Next parliamentary sitting in four weeks

The last vote to be taken in parliament was when the House voted on the no confidence motion two months ago

An Easter recess of four weeks for Parliament
An Easter recess of four weeks for Parliament

Parliament this evening was adjourned for Monday 23 April, as the House decided to take 25 days for its Easter break.

Over the past weeks, the House has discussed the Budget Measures Implementation Bill and a number of other Bills which have long been on the agenda.

The long period of debate time, without any votes taking place, has also sparked a protest by the Opposition which has repeatedly asked why no voting has taken place.

The last vote to be taken in parliament was on 26 January, during the no confidence motion which was defeated by the Speaker's casting vote after a tie of 34 votes in favour and 34 votes against.  On that occasion PN backbencher Franco Debono had abstained.  The government has a parliamentary majority of one seat.

The Budget Measures Implementation Bill, which must be approved by 14 May, is a potential minefield for the government as it is a money bill. Its rejection would effectively nullify the budget measures and could spell the end for the government.

The vote on the budget is on a par with a vote of confidence and if the government fails to gain a majority, even if only through the Speaker's casting vote, the Prime Minister is con­stitutionally bound to call an early election.

Nationalist backbencher Franco Debono, who had abstained on the no-confidence vote, had previously stated that he would not back government on the budget bill. But since his abstention, the maverick MP has somewhat toned down his opposition to government, though he has made it a point to raise a number of sour issues in parliament, the latest being the bird trapping ban.


So, in the interest of saving our cash and being responsible towards the taxpayer... our honourable MPs should stop getting their salary for the next 4 weeks... it's not like they don't get enough holidays! End this farce now, democracy has never been more threatened!
NO WAY!!! isn't parliament supposed to lead the nation by example?? 25 days holidays??? seriously??? at a time of crisis?? i think they should work through the holidays rather than take holidays. Where is the work ethic? This is seriously embarrassing for the whole nation. Mhux ta b'xejn hadd ma jrid jaghmel xejn! Mhux hekk jghallmuna! get back to work and stop running away from your responsibilities you MPs.
More time for GonziPN to stay in power.
Franco Debono should raise other sour issues in parliament. Issues like getting the MP's pension and holidays, in line with the normal citizen has!!!
Franco Debono should raise other sour issues in parliament. Issues like getting the MP's pension and holidays, in line with the normal citizen has!!!
Igor P. Shuvalov
"as the House decided to take 25 days for its Easter break." Perhaps one should be more specific and say who proposed this four week break.
Zack Depasquale
Umbghad niehdu skandlu, jekk xi haddiem jiskarta min fuq il-post tax-xoghol,meta suppost min qieghed jaghti ezempju iktar mohhu biex jiskarta il-Parlament, is-suppost l-oghla istituzjoni tal-pajjiz, ma jmurx ikollu bzonn xi vot u ma jaghddiex. Demokrazija GonziPN style. Fejn huma dawk li tghidx kemm kienu jibku ghax id-demokrazija spiccat f'Malta fit-tmeninijiet. Fejn huma tal-famuzi Page 13 tat-Times u tan-numrix'sar minnhom? jew dawn illum qieghdin ipappiha sew? Jekk dan mhux dittatorjat kif ikun dittatorjat? Fejn hu l-President ta' Malta? Kif ghad trid tiggudikagh l-istorja ta'Malta dan iz-zmien? Fejn hu Fenech Adami li tghidx kemm iggieled ghad-demokrazija jew ghax ta'GonziPN kollox jghaddi?Vera ipokriti min beka ghad demokrazija fit-tmeninijiet u illum qisu xejn mhu xejn.
Nice to have four weeks break when most people just manage a week or life just goes on!
Ghandi suggeriment x'inressaq: li kull min xeba' u tqazzez b'gonzipn jibghat figolla zghira b'bajda tal-ghid fuqha lil gonzi f'kastilja. Fil-waqfa tal-Parlament se jkollu hin bizzejjed biex jikolhom waqt li l-bajd li jircievi ibqghu certi li jaf x'ghandu jaghmel bihom u li ghandu bzonnhom biex irabbi ftit kuragg ghal meta jerga' jiltaqa' l-parlament XAHAR iehor u jkollu jerga' jaffaccja lil franco debono !!!! Ejja nwaqqfu moviment gdid: FIGOLLA B'BAJDA TAL-GHID GHAL GONZIPN.
U kif tista' tlumhom lin-nies jekk wara li ilhom snin shah li tilfu l-fiducja fil-qrati, issa tilfu wkoll il-fiducja fil-Parlament u f'min imexxih? Hemm xi differenza bejn il-Parlament u paljazza fil-kcina ta' gonzipn u buzupn? U allura gonzipn qed jonfoq dawk il-miljuni kollha fuq parlament gdid fejn jiltaqghu erba' membri part time kull meta gonzipn ifettillu !!!! Affarijiet tal-misthija !!!! Issa ghax-xahar li jmiss dak il-bezziegha ta' gonzipn li jinsab imwerwer minn franco debono jista' jorqod bil-kwiet ghax jaf li ghall-inqas matul ix-xahar li gej ma jista' jwahhallu ebda wiehed fil-Parlament !!! Issa ghandu cans kemm irid imur idur l-iskejjel u joqghod jidhak mat-tfal ghax maghhom biss ihossu komdu ghax ma huma se jsaqsuh ebda mistoqsija li ggibu daharu mal-hajt -- x'disgrace ta' pajjiz !!!!
Kull decizjoni li jiehu GonziPN hija tajba u mbierka. Id-demokrazija f'Malta qatt ma kienet daqshekk flessibbli. Anke dhul ta ligijiet anti Kristjani li jmorru totalment kontra l-eghruq tal-partit demo-kristjan. Dawk sewwa wkoll. Naghmlu li jaqbel, basta nibqghu mkahhlin mas-siggu tal-poter. Minn nahha l-ohra jekk tal-PL jifthu halqhom dawk qed ixewxu u jgibu l-instabillita' fil-pajjiz. Veru qeghdin sew. F'gieh il-prosperita ta' dan il-pajjiz, jekk joghgbok, Dr Franco Debono, ghid se taghmel. Jew nahha jew ohra u basta.