Updated | Labour slams parliament’s four week Easter recess

Labour has slammed government’s decision to suspend parliament for a four week Easter holiday recess, and charged that “GonziPN is putting party interests before democracy and the people.”

Labour deputy leader Anglu Farrugia (left) and the party whip Joe Mizzi.
Labour deputy leader Anglu Farrugia (left) and the party whip Joe Mizzi.

Addressing a press conference outside Parliament House, Labour deputy leader for parliamentary affairs Anglu Farrugia and parliamentary whip Joe Mizzi expressed dismay at the long recess, and said that the decision was taken without any consultation with the Opposition.

Yesterday evening, parliament was adjourned for Monday 23 April, as the House decided to take 25 days for its Easter break.

Anglu Farrugia said that government's decision to take a "four week holiday" means that nothing will be don e to address the country's problems.

"The four week holiday also means that parliament will not have taken a vote on anything for more than three months, since the last vote was taken on 26 January when a vote of no-confidence was tabled by the opposition," Farrugia said.

He added that the press conference was held "in protest for the way parliament is being treated" and described the situation as "scandalous."

Farrugia also lambasted the Leader of the House and Home Affairs Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici, for postponing the debate on the motion tabled by the opposition in regards to justice and home affairs. He said that Carm Mifsud Bonnici has a conflict of interest combining his roles as Home Affairs minister and leader of the house.

"Instead of taking heed of the Opposition leader Joseph Muscat's calls to resign temporarily as leader of the house in order to discuss the Opposition's motion freely, Mifsud Bonnici did not even have the decency to convene the House Business committee to discuss parliament's recess and the agenda with the Opposition," the PL deputy leader said.

Labour's parliamentary whip, Joe Mizzi said that this is the first time ever since 1989 that the House Business committee did not meet to discuss and agree on parliament's recess and the agenda.

 Mizzi explained that normally parliament takes a two week break for Easter and said that government's actions in parliament are "protracting the instability the government brought on itself."

He added that the government is dragging its feet to remain in power, instead of resolving the matter once and for all in the country's best interest."

Mizzi said that Tonio Borg had given his word that the House would have taken a vote on the Opposition's motion on justice and home affairs before the end of last January. "That decision was a binding agreement which Mifsud Bonnici threw out," he said.

"The GonziPN government is putting its partisan interests ahead of anything else to the detriment of democracy and the whole country," Mizzi said.

Asked whether the Opposition intends to table a motion of no-confidence in the government, Anglu Farrugia said "at the moment the most important thing at the moment is to take a vote on one of the 14 pending bills."  


drive the change....VOTE LABOUR
Quit moaning. Hanging on to power at all costs is the name of the game and the PL will, undoubtedly, revert to the same tactics as long as there is a legal basis for such manoeuvring. If the PL was so concerned about stopping such abuses why not make real concerted efforts to change the constitution rather than use lames excuses to opt out of this exercise. Sorry fellas, good try, but you are not any better than your counterparts on the other side. Talking about pathetic, these 2 chaps look as if they are facing a free kick and their defensive posture says it all.
Are they getting paid for this 4 weeks holiday when most of us cant even afford a few days off work, shame on you bunch of hypocrites.Go on go to church you white washed graves.
Paroli, Paroli, Paroli....... tafu kemm hadu vakanzi is sena l-ohra???? Ghaliex din is sena tal lejber qedin ishom jikwetaw ghax hadu 3 ijiem izjed mis sena l-ohra. Imhabba demokrazija????!!!! very funny ...... tafu fejn intilfet id demokrazija fejn kellna ministri li xi whud minnhom ghadom ma saqajna fejn kinu jaghmlu mill parlament karnivalata shiha.... ghajjat, storbju,swat u elf haga ohra. Jekk intom insejtu hawn min ma nesiex il hnizrjiet ta vera li kienu jsiru fil parlament Malti. Grazzi.
Bla bla bla......... jekk veru l oppozizzjoni genwina taf x ghandha taghmel biex topponi bis serjeta. Nahseb illi l membri tal gvern u tal oppozizzjoni ser tinqasmilhom qalbhom bid dispjacir. Gew jitmejlu mil ligijiet pendenti.
U qed nibnu parlment gdid, bnefqa ta miljuni ta euros, biex jintuza ghal kumiedji u iktar voj milli mimmli. VERA POPLU SIRNA NOQODU GHAL KOLLOX.
Gonzi se jkollu cans jiftah il-bajda 'kinder sorpresa' jew forsi xi hadd jispicca l-haruf tal-ghid!!!!
Issa dawn il-qaddsin tal-PN wara l-elezzjoni jinsew x'qed jaghmlu u mbaghad bil-wicc tost kollu jkunu jridu l-affarijiet perfettissimi. Ara ma ninsewx il-hnizrijiet li qeghdin isiru bhalissa u nohduha b'tghalima li ghal dawn l-ewwel u qabel kollox jigi l-partit u mhux l-interessi ta' Malta.
Mu gibu ghamel hekk il-PL; kemm mugh tal-kukkudrilli!
Lawrence Covin
Nitlob lill-Pl -u anke lill-poplu- sabiex ma jibqghux isemmu d-demokrazija fl-istess nifs mal-PN tal-llum. Il-Gvern tilef it-tenuta legittima tieghu b'dan l-agir, ghax in-nies tellghuh biex jghaddi l-ligijiet, mhux biex jghaddihom biz-zmien. Ila cara li dan il-gvern bazwi minn twelidu ghandu xejriet faxxisti. Jigi mill-poplu li jistenna l-ftuh tal-Parlament sabiex juri d-dizapprovazzjoni tieghu apertament quddiem il-Palazz. Dan mhux tixwix izda inkoraggiment sabiex jiehu lura r-rispett li haqqu l-poplu Malti.
Hekk sewwa u l-poplu jhallas, 4 gimghat ghal ghid BISS mhux qed taraw li gibtu l-parlament ghar redikolu? mhux wed taraw li l-poplu ma jiflahx aktar. Nixtieq inkun naf kemm ihalli flus siggu fil parlament. MP's Nazzjonalisti ta kuxjenza ghandhom jitkelmu u jwasslu l-ilment tal poplu. Jekk xi wiehed imur fil kcina tal mara jrid joqghod attent ghax qed tghamel il figolli u bil lembuba f'ideja jsibuha.
Kien haqqilhom iz-zieda ta' 500 Euro fil-gimgha!!! Ja qatta pulcinelli!!! Hazin ghalikhom darb'ohra!!