African-American US embassy staff report racial harassment
A crime and safety report published by the US Bureau of Diplomatic Security reveals that US embassy staff face racial harassment in Malta.
'Acts of prejudice against non-Caucasian people are not uncommon, and harassment of African-American embassy staff in Malta has been reported,' a Crime and Safety Report issued this week by the US Bureau of Diplomatic Security, states.
The report gives Valletta a 'medium' rating for its crime rate.
'Several factors such as increased irregular migration and a bustling tourist industry have contributed to an increase in criminal activity,' the report states.
According to the report, most reported incidents are crimes of opportunity for immediate gain - such as simple assault, pick-pocketing, and petty theft. But crimes committed at knifepoint have increased.
However, according the US bureau, criminals in Malta are generally averse to using violence in order to achieve their objective, especially when they encounter any type of resistance from a would-be victim.
Still, the report denounces an increase in more violent crimes, including armed robberies, sexual assaults, and homicides.
The report singles out the bouncers of some establishments in Paceville for occasionally using heavy-handed tactics, noting that there have been isolated incidents in which foreign visitors have been injured.
The report recommends that club visitors avoid confrontation with bouncers and local youths and depart the area at the first sign of potential problems.
Although all major roads are described to be in good condition most secondary roads are 'marred by potholes'. Driving can be challenging and sometimes dangerous due to poorly illuminated roadways, roadways in a state of disrepair, narrow roadways, inexperienced and irresponsible drivers, pedestrian traffic, and intense rain.
The most common environmental hazard in Malta denounced by the US report is heavy rain and flash flooding of low-lying roads, which may become impassable due to 12-18 inches or more of standing water.