NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said

The Minister for Justice, Dialogue and the Family, Chris Said announces that the allocated funds for NGOs in the social sector increased by €0.75 million.

The Minister for Justice, Dialogue and the Family, Chris Said.
The Minister for Justice, Dialogue and the Family, Chris Said.

Justice minister Chris Said has insisted that contrary to the Opposition's claims, the funds for NGOs working in the social sector have increased and explained that the allocated funds for 2012 have increased by €750,000.

Addressing a press conference in Valletta, Said stressed that the Labour Party's criticism was "superficial, especially since the allocated funds have already been partly distributed and the rest has been committed to NGOs."

The Minister for Justice, Dialogue and the Family gave a detailed breakdown of the beneficiaries of the NGO Fund, programmes and initiatives and EU co-funded projects. Said explained the major increases have been registered in the NGO Fund which increased by €435,000.

The budget for the programmes and initiatives has increased by €250,000 and the Commissioner for NGOs was handed €60,000 which was distributed to a number of NGOs for the first time ever.

"During the last five years €11.5 million have been distributed through the NGO Fund alone. This money has been used by NGOs who provide vital services to society and work hand in hand with the government in the social sector," the minister said.

Said slated the Opposition over their "half-truths" on the social sector and added "it is important to announce these figures to dispel the half-truths being told by the Opposition."

When asked to comment about whether there have been any developments regarding Inspire foundation, Said explained that he has held a meeting with the foundation to discuss new ways of funding the foundation, which he however said "will not be in the form of a donation."

The foundation was at the centre of a controversy in recent months as the Opposition and sections of civil society accused the government of reducing the money allocated to Inspire. The minister said that the foundation benefitted from €60,000 through the NGO Fund and a further €800,000 through the Education ministry's funds.

Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!
Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!
Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!
Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!
Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!
Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!
Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!
Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!
Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!
Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!
Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!
Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!
Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!
Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!
Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!
Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!
Luke Camilleri
NGOs benefit from €0.75 million increase - Chris Said PRACTICALLY THE SAME AMOUNT PAID IN HONORARIA to Dr. Gonzi and his Ministers for the past 3 years! Work it out @ €500 salary increase/ per week /per Minister for 3 years!