Shortest answer in history of PQs … is about Austin Gatt

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's one-word answer when asked when Transport Minister Austin Gatt is to resign from ministerial post to lead the PN's electoral campaign

Transport Minister Gatt was asked by the Prime Minister to lead the PN's electoral campaign
Transport Minister Gatt was asked by the Prime Minister to lead the PN's electoral campaign

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi this evening gave a simple "No." when asked when Transport Minister Austin Gatt is to resign from his ministerial post to lead the Nationalist Party's electoral campaign.

The Prime Minister was replying to a parliamentary question posed by Labour MP Charles Buhagiar.

"Since the Prime Minister publicly declared that Minister Austin Gatt is to resign from his ministerial post and start working with the Nationalist Party, can the Prime Minister say when this move is to take place?" Buhagiar asked.

"No," was the Prime Minister's simple and short reply.

Speaking at the PN club in Marsaxlokk last January, Gonzi had revealed that he had asked Gatt to head the PN's electoral campaign if he was to resign from his ministerial post.

The Prime Minister had said that he had tried to convince Austin Gatt to re-consider his decision not to contest the next elections and urged him to consider giving up his ministerial seat later on in the year "to help lead the party to another electoral victory".

Amid loud chants of his noisy fans Gonzi then had added, "The PN will retain government because the country will once again choose the government it deserves."

Gonzi had made this speech a few weeks before government was to face a no-confidence motion after backbencher Franco Debono had declared he no longer trusted government.   


jien niskanta kif jistmaw lin-nies b'dal mod l-iktar pastaz u jibqaw jilabuwa tal-qaddisin u in-nies jibqaw jemmnuwom.tal-biza dal-pajjiz.
Dan prim ministru perikoluz ghax ma tafx fejn int qieghed mieghu. U-turns kemm trid, bulldozing ukoll u dejjem widnejh ma l'art u tista tirfsu.
Spoken like a true dictator
Mr Gonzi when an MP who represents the people that elected him asks you a question, you are duty bound to answer him in a polite, civilized and intelligent manner, your answer shows that these three words are very much foreign to you. what an arrogant p.m.
U jien jekk gonzipn u buzupn jigu jsaqsuni biex jidhlu fil-kcina tad-dar tieghu naghtihom twegiba qasira - zewg kelmiet kollox. Jekk dak il-hin ikolli aptit inkellimhom bl-ingliz nghidilhom FU.. OFF waqt li jekk ikolli aptit nitkellem bil-malti nghidilhom DABBRU RASKOM.
U jien jekk gonzipn u buzupn jigu jsaqsuni biex jidhlu fil-kcina tad-dar tieghu naghtihom twegiba qasira - zewg kelmiet kollox. Jekk dak il-hin ikolli aptit inkellimhom bl-ingliz nghidilhom FU.. OFF waqt li jekk ikolli aptit nitkellem bil-malti nghidilhom DABBRU RASKOM.
Pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse. Keep them coming!!!
Billi Gonzi rrisponda "LE", x'ried ifisser ? LI Austin Gatt mhux se jirrizenja minn ministru minkejja li xorta wahda qieghed jaghmel ix-xoghol tal-partit meta suppost ikun qed jahdem ta' ministru ? JEw Gonzi qal "LE", jigifieri ma jridx jghid meta se jirrizenja ?? Ibqghu certi li Austin Gatt se jibqa jmexmixielu sal-ahhar gurnata, u mela jirrizenja u jitlef is-saarju ta' ministru u l-perkacci kollha !!!!!!
Billi Gonzi rrisponda "LE", x'ried ifisser ? LI Austin Gatt mhux se jirrizenja minn ministru minkejja li xorta wahda qieghed jaghmel ix-xoghol tal-partit meta suppost ikun qed jahdem ta' ministru ? JEw Gonzi qal "LE", jigifieri ma jridx jghid meta se jirrizenja ?? Ibqghu certi li Austin Gatt se jibqa jmexmixielu sal-ahhar gurnata, u mela jirrizenja u jitlef is-saarju ta' ministru u l-perkacci kollha !!!!!!
Luke Camilleri
Not only the Shortest answer in history of PQs, but a FIRST TIME for a straight one word answer a NO from a lawyer..... I was under the impression that Lawyers never gave a straight YES or NO for an answer! Dr. Gonzi proved me wrong , he is a sure FIRST! : )
The more the Prime Minister gives these kind of answers the more he strengthens my conviction that he is no longer trustworthy and should not carry on in his role. If anything I see him as a dangerous person.