Vince Farrugia's daughter fails to testify in court again

Magistrate postpones court sitting after witness Marie-Klaire Farrugia is not present to take the stand in compilation of evidence against Sandro Chetcuti, charged with attempted murder of her father Vince Farrugia.

Vince Farrugia
Vince Farrugia

Magistrate Edwina Grima had no option but to postpone a court sitting to 25 April, after lawyers to Vince Farrugia informed the court that they needed more time to prepare themselves on the evidence they need to produce by presenting Farrugia's daughter Marie-Klaire on the witness stand.

Farrugia is appearing in parte civile in the criminal case against Sandro Chetcuti, who stands charged with his attempted murder when he assaulted him in the GRTU's offices back in 2010.

In a verbal submission to the court, defence lawyers Emmanuel Mallia and Edward Gatt stressed that the Attorney General must also regulate his position with regards to Chetcuti - who according to evidence produced by the prosecution - is not facing an attempted murder charge but of causing Vince Farrugia injuries in the assault.

The defence lawyers added that while the case must be looked at from its "real perspective and dimension", in the past two sittings Vince Farrugia's lawyers had informed the court that they were to produce Marie-Klaire Farrugia as a witness.

"It turns out that the prosecution or Vince Farrugia's lawyers have formally notified the witness, and it is now up to the court to see that no more time is wasted," Mallia said.

Both sides argued about the witness, with Farrugia's lawyers stating that Marie-Klaire Farrugia lives abroad and it is not easy to find the right time for her to come to Malta and give evidence.

Meanwhile, at the beginning of the sitting, lawyers Kris Busietta and Stephen Tonna Lowell asked the court and Sandro Chetcuti's defence to be "cautious" on what is said inside the courtroom, "given the media's presence."

Possibli Sur Vince Farrugia ghadek ma intix tinduna li bl'arroganza tieghek u ta nies ta madwarek dejjaqt lil kulhadd. Nixtieq inkun naf fejn huma l membri tal GRTU li jhallu bniedem bhal Vince jinqeda bijhom
Luke Camilleri
il-Pulcinellati maghruf ghalihom VF ikomplu.... Ma ghandhomx jigu penalizzati xhieda li ma jitilghux jixhdu?????? Bin-nuqqas ta' xhieda taghhom AKTAR TIDHER fejn hemm il-kredibilita, u fejn ma hemmx!
And the GRTU wanted to dedicate a day in remembrance of St Vincent. Will she be charged with contempt of Court? Is there anything to hide?
Ikolli nghejd li kawlata ser nieklu min dan il kaz.
Vince can run but he cannot hide !!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Issa isbah din , L-avukati ta' Vince Farrugia jitolbu lill-Qorti u lill-avukati tad-difiza biex joqghodu attenti x'jghidu fl-awla minhabba il-prezenza tal-midia . Mela hemm xi haga li ma tridx turi lill-poplu Cens ? Forsi tista tkun ta' dannu ghalik ghax turik f'dawl ikrah ?
Why is it that we common citizens do not have the right to all the truth about this case. After all, Vince Farrugia did all he could, and he pulled all the plugs, to project himself a victim of a vicious assault. Now that it is transpiring that there is more to it than meets the eye - that Vince Farrugia tried to inflate the incident out of all proportions (as revealed by SMSs published in this newspaper)- why is it that Vince Farrugia's lawyers, in upholding justice, want an insabbiamento!
Vince Farrugia's lawyers asked the court and Sandro Chetcuti's defence to be "cautious" on what is said inside the courtroom, "given the media's presence." What has Vince Farrugia to hide from the media if he thinks he is right?