Housing Authority set on bringing a cultural change
The Housing Authority’s CEO Albert Buttigieg sets his sights on changing the way people look at social housing and is determined to bring about a cultural change whilst maintaining the authority’s social responsibilities.
Housing Authority CEO Albert Buttigieg
Housing Authority CEO, Albert Buttigieg, a former Sedqa coordinator, is delighted with what he has achieved in the last one a and a half years he has been at the helm of the Housing Authority and has an ambitious but sensible plan to change the attitude towards home-ownership and social housing.
Historically housing has been used by political parties to grab votes. However, Buttigieg says that since taking office, one and half years ago he has not experienced any political interference. While admitting that for decades that authority was used as a political tool to win votes and alter the fine balance in electoral districts, Buttigieg says that this no longer the case.
Read the full interview in tomorrow's edition of MaltaToday

Prosit ghal kull inizzjattiva li tista issir rigward il Housing Estates.Waqt li jien trabbejt gewwa is slums tal Belt u li ilni 38 sena nghoqod f`housing estate, gewwa Rahal, naf xi ftit x`ghandu isir sabiex nghollu il livel tal housing estates li f`dawn l-ahhar snin saru jixbhu lis slums..Dawn huma ftit suggerimenti li jien nixtieq inressaq. A. Hadd ma jista jonxor fuq barra, specjalment tal ground floor. B. Kull min ghandu xi pet, ghandu jirregistrah u izommu f`kondizzjoni tajjeb u li ma ikunx ta fastddju ghal girien. C. Il Frontu il back Gardens li huma tal komun, ghandhom jidgawdew min kullhadd u mhux ikkapparrawhom tas sular tisfel.D.Ghandu jitnehha kull haga imdendla barra ,bhal gysers u sattelliti. E.Fejn huwa possibbli ghandu jinbena sular iehor u jigi installat il lift.F. L awtorita konguta mal kunsilli tahdem sabiex il qtates stray li ghawn ma kull housing estate jigu ikkultivati, u isirulhom djar , u li ikun hemm min ikun responsabbli ghalihom. Li tnehhihom,le ghax jigu il grieden.G. Fejn huwa possibbli, ghandhom jithaffru gibjuni fil wesghat tal bini, sabiex jilqaw l-ilmijiet tax xita.Hemm hafna aktar xi tghejd ..ghal issa daqshekk.Nawguralkhom.

It has been my pleasure working with Albert Buttigieg.Prosit Albert.
Frederick Cutajar
Mayor of Santa Lucija.