Minimum wage should increase to €180 per week, Caritas proposes

A sturdy carried out by Caritas concludes that the minimum essential budget for a household of two adults and two children is estimated at €10,634, a lone parent and two children at €8,581 and for two older persons at €6,328.

Single parent families at the highest risk of povery, Caritas study shows
Single parent families at the highest risk of povery, Caritas study shows

Church organisation Caritas has proposed for the statutory minimum wage to increase from around €150 per week to €180 per week.

In its study, A Minimum Budget for a Decent Living, Caritas concluded that the minimum essential budget for a household of two adults and two children is estimated at €10,634, a lone parent and two children at €8,581 and for two older persons at €6,328.

The study also highlighted the need to urgently address the financial situation of lone parent families, who Caritas says are at the highest risk of poverty.

"The study sets out to establish a basic minimum threshold which it would be unacceptable for any household not to attain," Caritas said in a statement.

Caritas called on government to define an adequate minimum income for persons whose household revenue is below the Minimum Essential Budget and strengthen the social security benefits for people whose income is less than the Minimum Essential Budgets.

"Further studies should be carried out to compare the Minimum Essential Budgets with the actual consumption patterns of the three household types, and develop a system whereby the State intervenes to cover at least the NI contributions for those whose income falls below the Minimum Essential Budgets," Caritas said.

The organisation said it should be ensured that the entitlement to free medication through the public health system is reviewed regularly "to reflect a just and accessible system within a sustainable health care system". 

Caritas also proposed increased investment in community level projects for more sustainable and adequate consumption patterns and lifestyles for Maltese families and added that children should be nurtured with "the right attitudes and skills in schools from a young age towards becoming responsible citizens".

Caritas said that the aim of its study was to stimulate national debate and encourage policy makers to establish a minimum benchmark for a decent standard of living.

The study is a follow-up to a previous research on poverty published by Caritas Malta in May 2010.  While in that research a basket of essential items had been assembled and its cost estimated on the basis of the average spending of the average Maltese household,  the current study was based on the Budget Standard Approach rather than the average consumer expenditure.  


Tinnutaw, l-ahwa, kif kollha jaghlquh halqhom?
The countries that dont have good welfare,are not stable,they are full of thifs, desease,vilence,filt, and more mentaly sick people.
Dawn tghid ikunu jafu x'qed jiktbu? Niddubita. Vera li l-habiba taghna milli jkollha ttik. Jien ili snin nikteb fuq ismi u ismi tafu Malta kollha. Imbaghad jigi mwiehed li, bhall-haddiema tat-Tarzna skond Mintoff, jidher li ghandu xi haga nieqsa u anqas kuragg jikteb fuq ismu ma ghandu. GIFA. U zgur li ma nirraportax. Nirraporta xi haga li jaf biha kulhadd u jaraha kulhadd? Dak hemm min hu mhallas apposta biex jarhom mela jien? Mela jien irrid inqatta' l-erbat ijiem li baqaghli nigri minn ghassa ghall-qorti u nkunj ko0ntinwament taht interrogazzjoni. Dawn jabbuzaw fid-dawl tax-xemx u sta ghal min hu responsabbli li jiehu passi. Ikollok x'tirraporta kieku.
Il-lejburisti kollha l-ewwel jitfghu l-gebel, jahbu idhom U JAHARBU.
Sur Demartino, grazzi talli urejti li int paroli fil-vojt biss ghandek, ghax gutz tirraporta ma ghandekx. Mela ibqa gerger u ibqa ilmenta fil-vojt, ax dak biss kapaci taghmel - u waqt li tgerger, ibqa hallas t-taxxi ghal min qieghed ippapija ingustament min fuqek.
The single parents should get good help from the goverment,because this is going to be the future,geting marred is very dangerous.I know what I am talking about.
Jiena x'jigifieri single mother TA vera ma tantx nifhimha? Jekk int armla, ghandek il-beneficcju tar-romol u jekk int mifruda ghandek l-allowance tar-ragel. Jekk int single ghax ma zzewwigtx, DIK PROBLEMA TIEGHEK u jien MARRIDX, LE MARRIDX nissussidja l-kapricci ta' haddiehor. Jien ma mmurx nirraporta ghax dawn tant haw minnhom, jarhom u jafhom kulhadd imma l-politici jibzghu jiehdu passi. Mur ara kieku jiehu xim pass il-gvern xim plejtu jaghmlu l-laburisti! U probabilment vice versa.
Jiena x'jigifieri single mother TA vera ma tantx nifhimha? Jekk int armla, ghandek il-beneficcju tar-romol u jekk int mifruda ghandek l-allowance tar-ragel. Jekk int single ghax ma zzewwigtx, DIK PROBLEMA TIEGHEK u jien MARRIDX, LE MARRIDX nissussidja l-kapricci ta' haddiehor. Jien ma mmurx nirraporta ghax dawn tant haw minnhom, jarhom u jafhom kulhadd imma l-politici jibzghu jiehdu passi. Mur ara kieku jiehu xim pass il-gvern xim plejtu jaghmlu l-laburisti! U probabilment vice versa.
Sur Demartino u l-poplu kollu: Jien single mother u single mother TA VERA. Ghamili pjacir, u mur irraporta lil dawk it-tons ta 'so called single mothers' li qed tirreferi ghalihom, gal-Mosta. Ghamel pacir lili, lilek u lil pajjiz kollu. Kullhadd igerger kontra s-single mothers u hadd ma jirraporta !!! Mela ibqaw gergru, pero mhux sew li mal-hazin jehel it-tajjeb u l-genwin. Illum tista tirraporta anynomous jekk ma tridx tidher. Hemm hafna mezzi kif, bit-telphone, internet etc etc.....anqas biss ghandkom ghalfejn tinqalaw mid-dar biex tirraportaw. Imma bid-gergir, qatt ma sar xejn. Zewg punti ohra: Is-single mother ma ghamiltx "zball'. Liz-zball ghamlu r-ragel ghax hu telaq u mhux il-mara. Il-mara hija l-vittma li kellha ticcapas ma ragel irresponsabli. And the last point is li l Caritas ghandhom ragun. One parent families huma fi stat ta faqar. Ejjew naghrrfu lil min hu genwin u nghinnuh mhux inkazbruh pls. Jien jekk ma niddobax xi affarjiet u xi hwejjeg min xi familji, ma nghaddiex. U allura, jekk vera tridu tghinnu, pls moru irrapurtaw lil min qed jabbuza, halli l-gust ma jigiex ikkastigat habba haddiehor. Thanks
Grazzi Guidaforte li qbilt mieghi. Meta semmejt il-jottijiet ma naghmlux li kont qed tirreferi ghal Mintoff li kien iqatta' vaganzi twal fuq il-jott ta' wiehed jaghmel l-inbid hux? Merta semmejt il-500 ewro kont qed thallat il-gass mal;-hass. @elwenzu (kollha bil-maskra dawn)..Who doesn't know that there are so many persons, self employed who earn hundreds of euro every week and then register as unemployed? Do not tell me that YOU don't know. And who doesn't know that hundreds of so called single mothers are not single at all but refuse to get married officially so that they won't lose their numerous benefits? We can see them all around us.
Mr Demartino. IF you positively know, which by the style of writings you are sure of, you have a DUTY to report these facts to the relevant departments.
Sur Giovann Demartino...Jien ghamilt 45 sena nahdem u inhallas kollox dovut, sabiex illum niehu il pensjoni li hdimt ghalija. Da zgur li ma naqbilx ma min jahdem min taht u jiehu il beneficcji tal qadd. U zgur li ma naqbilx ma min jabbuza mill beneficcji. Ghalhekk ma naqbilx mal politika ta GonziPN li min wara dahar il poplu ha (seraq ) 500 ewro ZIEDA fil gimgha ghal tal qalba. Tinshiex li l-anqas irritornawhom, meta kif xi hadd jabbuza jinqabad ,wara li iwaqqfulu kollox, ikun irid jirritorna kollox. Meta nigu ghal l-ispiji, tista tibda mis sittinijiet, meta il Kappilani kienu jispjunaw lin nazzjonalisti min kien ahmar jew blu. u jekk nigu ghal lum tista tistaqsi lis Segretarju Pawlu Borg Olivier kif ikunu l-ispiji. Il punt tieghi huwa, li l-abbuz dejjem jibqa abbuz, ghanke li dejjem l-istess nies jiehdu il kuntratti il kbar, basta immorru dawra b`xi jot, jew imorru naraw l-Arsenals, ect,,,ect...ect..
Kemm ghandek argumenti fjakki, biex ma nghidx stupidi Sur guidaforte. Kull min ghandu ghajnejh f'wiccu ma jistax ma jarahomx l-abbuzi enormi li haw fejn jidhlu servizzi socjali. U DAWN AHNA QED INHALLSU NGHALIHOM. Illum tista' tispjuna? Mela nsejt kemm ghaqdiet taparasi volontarji ta' laburisti li xoghlhom kien jispjunaw fuq tal-hwienet, l-ghalliema, tobba, qassisin. Illum jispjunaw? Jien qatt ma rraportajt lil hadd, imma jekk bniedem qed jisloh flus it-taxpayer, INT SUR GUIDOFORTE, INT dak tiskuzah? Tiskuzah min jahdem u jirregistra, p.e.
If the gonzipn help the low income people,it is most likely helping him self to keep governing.Maltese generously people dont want poor people in the street.
It's nice to see that Demartino acknowledges the fact that Labour has a bigger chance of being elected to power. It will be also good news for the PN, I can assure him. On a more serious note, while I do believe that there are genuine cases of poverty out there, there are also, as Demartino says, several abuses. Let us hope these are few. Hence, such reports may be more credible if they are published so that people can evaluate the methodology applied and not just the conclusions.
Jekk xi hadd fehem il-kumment super stupidu ta' Daniel jaghmilli pjacir kbir jekk ifehemhuli. Jien ma fhimt xejn.
@ Giovanni Demartino.Kieku biex tiddefendi lil gvern l-ewwel tiehu...Min jaf kieku ikun hemm il lejber fil gvern taharqekx qalbek ghal dawk li qeghedin jabbuzaw ( skond int ).Issa ikkonfermajna li int mohhok fin nies u gakkbin.Biex tkun aktar ragel illum ghawn il mezzi ,( li fiz zmien il lajber ma kontx issibhom )li tista tispjuna lil min ikun qeghed jabbuza u tibqa annonimu, bhal ma kienu jghamlu ta Hitler u Mussolini. Sur Giovann, MIN MA GHANDHUX DNUB JITFA L-EWWEL GEBLA...Int lest li twaddaba ?
Single parent families at the highest risk of poverty.... Is Caritas referring to single mothers? If that is so, then, I'm afraid, it is the single mother's problem. I pay my income tax to the last cent, and if I am a day late with my monthly instalment I have to pay interest. I can mention tens of so called single mothers in Mosta, who are not single at all, who have a working partner, who are given all sort of benefits by the taxpayer and, more often than not, these "single" mothers have a job and earn much more than the average worker. THESE are facts. And I also know of several "sick" persons who, once again, receive all sorts of benefits from the taxpayer and yet they have regular full time jobs. This daylight robbery MUST stop.
Demartino has lifted his head out of the hole at last only to find out that the rest of the pn are still with their head buried, do likewise Demartino go and find a hole but this time find a bigger one.
They say the road to hell is lined up with good intentions and this report may very well be in that category. Does the report conclude that this is the minimum wage that would be survivable or that we have to increase the minimum wage; in this last case the question is - who will carry this burden? Its easy to come out all saintly and suggest ideas .. but maybe its time to consider the hardworking men and women in this country who have 1. the right to work hard and earn money and 2. the right to keep and enjoy that money. What should be stressed is giving equal opportunity to children and increasing their awareness to what will happen if they do not take that opportunity. Finally i think caritas would do well to read on on Milton Friedman - a nobel price economist. He pointed out that markets will adjust themselves and one consequence on minimum wage is that people who do not people who could have been employed are not not employable - but never mind, then we simply give them a wage anyways, compliments of the tax payer. We should grown up and be responsible for ourselves and for our actions. Then we should wake up and hold responsible those who abuse and squander our hardwork and industry and have raised the cost of living through taxation, incompetence and theft - namely the maltese government. Start by holding ourselves accountable and then those who are there to serve us - and stop trying to look good at other people's expense.
Gizumarija x'ghaks haw f'dal-pajjiz. Tal-Caritas qed jinkwetaw ghal xejn Erbat ijiem ohra jitla' -labour u Joseph jaghtina l-living wage. U dik it-tifla tkun tista' dduq ic-cikkulata u l-ohrajn jixtru sufan gdid.
Sinjuri tal Caritas...Mela ma tafux li il gvernijiet nazzjonalisti qatt ma hamlu liz zghir...Mela minthomx tindunaw li qeghedin jeqirdu in nies tat tieni klassi.Mela minthomx tindunaw li tant kemm qeghedin igibu malinkonija fil pajjiz li ic cittadin l-anqas aptit jivvota ma hallewlu. Ara il 500 ewro fil gimgha li serqu ghalihom u ma iridux jirritornawhom..dawk O.K..anzi jekk jergaw jitilaw ser jergaw jehduhom, u nahseb bl`arretrati b`kollox..Sinjuri titilfux zmien, u ghamlu kif kien jghejdilhom l-Archisqof Gonzi..."Itolbu lil Bambin, u jibghatilkhom "
One person needs at least 100 uros a weak to live in this very high cost of liveing island,and every day prices goes up like crazy.
I can never forget a four old girl who never had a bar of chocolate in her life. This family was so poor that the so called sofa they had instead of having normal wooden legs, it stood on four plastic lemonade boxes. Imagine the rest!