Cauchi accuses Government of 'abdicating responsibility' on MCESD

Gino Cauchi, Labour’s main spokesperson for Social Dialogue, has expressed the PL’s dismay at the manner in which the government was “abdicating from its responsibility” when not allowing the FORUM confederation from joining the Malta Council for Social and Economic Development (MCESD).

In a statement, Cauchi explained how the FORUM confederation represented together 12,000 workers “in crucial aspects of the Maltese economy, including education, health, the environment, tourism, and finance”

He slammed the government’s position of not being able to act on this matter because there was not consensus between the social partners as “an excuse intended to continue keeping the MCESD doors shut for FORUM”.

Cauchi called on the government to make sure that this situation was rectified immediately so that there would be a representation of this significant number of workers in the MCESD.