Mosta health centre to become a regional hub

Mosta health centre to undergo a €500,000 revamp which will turn it into a regional primary health hub.

The refurbished Mosta health centre will also include an operation theater.
The refurbished Mosta health centre will also include an operation theater.

The Mosta health centre is to undergo major refurbishment works which will transform it into a regional health centre.

The  €500,000 refurbishment project was announced this afternoon by health minister Joe Cassar at the Mosta health centre. He was flanked by primary health care director Edward Borg, the Foundation for Medical Services CEO Brian St John and the newly elected Mosta mayor Shirley Farrugia.

Cassar said the centre should be completed by the end of the year and works should take three months. He added that the project will commence as soon as the tenders adjudication process is over.

He explained that the centre will undergo a complete overhaul and the new centre will include an operating theatre for minor procedures and a plaster room.

Cassar added that the digital x-ray machine installed at the Mosta health centre and is "now operational 24 hours per day, seven days a week and consultants at Mater Dei receive the scans in real time."

Primary health care officials explained that the x-ray machine services be the last service to be stopped and the first to be installed again during the refurbishment works.

They also said that during the works, most services currently provided by the Mosta health centre will be transferred to the Birkirkara Health Centre which will be open 24-hours a day.

Kull progett li qed isemmu 'kumbinazzjoni' kollha ser jitlestew sa l'ahhar tas sena...Jahasra kemm waqa fil baxx il poplu Malti jekk a jindunax veru x'inhu jigri.
Luke Camilleri
Back to the past even before ex-Minister of health Deguara! If health centres like Mosta, Floriana, Gzira Paola and Qormi became regional hubs and complimented St Luke's, millions would have been saved! But alas.... that was not on the PN agenda, dun Charles Vella and San rafaele was!
Let's hope it happens.
Kemm qed ifaqqas miljuni tal-ewro f'daqqa dak il-ministru li dejjem ikollu lehja sewda prominenti kull meta jidher fuq it-television meta tkun qed tikkoregih xi ufficjal ta' madwaru ghax lanqas ikun jaf x'qed jghid !!!!! Tghid dik is-sinjura din id-darba iccekkjathomlu dawn il-figuri ghax jekk le, nahseb li ghada se jkollu jerga' jibdilhom !!!!