[WATCH] Robert Abela suggests Metsola used power for personal gain amid Israel-Hamas conflict
Addressing Labour supporters, Prime Minister Robert Abela said being neutral doesn't mean being indifferent to people's suffering • Abela says the budget...
The lover boy method: How pimps target young women and groom them into prostitutes
Last week, MaltaToday published an investigative story on a Romanian crime feud and its links to prostitution in Malta. The crime racket made use of the ‘lover...
Muscat on OCCRP corruption dishonour: ‘Makes my life harder on due diligence matters’

Continuation of Public Accounts Committee hearings on NAO report into procurement of Electrogas gas plant

Continuation of Public Accounts Committee hearings on NAO...

PL officials evade questions on Silvio Grixti party membership after social benefits scandal

Labour Party's two highest officials remain silent on former MP Silvio Grixti's party membership status

Labour Party's two highest officials remain silent...

Union boss hails ‘historic’ deal for over 4,000 nurses and midwives

New sectoral agreement for nurses and midwives and ECG technicians provides more benefits for profession

New sectoral agreement for nurses and midwives and ECG...

Daphne foundation says Muscat misled PAC on LNG security of supply agreement

Daphne Caruana Galizia foundation writes to European Commission over former PM’s statement on LNG security of supply agreement

Daphne Caruana Galizia foundation writes to European...

Ħondoq loophole could open backdoor for new development

Ħondoq plan from PA is to be split and regulated by two different policies,...

Ħondoq plan from PA is to be split and regulated by two...

CPD officials rescue pony which fell into 60cm ditch

Pony was safely rescued and suffered minor injuries

Pony was safely rescued and suffered minor injuries

PA refuses to limit cremation facilities to one government-owned site

Planning Authority further reduces the ODZ area where standalone cremation...

Planning Authority further reduces the ODZ area where...

Higher take-away prices and house maintenance services driving inflation

August inflation report shows price rises being driven by the food and housing indexes

August inflation report shows price rises being driven by...

Labour costs and raw materials dominate expenses for catering businesses, ACE study shows

In a sustainability study commissioned by the Association of Catering Establishments, respondents said that the majority of their expenses are labour...

In a sustainability study commissioned by...

Repubblika questions police inaction on disability benefits scandal

Police have chared dozens of claimants who benefitted from the racket, but the...

Police have chared dozens of claimants who benefitted from...

Roberta Metsola: Designate leader or prop?

By addressing the independence mass meeting Roberta Metsola has raised the...

By addressing the independence mass meeting Roberta Metsola...

Red Arrows flying display cancelled at last minute

A Malta Air Show's flying display was canceled at the last...

A Malta Air Show's flying display was...

Grech claims benefit fraud scheme is wider than what has been revealed

Opposition leader Bernard Grech rebuffs the government's claims that the scandal surrounding fraudulent disability benefits was not a vote-buying...

Opposition leader Bernard Grech rebuffs the...

Four police officers to be charged over odometer tampering racket

The scam involved deceiving consumers by tampering the mileage gauge to show...

The scam involved deceiving consumers by tampering the...

Wages to rise by €13 per week as inflation worries persist

Government decision on when to withdraw energy and fuel support is...

Government decision on when to withdraw energy and fuel...

'160 cases do not translate into 40,000 votes' - Falzon denies benefits fraud was linked to votes

Social Policy Minister Michael Falzon does not feel he should shoulder any political responsibility, saying that so far only one case came from his tenth...

Social Policy Minister Michael Falzon does not feel he...

'I had an abortion': Activists highlight prevalency of abortion in Malta

The activists said that in Malta, at least one person a day uses abortion pills to self-manage an abortion at home

The activists said that in Malta, at least one person...

ADPD wants a tourism cap and a development ban on Comino

The Greens insist that the number of tourists visiting Malta should be...

The Greens insist that the number of tourists visiting...