghadda. Taraw baqaghlu lil min idardar Franco s-Super/. Lil franco tal-maskra.
@giovanni demartino ..... imma possibli ma tindunax x'faqar ta' postings taghmel, flokk tattakka l-argument tattakka lil individwu, tattika faxxista li inthom ta' nnahha taghkom tuzaw indiskriminament. Jekk ghandek niskata sens argumenta fuq x'jghid Debono u mhux x'tahseb int fuqhu. Vera li issa dejjaq lil hafna nies imma li tigi izzeffen il-professjoni tieghu hu mod imbecilli kif issostni argument. Fuq kollox jekk Franco hu avukat int x'int?
He said that the local councils elections had sent a clear message from the electorate. "The people want their country back. It was a clear and resounding message. Government now has to make amends: repair what it broke. The people are suffering... but no one listened to me when I said that," he said. ---- You will never see it happen under any nationalist government your only cghance is to give labour the chance to right the wrong things with Malta. Stop deluding yourself that PN is the answer it was and will always be a party of selfish individuals.
Nammetti li ghal zmien twil ammirajt lil franco debono ghax hafna minn dak li jghid, jaghmel sens. Imma nghid is-sew, issa sar jimbuttani, idejjaqni u jxebbaghni. Kull tant zmien jiftakar li jrid isemmghalna lehnu, jaghti daqqa ta' stallett lil gonzipn u l-klikka tieghu, jiehu ftit limelight u mbaghad jisparixxi ghal ftit .... sakemm jerga' jiftakar li jrid jaghmilha tal-eroj mill-gdid. Ladarba meta kellu c-cans juri li hu ragel, ghazel li ma jihdux u minflok iddecieda li jkompli jilghabha tal-bravu kull meta jfettillu, issa ghalija tilef kull kredtu li kellu .... probabbli li meta david agius (dak li nqabad jikkopja ma nafx kemm-il darba) qabdu minn drieghu u hargu 'l barra mill-parlament, dak in-nhar franco debono missu nizzel il-purtiera darba ghal dejjem fuq dawn il-buzullotti tieghu ghax issa kulhadd sar jiehdu ta' li hu .........
@ Giovanni Demartino - Mhux Franco Debono dardarna imma it-taparsi Prim li ghandna jmexxi l-Malta. Franco Debono ma tantx hu diplomatiku fi kliemu imma kull ma jghid benn fatt u ghadu ragun biex ibiegh. U jekk Gonzi tieghek ma jismghax milli qed jghidlu Franco Debono se jkompli jzid mall-14% differenza li hemm il-lum bejn il-partiti u meta ssir elezzjoni generali se jiehu tkaxkira nobis kif jixraqlu. U bil-haqq sellili ghall-shabek fid-dar tax-xjuh.
Dr Franco Debono is the only person who can solve this mess and save the country from more instability. He has two options either to vote against government at the first opportunity or to formally inform the Speaker that he is no longer sitting in Parliament as a PN member taking a "seat in the middle" like Wenzu Mintoff and the late Paul Carachi did in the past. The ball is in your court Dr Debono
@FD below, You admitted that you're no expert, so don't worry, no on will ask you about your psycological analyses of anyone. I, for one am truely happy and content that someone has finally had thd courage to speak about this elephant in the room which everyone knows about.
FD: If anyone "needs a LOT of rest" it's not Franco Debono but GonziPN ! They need at least 10 YEARS of rest on the opposition benches. U mhux biss jistriehu huma izda jserrhu lill-poplu Malti u Ghawdxi kollu !!!!! Eddy Privitera
Jien nahseb li Franco Debono ghandu ragun x'inhu jfisser. Dr.Gonzi u RCC farrku d-demokrazija ta Malta. Ix-xandir PBS huwa mmexxi min zewg min-nies kif smajna min ghand ex-segretarju privat ta Fenech Adami li kien Chairman tal B.A.Qal li mhux li kien f'idu t-tmun imma kien f'idejn tnejn min-nies u ghadu ghal himistax il-sena ghaddej. RCC ilu kwazi 25sena u frejjeg ghammel kemm felah, Gonzi jidher li ghadu b'dik l-ideja li donnu il-laburisti huma tat-tieni klassi u tidher cara. Priministru suppost jghamel il gid ghal kulhadd mhux ghal ftit. Dr. Debono s'issa ma tilifx il poter bhal Pietru Pawl Busuttil minkejja habbat bieb bieb biex jivvotaw ghalih fil kunsilli. La mhux qedin jittresqu ligijiet biex jghaddu mil Parlament jidher bic-car li d-demokrazija ta dan il pajjiz waslet fix-xifer. M'hemmx altru li l-Gvern dghajef u ghandu bzonn iwarrab.
Food for thought! It is quite easy to dismiss someone who does not agree with you as being in need of psychiatric treatment, but try to read between the lines, try to look beyond what the media prints, what they want you to believe. Not that everything is true, but why sho uld someone who has never faced an electorate be part of cabinet that presides over the government of the country? Just think about it. I have been led to believe that we live in a democracy! Yet our elected representatives think that once there they have a carte blanche to do as they please as if they are some sort of royalty, ruling by divine right. Allow me to point out that this is not something new to Maltese politics but started off in the last months of Mintoff's tenure, when he anointed KMB as his successor. So please spare us the bull....
Ghandi rispett kbir ghal Dr. Franco Debono, u anke ghal kull politikant. Pero fl`opinjoni tieghi, Dr.Debono qeghed jghamel hsara aghar min dawk in nies li qeghed isemmi.B`dak li qeghed jghamel ,l-ewwel qeghed igib lil poplu shih fuq tensjoni, u isaqsi x`ser jigri ghada ? u wara ma jasalx li jiehu id decizzjoni ahharija...immma imur min fejn beda.Il poplu ser jibqa hekk ghal sena u ftit xhur ohra ? Dan li qeghedin isaqqsu in nies tat triq Dr. Debono. Jien nemmen li il futur politiku man nazzjonalisti ghalik ser jieqaf, kif ser tispicca din il legistratura. Int taf li il gvern mhux veru qeghed immexxi mil P.N. imma mill klikka, ghalhekk jekk int qeghed imdejjaq bhal u daqs il maggoranza tal poplu, ghamel l-ahhar pass.....Il futur hadd ma ghadu rah.
The truth is that what Franco Debono is saying is the truth! Yes, the truth is that this country has been and is still governed by Richard Cachia Caruana, with Gonzi being just a figurehead. Mhux ta' b'xejn qed jintilfu dawk l-eluf ta' voti!
Sewwa qed jghid Dr Franco. RCC jikmanda u jirrakkomanda minghajr qatt ma kellu l-guts li joqghod ghal gudizzju tal-poplu. Imma ma tistaghgibx, ghax hekk timxi l-oligarkija li tajjeb qal li tezisti Dr Franco. Dawn in-nies ghandhom demokrazija ghalihom. Irrennja u ghakkes imbaghad x'hin tasal fl-ahhar ilghaq.
Maureen Attard
I ask, Who is the mayor of Mdina?
At last sameone in the PN is telling the truth.. Thanks to (Dr Franco Debono)
Rajtux kif Franco baqaghlu lil min idardar. Dan mar l-universita u lahaq avukat? Titwahhax. Kif dardar 'l....
Prosit Franco.Pero qisu xejn mhu xejn ma Gonzipn.jibqa ghaddej min fuq kulhadd.Ma jibtiex zewg int MP,ahseb u ara ic-cittadin iz zghar.Nerga nghidlek prosit Habib
Angele Deguara
Angele Deguara
RCC: the most powerful person with a super arrogant nature who has never ran for an election or had a single vote by the public!
Angele Deguara
Angele Deguara
Angele Deguara
Gawda taht Fenech adami u anka taht Gonzi hijjos...u l poplu jbati....u hu andu l balal tal liri!!!
Debono is asking wether RCC needs psychiatric care , I can answer that”obviously not”. If you ask me wether Debono needs such care “ Obviously yes ..and he himself said so”. And please I’m being very gentle to Debono , psychiatric care is just another kind of care. I am not an expert on what kind of care and treatment Debono needs , but he needs a LOT of rest for sure.