PN parliamentary group in limbo following March 10 electoral fiasco
Despite sustaining a heavy defeat in the March 10 local council elections, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has not yet summoned his parliamentary group to discuss the electoral fallout, and party whip confirms “nothing is scheduled so far.”
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has not summoned his parliamentary group to discuss the PN's most recent defeat at the polls, where it lost a staggering 11,500 votes and lost the mayorships in Safi and St. Paul's Bay.
As a MaltaToday poll put Labour in a 14 point lead over the PN, the March 10 elections in 35 localities - which included Sliema and already had a resignation - triggered Gonzi to react with a promise to "listen more to the people."
But while his special delegate Simon Busuttil struggles to get the party closer to the people, MP Franco Debono has kept up his rant against the leadership, and exposing the party which is being led by what he described as an "oligarchy."
Contacted by MaltaToday, PN parliamentary whip David Agius confirmed that no parliamentary group meeting has been held since the March 10 result, and added that "so far no meeting is scheduled."
Meanwhile, Labour's parliamentary whip Joe Mizzi said that Labour MPs have met since the March 10 elections, and another meeting is scheduled for next week.