JPO: PN will ‘condemn itself to oblivion’ if it returns to be a branch of the local Curia

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has warned that if the PN entrenches itself in a state of ‘suspended animation’ reminiscent of the days when it was practically a branch of the local Curia, ‘it will be condemning itself to oblivion’.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando : “the PN is a political movement and not a fossil.”
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando : “the PN is a political movement and not a fossil.”

Writing on Facebook, in response to a barrage of attacks levelled at him by former PN candidate for the European Parliament and an active member of the so called 'The Catholic Vote' group established on Facebook, Jeffrey Pullicino stressed that "the PN is a political movement and not a fossil."

He added that "thankfully it seems that influential officials such as Simon Busuttil absolutely disagree with the archaic views of those who hanker for the 'good' old days when the Archbishop called the shots."

Pullicino Orlando kept the momentum in his responses to Deidun who seemingly alleged that the Zebbug MP was in favour of abortion.

In his reply, Pullicino Orlando reminded Deidun that while he condemned abortion in all its forms, he was and will remain adamant in his campaign against abortion, as he fought it within the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.


@alan deidun “90% of those who write on this blog”….Humm, funny. Yes, I cannot but hide my identity because I am not a champion like you being given a page in a newspaper to use for persona PR and ruin peoples’ lives buy causing imaginable hardship like you (Roman Catholic) did to me. And I am talking firsthand experience, dude. The think is I do not have time and money to rebut you. But as the Maltese did when you stood up for EU MP even God will one day pay you back for what you did to me and who used you into it.
@ all comments. When are many of you going to stop losing your precious time in answering idiots? Just don't waste your time and leave these hypocrits and idiots, full of fascism ideolisim, enjoy themselves in writing stupidity, since they are living such a miserable, sad life! Many of you should know better! just ignore these b**t**ds!
Jeff or people like him is our future for Malta.Malta is full of insane religous laws which is making people live in misery,and scared to expres themselfs.
Dr Deidun is more than right in unmasking the bigotism of the so called 'progressives and moderate' movement. From a catholic perspective divorce and gay marriage are far worse sins than abortion. Abortion can be absolved by confession, while adultary in the case of re marriage after divorce cannot. Same sex practice also cannot be absolved. I am a liberitarian not a catholic, but I cannot stand the bigotism and hypocrasy of these people. I cannot understand how a person who supports divorce can still enter a church and ask for sacraments. It clearly make no sense for a declaired apostate to demand sacraments. You cannot choose both ways at the same time. And from a political and economic aspect both divorce and gay marriages are disruptive and surely are not for the common good of society. These progressive will do well to look at histort books as their forfathers brought nothing but disaster to humanity notably the spanish civil war and the rise of nazism. Well done Dr Deidun and I will be the first to support you if you decides to contest for the next elections. Parliament will loose a lot if you are not one of its members to fight all this dishonesty and political corruption of confused illogical ideas. Malta and your party needs you Dr Deidun
Abortion should be legalised. the religious institutions should refrain from preaching their sermons from pulpits, but instead preach it with thier lifes shared among the poor of poorest, not necessarily financially. the Soul is sick and we have enshrined our scruples and wrong doings under the canopy of tradtion and cult. the rest would only be relevant. I fail to understand blogs that their main intention is either to hit out at other persons or attack the government or the opposition party. will we ever evolve on these islands?
@parlapiupiano, what's with the lack of balls to show your true identity and with preferring to be a sock puppet instead? Can you quote chapter and verse where I made unfounded and incorrect statements? About scientific or ethical issues? As with 90% of those who write on this blog, you spread spleen gratuitously under the cover of anonymity. Very convenient eh? It's another mt sponsored scheme to get at its detractors
@alan deidun.....tiehu xejn bi kbir habib. dawn l-agenda taghhom hi biss biex jghamlu hsara lil parti nazzjonalista. prova ta' ta dan hija l-investigazzjoni li saret fuq joe cilia kandidat tal-partit laburista. saviour balzan tghidx kemm dam igib skuzi u paraguni biex jiggustifika ir-rapport li kiteb. pero waqaf hemm xejn gdid. nahseb li l-investigazzjoni mietet fuq ommha. ara dwar julian galea l-investigazzjoni ghada sejra u issa dahlet fil-fazi personali.
Very good one this article, indeed. These two people JPO and Deidun are exactly the same stock. Both urge themselves to something that steals the show. JPO is clinging to the last straw available to him to show himself up in the media and for which purpose I absolutely cannot understand. He is fine and comfortable now that Mistra permits are in his hands. On the other hand Deidun, (if it was not Apri’ls fool day) inside the 'The Catholic Vote' group, come on. JPO and you have turned me into not voting PN for the first time (I am 40) and now you are risking of turning me into a Atheist. Deidun you are like jellyfish, you appear where the current and wind blows. You profess to be a green but to the tune of the mostly unfound and un correct statements and articles and feeds from fellow self professed Catholics and saints. Dear Deidun and JPO give us Maltese a break.
Very good one this article, indeed. These two people JPO and Deidun are exactly the same stock. Both urge themselves to something that steals the show. JPO is clinging to the last straw available to him to show himself up in the media and for which purpose I absolutely cannot understand. He is fine and comfortable now that Mistra permits are in his hands. On the other hand Deidun, (if it was not Apri’ls fool day) inside the 'The Catholic Vote' group, come on. JPO and you have turned me into not voting PN for the first time (I am 40) and now you are risking of turning me into a Atheist. Deidun you are like jellyfish, you appear where the current and wind blows. You profess to be a green but to the tune of the mostly unfound and un correct statements and articles and feeds from fellow self professed Catholics and saints. Dear Deidun and JPO give us Maltese a break.
Very good one this article, indeed. These two people JPO and Deidun are exactly the same stock. Both urge themselves to something that steals the show. JPO is clinging to the last straw available to him to show himself up in the media and for which purpose I absolutely cannot understand. He is fine and comfortable now that Mistra permits are in his hands. On the other hand Deidun, (if it was not Apri’ls fool day) inside the 'The Catholic Vote' group, come on. JPO and you have turned me into not voting PN for the first time (I am 40) and now you are risking of turning me into a Atheist. Deidun you are like jellyfish, you appear where the current and wind blows. You profess to be a green but to the tune of the mostly unfound and un correct statements and articles and feeds from fellow self professed Catholics and saints. Dear Deidun and JPO give us Maltese a break.
Maltatoday u ic-censura go hand in hand as my previous 2 comments on this blog have been blocked - so much for your ideals
The kettle calling the plot black....imbasta I will defend your right to say what you want, even if I dont agree with it and all this hogwash by MaltaToday - I submitted a comment to this blog ca. 1 hr ago and it still has not appeared. Let me ask Karl once again - where exactly did I imply that JPO is in favour of abortion? Do you think your piece is balanced and fair when it only quotes what JPO says and you selectively omit all the reams I wrote on my fb wall? Is this your way of cherry-picking only those with similar views to your agenda? Simply, a deplorable return to the MEP campaign of 3 years ago, when the undersigned was continuously picked upon - well done Karl, they have trained you well at Maltatoday!!!!
The kettle calling the plot black....imbasta I will defend your right to say what you want, even if I dont agree with it and all this hogwash by MaltaToday - I submitted a comment to this blog ca. 1 hr ago and it still has not appeared. Let me ask Karl once again - where exactly did I imply that JPO is in favour of abortion? Do you think your piece is balanced and fair when it only quotes what JPO says and you selectively omit all the reams I wrote on my fb wall? Is this your way of cherry-picking only those with similar views to your agenda? Simply, a deplorable return to the MEP campaign of 3 years ago, when the undersigned was continuously picked upon - well done Karl, they have trained you well at Maltatoday!!!!
u hares lejn is sema u ra il blu u ftakar u qal, ahfrilhom mulej ghax ghandek x tahfrilhom u in nazzi tredu u qalu, min ahna?, ahna mieghek. JA OQBRA IMBAJDA
Geoffrey naqbel mija fil-mija mieghek li l-abort m'ghandu jiddahhal qatt f'Malta. Halliha li f'kazijiet estremi u reagjonevoli,kif forsi ippruvati b'mod mediku, irridu nkunu ipokriti u hallu lill-individwi jmur barra jabortixxi bla ebda konsegwenzi kriminali. Dik affari tieghu jew ahjar taghha. Dwar il-kilba tal-Partit Nazzjonalista li jergghu jdahhlu fin-nofs lill-Knisja biex Gonzi jirkeb minn fuqha bhalma sar fi zmien iz-ziju ta' missieru fis-sittin sittin, l-Arcisqof Mikiel Gonzi, ghamilt sewwa tat twissija pubblika. Hasra li int, u Jeffrey Mugliett m'ghandkomx il-guts tghinu lil Franco Debono biex twaqqfu lil dan il-Gvern, li wara kollox rega' xamm il-poter wara l-kumplott fis-satra tal-lejl biex twarrab George Borg Olivier. Iktar ma jghaddi z-zmien, l-elettorat qed jifhem li wasal iz-zmien ghal bidla u l-Arcisqof Pawlu Cremona u l-Isqof Mario Grech ghandhom joqoghodu attenti biex il-Knisja ma tizzeffinx fin-nofs. Ma jidhirlix li se jkun hemm xi proposti fil-programmi elettorali dwar l-abort, forsi li nifthu ghal marriages of persons of the same sex iva u ghal dan ma ghandna bzonn nistennew ebda elezzjoni, ghaliex hu dritt taghhom, bhalma kien dritt ghal dawk li c-cirkostanzi talbu li jiehdu d-divorz. (not edited not to lose comment).
Karl, like the rest of your colleagues, you are masters of misinformation and at promoting your agenda. Did you quote verbatim from what I wrote on fb or pruned selectively to fit your argument? Where did I say that jpo is in favour of abortion? Misskhom tisthu. On one hand you complain that the establishment andc pbs and the times operates an apartheid system and then you misquote and underrepresent your detractors. The pot calling the kettle black Karl! Period
@ jgalea...Tinshiex tibdel il BULLUTIN ghax tmur l-infern...HA..HA..HA...Min hemm tridu ja qabda OQBRA IMBAJDA..Ma xbajtux tghamlulha hsara lil Knisja Kattolika, Rumana, Nazzjonalista.Gonzi kien hemm u Gonzi rega hemm...Tghejd l-istorja ser tirrepeti ruhha? Ikun hazin, ghax illum mhux is snin sittin..Imma tkun id daqqa mortali ghal min jipprova izeffen il Knisja fil politika...
@jgalea Kemm Thobb TISSERVA bil Knisja Il PN tieghek ghandu ruh NISRANIJA meta tisma lil Pm Gonzi jghid li sejjer il parlament JIVVOTA BIL QALB biex JOLEW il kontijiet ta Dawl u l-Ilma jew INKELLA tisma Kunsilliri Nazjonalisti fosthom in neputija tal Pm Joanna Gonzi u membru ta l-istess kunsill JIFTAHRU li jobodu lil Partitarji Laburisti
Zack Depasquale
L-ahwa imma kif tibqghu taghtu kaz J.Galea m'intomx tindunaw li dan jigbdilkhom saqajkhom u jiccajtha maghkhom qieghed, ghax impossibli jezistu cwiec daqshekk f'Malta.
@jgalea "religio et patria" makes absolutely no sense in today's world. This is 2012 not 1960. Very sorry, but I am certain that you and people of your views are in a minority. Being in such a minority (divorce referendum should have made that clear) your antics are laughable. You think you have any authority over the rest of us? Ordering a politician to stop doing what he believes in... get real mr. 19 xejn xejn!
Ara jistax ikollok 'ekologista' politikament konservattiv! Nahseb li barra minn Malta jaghmulha ta xi 'progressivi' xellugin biex jghattu il-misthija, u hawn jghixu il-kondrazzijoni idjologika taghhom 'day in day out': 'only in little Malta'!
Ara jistax ikollok 'ekologista' politikament konservattiv! Nahseb li barra minn Malta jaghmulha ta xi 'progressivi' xellugin biex jghattu il-misthija, u hawn jghixu il-kondrazzijoni idjologika taghhom 'day in day out': 'only in little Malta'!
Sur J Galea , tidher li int bniedem stupidu u bigota biex ma tafx taghmel differenza bejn dak li hu religjuz u dak li hu profan , jigifiefi dak li hu ta' Cesri u dak li hu ta' ALLA . Jekk qed tahseb li kull min hu nazzjonalist hu nisrani u il-kumplament tal-poplu kollu mhux nisrani ma tistax tkun aktar zbaljat . Gvern ma jistax ikun ta parti mil-poplu ,izda tal-poplu kollu sew nisrani , protestant ,buddist ,musulman jew ta' xi religjon ohra . Jekk il-partit Nazzjonalista jrid ikun partit konfessjonali , affari tieghu , izda ma ghandu ebda dritt li jimponi xi xirta ta' religjon fuq ic-cittadini tieghu .
Hallina JPO! Imbghad ghalfejn mort tivvota favur Dr Gonzi bhala leader, meta kulhadd jaf li hu ghadu konservattiv u bigota daqs kemm kien meta kien il-president tal-Azzjoni Kattolika. Il-partit li thaddan int dejjem kien, ghadu u jibqa' fil-maggoranza tieghu, il-partit tal-kleru, negozjanti u professjonisti. Fi ftit kliem ta' dawk in-nies li jahsbu li ghandom doni specjali u huma ahjar minn haddiehor. Int, li ghandek mohhok miftuh u int modern u progressiv, missek ilek li ndunajt li qieghed f'partit li jhaddan principji opposti ghal tieghek.
Sur JPO. Issa daqshekk. Dak li ridt hadtu. Issa IQAF. Il PN jekk ma tafx huwa partit l unika msejjes fuq il princicji Nsara. U iva jaghmel sew il partit taghna jimxi id f id mal Knisja Kattolika Maltija, fejn isib lir Religjon Kattolika taghna bhala ispirazjoni u gwida. Ghalhekk il PN dejjem rebbih. Ghax ghandu ruh Nisranija. Mela nsejt il motto taghna (kemm bhala Pajjiz u kemm bhala Partit) "Religio et Patria". LE ghal liberalizmu. IVA ghal KATTOLICIZMU. IVA ghal PN.