Alan Camilleri's contract at ME not renewed for 'personal reasons'

Finance minister Tonio Fenech confirms that Malta Enterprise executive chairman's contract will not be renewed.

Alan Camilleri asked the finance minister not to renew his contract for
Alan Camilleri asked the finance minister not to renew his contract for "personal reasons"

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech has confirmed that Malta Enterprise executive chairman Alan Camilleri has asked the ministry not to renew his contract which expires in mid-May. After several attempts were made to contact the minister, it was confirmed that a few weeks ago Camilleri expressed his desire not to have his contract renewed.

The controversial executive chairman of Malta Enterprise Alan Camilleri asked Finance Minister Tonio Fenech not to renew his contract which expires in mid-May, citing "personal reasons".

Contacted by MaltaToday, Camilleri said that he does not have time to answer questions regarding his position at Malta Enterprise and said that any questions should be sent "through the normal channels via e-mail".

Meanwhile, MaltaToday contacted the finance minister regarding the matter, however the minister said that he "does not have a minute to answer a question on Malta Enterprise" and said that the questions could be sent by email to his staff. Unlike other occasions, Fenech did not seem too keen to answer the question over the phone and duly, MaltaToday got in touch with a ministry's spokesperson.

At first, the ministry's spokesperson said he could not provide an answer "there and then" however he said that when a chairperson is replaced at one of the entities under the responsibility of the ministry, a press statement will be issued.

A few hours later, the ministry spokesperson contacted MaltaToday and said that "a few weeks ago, Alan Camilleri asked the minister not to renew his contract at Malta Enterprise, which expires in mid-May, for personal reasons."

Camilleri has been criticised by investors and other stakeholders for his performance as Malta Enterprise executive chairman.

Meanwhile, Malcolm Miller is being touted as a possible replacement at the helm of Malta Enterprise. Miller of the Miller Group of Companies and a major shareholder in the Maltese newspaper The Independent, would not comment when asked whether he will be the new executive chairman at ME.

On Wednesday, his own newspaper - The Independent - reported that Miller could be the next executive chairman. On the same day The Times, a competitor to The Independent, coincidentally carried a report highlighting reports on noise pollution at Millers's digital printing press in Luqa.

When asked what his plans for Malta Enterprise are, Miller said: "Who told you I will be chairman at Malta Enterprise?" Pressed to confirm or deny the reports of his possible appointment, Miller simply said: "No comment".

Miller has interests in printing presses in the UK, Italy and Cyprus and is widely respected in his field. He is also the managing director of the successful chain of Agenda bookshops.




Alan Camilleri, you, like many others, may run BUT YOU CANNOT HIDE! You will be made accountable for your deeds...taxpayers' money is sacrosanct and no fleeing will free you from your legal responsibilities.
Franco your comment is spot on,this flamboyant man thinks that by resigning now he will escape judgment day, he can run but he cannot hide.
Hope a new labour government investigates his spending spree.
Tghid l artiklu li harreg fil MT dwar il party li sar fil kwartiri l godda ghadu x jaqsam ma din id decizjoni??? Jew tiga ghandu xi post iehor lest jistennih fejn se jpogguh???
Tghid l artiklu li harreg fil MT dwar il party li sar fil kwartiri l godda ghadu x jaqsam ma din id decizjoni??? Jew tiga ghandu xi post iehor lest jistennih fejn se jpogguh???
Perhaps this boy is too expensive to maintain.
The ' personal' reason is simple: the guy did not perform - except to spend taxpayer's money on a building and spiffing new offices with the resulting 70% decrease in FDI ...or is it because he did not like the hairstyle of his employees ??
Issa li l-elezzjoni maghna, il-PN qed jipprova jnehhi l-mazri li l-poplu Malti ilu jgorr dawn is-snin kollha. Nisperaw li l-poplu ma jinsiex.
Definition of "Personal Reasons" : Not wanting to give a labour government the pleasure to honour him with the ORDER of the BOOTH
L-ghasfur ha jtir qabel ma jqajjem rixu, jaf li hemm xamma ta maltemp ghalih, maltemp li ma jridx isir akkontabli, u forsi hiereg ghal elezzjoni biex jisssielet halli jghatti l-ispalji kontroversjali li saru. Kemm jahsbuna boloh hux? Hawn malta hadd ma jassumi ir-responsabilita tal hazin li jghamel, dan mhux jien qed nghidu wiehed min taghhom stess, imma dan mhux kisser u sewwa imma kisser u harab.
Joseph MELI
This could simply be a case of him jumping before being pushed or else citing "personal reasons" in asking the Ministry not to consider his contract for renewal could be an indirect admission of failure and poor results whilst he was the helm,which are neither contentious claims nor in doubt I would argue.
Joseph MELI
This could simply be a case of him jumping before being pushed or else citing "personal reasons" in asking the Ministry not to consider his contract for renewal could be an indirect admission of failure and poor results whilst he was the helm,which are neither contentious claims nor in doubt I would argue.
This would be an excellent opportunity to split up the function of Chairman of the Board and CEO intwo two roles as it was before and as it should be. The board should oversee and guide the work of the executive - an impossible task when the Chairman and the CEO are one and the same person.