Updated | Infrastructure Minister fires contractor working on Dock 1 project

Infrastructure Minister Austin Gatt says delay in the regeneration works of Dock 1 is “unacceptable”. Labour criticises the project's numerous delays.

The Dock 1 regeneration project was launched in March 2011
The Dock 1 regeneration project was launched in March 2011

Infrastructure Minister Austin Gatt has fired the contractor responsible of the embellishment works of Dock 1 in Cospicua following "unacceptable" delays.

In a statement the Transport Ministry said Gatt has given orders to replace the contractor to complete the road works between Triq Santa Tereza and Triq ix-Xatt ta' Bormla.

"The delays have caused an unacceptable inconvenience in the area," Gatt said, adding that the work on the mentioned roads will commence next Tuesday and will be finished in three weeks' time.

The ministry added that the Holy Week activities and scheduled processions will not be affected.

Meanwhile, discussions have already started between the ministry, the Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation and the Contracts Department to remove the contractor and to find an immediate solution to complete the Dock 1 project.

The government's statement preempted a conference called by the Labour Party to discuss the delays in the work of the Grand Harbour Regeneration project.

Speaking in Cospicua, Opposition leader Joseph Muscat said government had issued the announcement because of the PL's press call and criticised the numerous delays that characterised the project.

Labour's spokesman on public works Charles Buhagiar said the project had been promised to the residents since 1996.

"The project was then set to start in March 2009, but Austin Gatt then announced that negotiations had failed causing a further delay in the commencement of the project. The project was then moved to January 2010 and then delayed again to July and September of the same year," Mangion said.

He added that the actual projected started in January 2011 with the deadline being set for October 2011.


Luke Camilleri
Anki mill-Oppozizzjoni Joseph Muscat juri il-Gvern ta' Lawrence Gonzi u l-Ministri Inkompetenti, b'talent limitat tieghu FEJN HUMA IL-PRIORITAJIET! Joseph mal - poplu, Lawrence Gonzi family and friends shopping Londra u Austin Gatt, ASS istet ta' PBO ,id-dar Centrali , fejn immur jaghmel PiPi.....fl-ahhar STENBAH! MIN IRRID JITHAQ U JITNEJJEK B'MIN?
I think that the Minister did what he should have done many time ago but I prefered that afterwards he should have fired himself because if the contractor failed to honor his contract , the Minister failed in many ways . He could have done a great favour to this country if he sacked himself .
Maureen Attard
Ara veru ministru ineficjenti. Min ser ihallas issa? Sewwa qal Franco Debono li min ikisser irid isewwi issa. L-ahjar soluzzjoni hi li tirrizzenja bhal ma qallek Franco sur ministru. Ara l-belt fejn toqghod inti, hemmhekk le, hemmhekk ix-xoghol isir kif suppost u jitlesta qabel iz-zmien u ghal-flus mhux problema. Ahna tas-south ma hemm hadd ghalina. Ahjar hafna konna meta kien hemm Jesmond Mugliette Ministru flokok.
Joseph Pace
October 2011 - March 2011. Five months thinking about getting the issue sorted?
Well done Mr. Minister, for taking a decision five months late!!!! Don't you think we have had enough of this ans similar contractors who are not conforming with target dates?
As they say "PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH",Austin why didn`t you use the same policy when ARRIVA came and made a mess ?????????
1996 --> 2012 = 16 YEARS FOR A PROJECT ans still unfinished. Imagine if Dr Gonzi and his untalented bunch are relected again, how long it will take to adhere to his promises. Will our great grand children be able see this project?