Midi chief executive resigns just days after ‘frank’ interview

Midi CEO resigns, days after Albert Mizzi admits having ‘second thoughts’ on Tigné Point architectural style.

Midi CEO Benjamin Muscat, outside the Fort Manoel project on Manoel Island.
Midi CEO Benjamin Muscat, outside the Fort Manoel project on Manoel Island.

The chief executive of Midi plc, Benjamin Muscat, has tendered his resignation just days after Midi chairman Albert Mizzi questioned the architectural style of their flagship property, Tigné Point.

Mizzi admitted in an interview to The Times that he was having "second thoughts" about the way the conglomeration of luxury apartments on Tigné Point looked from Valletta.

"As an individual I am not totally happy with it. But I employed some of the best architects in Malta to work on it and in truth I doubt there could be any architectural style that would fit in without being criticised. These things need time and time will be the ultimate judge," Mizzi said.

Muscat, 57, denied his resignation was related to Mizzi's comments. "It's time to move on," he said in comments to The Times. Muscat was employed at Midi plc in 1999.

As recently as January, Midi was given the green light by the Malta Environmental and Planning Authority for the construction of a tower block and two 14-storey residential towers for Tigné Point, to the consternation of NGOs like Flimkien ghal-Ambjent Ahjar, the Sliema Residents Association, and Alternattiva Demokratika.

"We're changing plans as we go along, due to environmental considerations. We had permission to build a tower block, which we've now dropped. "If we didn't care about the environment we wouldn't have removed it because it's in the deed," Mizzi said in the interview.

Midi plc's development on Tigné has generally benefited from a series of concessions on its environmental impact.

In 2009, Midi refused to pay MEPA a €4.5 million bill for the disposal of construction waste at sea between 2001 and 2006. It turns out that way back in 2001, Midi had requested an exemption from paying the disposal-at-sea fees, and was granted a concession by being charged cheaper landfill dumping rates. The bill was subsequently reduced to €1.2 million.

biex nibni kamra fuq wara u tal istess sular mal kamra li tghati ghal barra il mepa qalghuli qalbi u riduni nibdel laperturi kollha li ghandi ghal barra, izda f tigne il mepa tat lil midi il go ahead biex jinbnew dawk il monstrozitajiet... lanqas jekk jghaddu miljuni ta snin mhu dak l imbarazza ha jindara min ghajn il bniedem....
"In 2009, Midi refused to pay MEPA a €4.5 million bill for the disposal of construction waste at sea between 2001 and 2006. It turns out that way back in 2001, Midi had requested an exemption from paying the disposal-at-sea fees, and was granted a concession by being charged cheaper landfill dumping rates. The bill was subsequently reduced to €1.2 million." .................. no wonder a certain party finds so much financial backing .
One must admit that it does not take architecual know how to put noxes upon boxes. I agree Tigne looks awful from any part 360deg but Midi should have taken this into account before started building.
Taqra kummenti ridikoli kemm-il darba. Imma nahseb li s-Sur Eddie privitera ghandu cans li jiehu t-tazza ghall-hmerijiet li jghid! Ghax jekk il-PN huwa l-partit tas-sinjuruni allura sewwa nghid jien li Malta kulhadd sinjur.
Albert Mizzi has given the most shameful interviews ever! He will be remembered for building a glorified slum opposite Valletta and who is unashamedly calling for the taxpayers to compensate him for Fort Monoel - otherwise he will go ahead and build another monstosity. Albert Mizzi calling politicians ' the most dishonest people in the world' - should have goen to the authorities if he knew of the dishonesty takin place. Also i wonder what the estate agents in charge of selling the horrible but expensive pigeon holes he built at MIDI, will say when the potential owners get to know that even the owner fo the property does not like it! Not very shrewed of you Mr Mizzi! He used to brag that he received no payment when he was Airmalta's chairman. What he did nto say is that he was the owner of the Boing franchise in Malta and Airmalta, under his watch, bouthg a numner of aircraft . And guess what was bought? Boing aricraft!!!! This transaction alone probably made enough money for Albert Mizzi to pay him for a lifetime of Chairmanships ! Hekka ma thallasx!? Now I would like to see our taxpayers money going , AGAIN, into this man's greedy pockets so that he does not ruin Fort Manoel for us !! Otherwise our heritage wil be turned into another slum and money- making ugliness for dear Albert Mizzi. Dishonest politicians - those he knows so well - might even play ball . We wait and see......
Tinten l-affari....meta jkun hemm il-flus dehlin ma jsirux kummenti u rizenji bhal dawn.............!!!!
Dak li hallew lil Bertu Mizzi u shabu l-miljunarji l-ohra jghamlu f'Tas-Sliema, San Giljan u bnadi ohra, juru ezatt x'inhu l-Partit Nazzjonalista - il- Partit tas-Sinjuruni ! Qatt ma kien partit tal-poplu. Il-poplu juzah u jingannah b'weghdi halli meta jisraqlu l-vot is-Sinururuni jkollhom xalata !!!!!!!!!1
ma nafx ghalfejn dan l-inkiwet kollu fuq tigne .... issa meta buzupn isir prim ministru ta' malta xi ghoxrin sena ohra, jwaqqa' dik il-gegwigija ta' appartamenti li hemm tigne, ihallas lil midi xi mitt miljun (jigifieri dawk il-flus li demarco kien gab fis-sena mill-ewropa) u jibni parlament iehor gdid ... ghax dak ta' renzo piano ikun sar qadim sa dak iz-zmien .... u forsi tigne jwaqqgu zaren vassallo u l-parlament gdid f'tigne jibnih ukoll (x'kumbinazzjoni) zaren vassallo li dak iz-zmien ikun sar president ta' malta ..... A LOOK TO THE FUTURE ..........
Mhux biss huma MOSTRU, imma talli l-MIDI kienu inghataw ezenzjoni milli jhallsu t-taxxa waqt li jekk persuna ohra taghmel anki konvenju trid thallas it-taxxa ahseb u ara meta taghmel il-kuntratt. Sewwa jghidu li l-wied ghan-nizla ghax ghall-fqar m'hemmx hniena waqt li l-miljunarji Maltin jezentawhom ukoll mit-taxxa. KORRUZZJONI BISS. Li kien ghalija jitnehha kollox halli jispiċċa dak il-MOSTRU kollu. Anki wara li kien sar dak il-MOSTRU l-iehor ta' dawk il-flats koroh daqs daghawa hdejn Sant'Anglu wara gie l'gharef Fenech Adami u qal li veru gew koroh, imma min jaf x'ghadda minn taht qabel.
Is Sur Mizzi had second thoughts about the design of Midi apartments. Anybody who drives, every morning along Marsamxett road, has second, third, fourth thoughts, about this monstrosity across the harbour but what can you do about it. At least Sur Mizzi, this ''monstrosity'' is making you a few million, so you can't really complain. Can you. All you can now do, Sur Mizzi is keep this ''mistake'' from being REPEATED on Manoel Island.
Profits for them, losses for the long suffering citizen and taxpayer! Is there no justice in this world.
Issa l-froga saret. Ghalxejn noqghodu inwehhu sur Mizzi.