MEP appeals for European Parliament’s protection over BA censorship row

Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna has asked the European Parliament to defend his right to freedom of speech, describing it as “a treasured democratic principle”.

Prof Scicluna’s speech follows the decision by the Malta Broadcasting Authority (MBA) to fine Smash TV because of the TV programme L-MEP U INT, which features Prof Scicluna doing a one-to-one interview regarding his work as an MEP.

Speaking in plenary last night, Prof Scicluna said:“As an MEP it is my duty to inform my constituents of my parliamentary work through the use of the media, including television programmes in Malta. 

“I seek the Parliament’s protection of my democratic rights as a European citizen as well as an elected MEP.” 

Pointing out that the MBA, as the regulator, is legally required to ensure political balance across private TV stations as a whole, but does not request that every individual programme be balanced to prevent someone from expressing their opinion on public policy issues, Prof Scicluna stated that:

“In spite of this, Mr President, I have been accused on three occasions of breaking the law, and the TV station has been fined for screening my reports from the European Parliament. The ridiculous charge of creating an imbalance in my own programme is itself just that”.

“However, lurking behind this decision is the mistaken idea that balance is sought not through pluralism, and the encouragement of people of different political shades to come forward and give their diverse opinions, but to stifle those who dare to do so”.

Concluding, Prof Scicluna warned that the MBA’s rulings had caused a backlash in Malta: “Most Maltese people, especially young people, had high aspirations from EU membership with respect to democratic values, but are now disappointed to see that censorship is rearing its ugly head.”

Anthea D'Amico
To be honest i was more than pleased to see the heading regarding freedom of speech, a question raised by a local MEP. but to my surprise it was rather on pesonall basis. Is Prof. Scicluna informed that my son Karl was jailed for a month, suspended and fined E500 for posting a comment on Facebook? Should he include it in his PQ? Certainly he should. I kindly urge him to do it without any further hesitation