Labour MP asks Speaker to investigate Austin Gatt’s claims of ‘bought PQs’

Labour MP Evarist Bartolo has asked the Speaker of the House to investigate claims made by Investments Minister Austin Gatt, and Nationalist whip David Agius, that he had asked parliamentary questions on public contracts because he had “interests” in the private company Computer Domain.

Gatt wrote in MaltaToday claiming that information Bartolo had and wrote about in this same newspaper “proves he was in contact” with a bidder of a government e-learning contract. “There is no other way he could have known the circumstances he mentions.”

In a statement, Bartolo today said that his declarations of interests were honest, and that all his assets and incomes had been dutifully declared.

He asked Speaker Michael Frendo to investigate the claims by Gatt and similar ones by David Agius “because they are tantamount to a grave accusation that I made a false declaration of assets.”

Bartolo said he would give Frendo full access to his bank account and any information from the inland revenue department that could be necessary for a “full investigation”.

The Labour MP also said he had passed on anonymous letters containing the same allegations, to the police for investigation.

“I am sorry to say that they have not been seriously investigate. These accusations started being made when I started to follow and make PQs about public contracts, amongst them that of the power station in Delimara and the IT contracts connected to education.

“Whenever I spoke of the award of a public contract I always did this to see that the tendering process would be fair and clean, and not to favour any side.”

Mark Fenech
You have my full backing. People know that you are acting on their behalf, but both Austin Gatt, (who has never delivered what he says, e.g., law court, destroyed Sea Malta by creating a monopoly for a foreign ship owner, Enemalta - having a negative record for under his ministry there were no less than 5 total shutdowns in a matter of few months, this besides the Delimara Extension contract, Malta Transport full of corruption, MITA another problematic Authority and one keep writing and writing about his failures) and then there is David Agius ( he should have resigned ages ago, for caught copying no less than 3 times at the University and he was still allowed to go on with his course). David Agius was the person who publicly told us that Hon. Mario Galea was ill,something which is very personal, but he never made an apology to him. Because you have devulged most of their failures, now they want to throw mud at you. These are the same persons who have lied on Hon. Justine Caruana. Come on Varist keep going, do not allow these persons to blur your agenda, to show how corrupted the government and the NP have become. What a face?