MSA recalls ‘shocking’ hand-held industrial vibrators

The Malta Standards Authority (MSA) has ordered the recall of a particular model of hand-held concrete vibrators as, according to the MSA, it posed “a serious risk” of electrical shock to consumers.

The concrete vibrator Model ZN35, carrying no brand-name except for the word “Vibrator” on the packaging box, did not conform to the applicable European directives.

The MSA had warned all economic operators using such tools to return them to their supplier.

It also warned consumers to stop using these concrete vibrators and/or to take the product back to the place of purchase.

The MSA has warned it would order the immediate removal of any such products from the market if these were found during inspections.

All electrical equipment falling under Legal Notice 181 of 2004 had to be handed over to the consumer fitted with a suitable three pin configuration, the MSA insisted.