Talks on exporting onions to The Netherlands, re-export of potatoes to Scandinavia

Discussions are reportedly underway over the possibility of Malta exporting onions to the Netherlands, and re-export of potatoes to Scandinavia.

Malta's ambassador to the Netherlands Martin Valentino (L) with Toos Jansen (C) and Consul General Herman Stevens (R)
Malta's ambassador to the Netherlands Martin Valentino (L) with Toos Jansen (C) and Consul General Herman Stevens (R)

As the first Maltese 'Derby' potatoes reached the Netherlands some two weeks ago, Malta's ambassador to The Hague, Martin Valentino, together with consul Herman Stevens visited the receiving.

"The ambassador immediately felt at home again because this really had the Malta taste", Toos Jansen of Jansen-Dongen importers said.

The importation of Maltese potatoes is expected to be extended till May.

The ambassador discussed with director Adriaan Jansen the possibility to import onions from Malta and the re-export of potatoes from the Netherlands to Scandinavian countries.

Jansen-Dongen supply potatoes, carrots and onions to supermarket chains in the Netherlands and Germany.


This is nothing new. Credit for this activity is certainly due to the pioneer Minister of Agriculture, Freddie Micallef, who around 30 years ago started exporting Maltese Spring potatoes at a fair price for Maletese farmers, to the Netherlands.
X'ideja! Din tista' tkun soluzzjoni kif nehilsu mill-ministri tal-gvern. Nesportawhom kollha lejn l-Olanda.