Gonzi promises to keep providing free health services

Speaking in Mosta, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi underlines the government's commitment to provide the best health service possible for free.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi speaking in the PN club in Mosta.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi speaking in the PN club in Mosta.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Health minister Joe Cassar boasted about government's achievements in health and promised to keep investing in the health sector and keep it free of charge.

Gonzi and Cassar addressed supporters in the PN club in Mosta, which was a main battlefield in last week's local elections. They were joined by Joe Mercieca and Jean Depasquale, two former party employees, who spoke about their personal experiences at Mater Dei hospital.

Gonzi said health was a main priority for the government and underlined that his government is investing more than €1 million a day in health services.

The Prime Minister insisted that government is committed to "provide health services of the best quality and free of charge for the rich and for the poor." Gonzi said that Malta provides one of the best health services in the world even when compared to bigger and richer countries.

In recent weeks, the government has come under fire for announcing budgetary cuts across the health ministry's departments. Some €8.5 million in cuts will take place across all departments, namely from salaries, programmes and initiatives and entities under the health division.

However,Gonzi stressed that "patients come first" and appealed to young persons to lead a healthy lifestyle. He added "we promise all parents that we will provide the best health services possible."

The two testimonials present, recounted their own personal health issues and were full of praise for the doctors and nurses who helped them overcome their health problems and thanked the Prime Minister and the Minister for Health for ensuring that the treatment received was free of charge and of the best quality.

Talking on cancer, Gonzi said that a new Oncology Centre will soon be opened at Mater Dei and explained that government was helping fight the disease through the provision of free medicine, including Hercepting which cost thousands of euros per pill.

Gonzi added that in 2007 "only five pharmacies provided free medicines to who is entitled but after launching the Pharmacy of Your Choice scheme, the number has now gone up to 159."

Health minister Joe Cassar also addressed the party faithful in the PN Mosta club, which was embroiled in a controversy in 2010 as it was alleged that the club was converted into a Soho-kind of club where young women would be seen dancing around poles until late at night.

Cassar said that the number of operations at Mater Dei have increased as have check-ups and visits at the Outpatients Department, which reached 524,000 last year. He also said that this month the Health ministry launched the "My Health" scheme which will allow patients to view their health records online and have their doctors access them. Although this is being announced as a new system, the project has been in the pipeline for years.

On 3 November 2007, Gonzi had said the system will take two or three years to be complete, however the system was launched in January 2012.

Is it still valid not to judge you for what you say?
Gonzipn - dan li ghedt illum dwar is-sahha nemmnu biss jekk tibghatli ittra personalizzata d-dar ... b'hekk BISS nemmnuk ghax jekk se toqghod tpacpac biss fuq hekk, MA NEMMNUKX. Nemmnuk BISS kif tasal ittra d-dar ..... ghax nafu li f'dawn l-ittri int tghid il-verita u tkun sincier u tghidilna dak li veru jkun se jigri ... u bihom biss nemmnuk !!!!!
FREE healthcare? Does that mean running the service will not be financed by our taxes? Come on Gonzi, NOTHING in life is free. You may fool your gullible followers. The rest of us have more sense and won't be taken in by your lies any more.
Yes Prime Minister, a couple of months back the Mater dei ceo was chanting that the service is unsustainable. and by the way dear PM we pay through our nose in taxes. If you want reduce the taxes and then make us pay. NOTHING IS FOR FREE
Luke Camilleri
.... U BUKKETTI TAL-FJURI MILL-BUDGETS TAL-MINISTERU....meta xi Kummissjant tal-Funerali jighidlu li mietilhom xi hadd ! Dejjem imhallsin mill budgets tal-Ministeri u mit taxxi taghna!
Jien wiehed mil hafna eluf li ma nemmienx lil gonzipn.Il bierah dhalt il belt wara hafna zmien u kief inzilt min tal linja harist lejn l entratura tal belt u rajt mostru kbir n naha ta lemin.Kif ma tisthux il veru l anqas zejt ma baqalkom f'wicckom.Il belt kapitali r rovenjatuwa.Sewwa taghmel Joe Muscat jekk tkun fil gvern stieden lil gonzipn biex jaqta li spaga.Tal misthija
Anette B Cassar
http://www.dreamstime.com/dancing-water-thumb12124506.jpg Hawn araw. Ilma jizfen.
Ma nafx ghalfejn il gvern u kull gvern jghejd li il kura u is sahha huma b`xejn...Jien hdimt ghal 45 sena. Hallast sa l-anqas centezzmu f`taxxi u f`bolol dovuti minni. Jien u min huwa bhali faddalna ghal dan is servizz.Allura illum ghax ikolli bzonn il kura tghejdilha b`xejn ?.Mhux diga hallasna ghalih ? Veru b`xejn ,IMMA "JEKK GHAWN " xi sangusugi li dejjem ghexu min fuq daharna. Dawk li QATT ma hallsu xejn, jirregistraw , jiehdu il beneficcji kollha u jahdmu min taht. Nixtieq li niehu din l-oppOrtunita sabiex min qalbi nirringrazzja lil l-istaff kollu ta Mater Dei, min fuq sa isfel...ghas servizz eccezzjonali li qeghedin jghatu...GRAZZI .
I wont trust you after all your promises with Docktyard workers, ex Public Transport Workers, Hunters and Bird Trappers etc etc etc. In the next General Election I will judge you on what you have done. Like voting against the WILL of the Maltese People in the Divorce Issue, the Power Station working with heavy fuel oils and now you mention that you will change it to gas. The money spent in vain when you should have done it with gas in the first place. The €500 weekly, and most of all the debts / deficit you and your untalented bunch managed to inflict on this Nation. Id-Dejn ihallsuh uliedna u ulied uliedna. Dik tnexxija, meta il-Poplu Malti irrid l-aqwa u l-ahjar ghall-ULIEDNA u ulied Uliedna.
Mur emmnu!!! Tgħid ma'jibgħatx xi ittra oħra milli jħobb jibgħat!!