Thousands spent on meals and flowers in two months

While the government is implementing a €40 million budgetary cut to come in line with the EU’s budgetary rules, Health minister Joe Cassar has spent thousands on meals and flowers.

Health Minister Joe Cassar
Health Minister Joe Cassar

In the wake of the €40 million budgetary cuts which have also affected health and social services, the Sunday newspaper Illum has learnt that Health minister Joe Cassar has spent thousands on meals and entertainment.

A number of receipts show that €7,676 was spent on meals and parties in the space of two months.  

In January, €904 was spent on flowers which were sent to grieving families in the electoral districts which Cassar and parliamentary secretary Mario Galea contest.

Read more in today's edition of Illum




There is only one sentence to describe Joe Cassar and His government A shameless band of thieves.
no comments............unbelievable.
It looks that the people are naging, because the goverment is not treating every body the same, only his closest friends are geting the busnees.For this reoson this goverment will not sirvive.
Naqra haxiexu da - EUR904 fjuri lill hbiebu. Ser ihallina bil werqa biss jekk nibqaw serjien hekk!
And what about all the money wasted on all the thousands of flowers planted in our roundabouts which die after a couple of weeks? This is surely an expense we can do without for the moment, or do we think that tourists come to Malta because there are flowers in the roundabouts?
And what about all the money wasted on all the thousands of flowers planted in our roundabouts which die after a couple of weeks? This is surely an expense we can do without for the moment, or do we think that tourists come to Malta because there are flowers in the roundabouts?
And what about all the money wasted on all the thousands of flowers planted in our roundabouts which die after a couple of weeks? This is surely an expense we can do without for the moment, or do we think that tourists come to Malta because there are flowers in the roundabouts?
Mela! Imbagħad m'għandhomx flus għall-Inspire! Imbagħad xi partitarju tagħhom isaqsi min fejn ser iġibu l-flus tal-PL!!
Zack Depasquale
Fejn hi l-kultura tar-rizenji. Waqt li Dr Gonzi jghid li kienet decizjoni iebsa biex inaqqas is-sussidju tan-nies b'dizabilita, jidher li l-ministru tas-sahha hassu komdu hafna biex jibghat il-fjuri. mhux min butu ftakru imma min but il-poplu Malti. Konna ghadna u nibqghu nghixu fil-pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse.