Thousands of families do not receive energy benefit vouchers

Thousands of families unable to pay water and electricity bills because they have not received the energy benefit vouchers.

Around 33,000 families benefit from the energy vouchers
Around 33,000 families benefit from the energy vouchers

Thousands of families have not received the government energy benefit vouchers which they were supposed to receive this year.

Around 33,000 families on social welfare are the beneficiaries of the energy vouchers to ease off the pressure for families in financial difficulties.

The vouchers are expected to be presented with the settlement of the water and electricity bills, however thousands of families cannot pay their utility bills because they have not received the benefit vouchers.

Read more in today's edition of Illum

It's so nice to give away the other guy's money , and get a vote for your party. Wonderful, I tell you. Let everyone else work for you. What happens when the number of people working and paying taxes is lower than the number of people who are recieving benefits? Please explain taht one to me.
it would be interesting to find out how many of these 33,000 families have the latest LCD TV set and a couple of mobile 'phone accounts each!
Naf hafna minnhom dawn li jaqilghu izjed milli jaqla' ministru. U jien mill-pensjoni inhallas 20 ewro taxxi fix--xahar u jekk nittardja b'gurnata nehel ewro imghax. Kif tista' ma tgorrx!