Tonio Fenech says €40 million cuts were not imposed by EC

Finance minister Tonio Fenech says that the €40 million budgetary cuts were not imposed on Malta by the European Commission.

Finance minister Tonio Fenech said that the €40 million budgetary cuts are a precautionary measure.
Finance minister Tonio Fenech said that the €40 million budgetary cuts are a precautionary measure.

Finance minister Tonio Fenech has said in parliament that the €40 million budgetary cuts undertaken by the government were not imposed by the European Commission.

In his reply to a parliamentary question tabled by Opposition MP Leo Brincat, Fenech said that the cuts are "a precautionary measure to grant the government more flexibility to put it in a position to make any needed adjustments."

"It is not true that this decision was imposed on us by the European Commission," Fenech stressed.

In January, Fenwech had announced that the government will cut €40 million from the 2012 budget in order to ensure that the deficit remained below 3% of GDP.

Speaking during the parliamentary debate on the Greek bailout, Fenech confirmed that the government will review its performance in June and decide what action to take if necessary when the mid-year results will be at hand.

Meanwhile, the bill on the Greek bailout was approved unanimously by parliament.  

Last week, Labour demanded an explanation on where will the cuts be made since government refused to give out such details in parliament.

During a press conference addressed by Opposition MPs Karmenu Vella and Charles Mangion and Labour MEP Edward Scicluna, it was announced that a parliamentary question was tabled in the European Parliament, asking European Commissioner Olly  Rehn to explain whether it was the EU commission who imposed the €40 million cuts on the government or whether the government itself proposed the cuts.

Karmenu Vella had also noted that according to the finance minister the cuts will only come into force if the government reaches its midyear targets in June. However, Vella said that the finance ministry has already issued instructions to governmental department and ministries to introduce budgetary cuts. 

Abouth time they realized, that they have to ajust the spending.If Gonzipn want claphands, he must cut the nonsence spending,not from the usefull people.
As soon as they fix the the urow zone aconomic problems,after that Malta will have aconomic boom. Wara l-maltemp jigi l-bnazzi.
Luke Camilleri
Mela minn min jekk mhux mill EC... min-Nanna Olga? Dan Tonio Fenech imissu jaghmlu Ministru tal-Pantomimi u Buzollotti ghax idahhaq u jbikki kull meta jiftah halqu!
40 million to cut this year,is that all.How much you are going to cut next year,please tell us ,so people can figure how much they are going to cut from there personal budget.The rich people should chip in for this sum of money, not the poor,or you dont mind ,if the poor become poorer.
Why didn't Tonio reduce millions from a useless and unwanted triple project at city gate instead of those pecked off health and education? The PN has lost direction and is heading straight to oblivion.
Vera hasibna cwiec dan Toninu; jipprova jikkopja lil volpi u ma jammettix li l-gheneb ma jistax jilhqu, u jivvinta li l-gheneb qares! Ghal gol-bir tas-skieken se idahhluna dawn il-creme de la creme ta ghorrief Maltin!
There are lies, damned lies and politicians lies.
Jekk tassew ma kienitx Brussell li gieghlet lil gonzipn u lis-segwaci tal-madonna minn birkirkara li jqaccat 40 miljun ewro mill-budget ghall-2012 imma kienet decizjoni mehuda minn dawn iz-zewg bravi, aktar u aktar tirrifletti s-serjeta li biha jitfassal il-budget tal-gvern!!!! Fejn qatt smajniha li inqas minn xahar wara li jitressaq il-budget u l-linka tkun ghadha lanqas nixfet minn fuqu li l-istimi jinbidlu b'dan il-mod. Dan il-pass jirrifletti biss haga wahda - li gonzipn u tonio fenech tar-rahal ta' birkirkara huma dilettanti u minkejja li jippretenduha ta' xi wizards finanzjarji hadd m'hu kapaci jghaddihom f'dak li hu tbazwir bil-finanzi tal-gvern - imma l'aqwa li jiddandnu fl-ewropa qishom huma qed isalvaw l'ewro !!!!
Labour complains which ever way Tonio jumps, and Tonio denies he is jumping! The money that was stolen, wasted and siphoned off - that is gone. What remains is the rest of us tax payers to make more sacrifices and do with less. Maybe one day some politician will actually go after the people who stole the money and not come after the theft victims ... to get some more!
People get so arrogant that they deny what is true.
Go tell it to the marines Ton!!
Anette B Cassar
Mela ghaliex ton, ghax indunajt li ghamilt budget zbaljat?