Franco Debono still rattling Prime Minister’s cage

Rebel MP takes on Prime Minister’s family legacy with Facebook status on 1961 Lenten pastoral instruction.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Nationalist MP Franco Debono - not yet a happy couple.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Nationalist MP Franco Debono - not yet a happy couple.

Nationalist MP Franco Debono has fired a broadside against Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and the legacy of his uncle, Archbishop Mikiel Gonzi, in a Facebook status on the interdiction of the 1960s.

His comment managed to generate both supportive and furious comments in just under an hour: "Lawrence Gonzi please note: no one should be buried in unconsecrated ground (il-Mizbla), not even the dead let alone the living."

In comments posted beneath his original status, Debono then hit out at statements accusing him of bringing instability to the country, after threatening to withdraw his support for the government during the 6 January cabinet reshuffle, saying he wasn't responsible for the filibustering taking place in parliament.

Lawrence Gonzi today held a press conference on the past four years of government's work. 

Contacted by MaltaToday to explain what he meant by his original status, Debono said he was referring to Gonzi's uncle, Mgr Mikiel Gonzi who had issued the infamous Lenten Pastoral instruction of March 1961 - whereby the executive committee of the Malta Labour Party found itself excommunicated, and it was declared a mortal sin to vote Labour, to read, distribute or advertise in Labour owned-papers, and to attend Labour meetings.

This also led to the interdiction of Labour supporters, who couldn't receive the sacraments and, when they died, were buried in unconsecrated ground, the so-called 'Mizbla'.

"It will take years for those affected by the interdiction to come to terms with what they or their relatives and friends had gone through," Debono said.

The MP latched his statement to the present situation in which, he said, the dignity of some people was not being respected, and their aspirations and legitimate expectactions were being "strangled".

"Today, we are living in a state where problems are being swept under the carpet just to buy time. This will keep affecting us years from now and will not be forgotten either. People will look back at this time of uncertainty and realise how much precious time was wasted," Debono said.

Debono was referring to the four-week long parliamentary Easter hiatus and the fact that no vote has been taken by the House since the no-confidence vote on 26 January, which was defeated by the Speaker's casting vote after a tie of 34 votes in favour and 34 votes against.

Parliament has since delayed taking a vote on the Budget Measures Implementation Bill, which must be approved by 14 May. This bill, a money bill, is a potential minefield for the government. Its rejection would effectively nullify the budget measures and could spell the end for the government.

"This delay is only causing uncertainty and instability. I wasn't the one who caused it. I abstained and my position was made clear. I can't understand why government is delaying the votes. My abstention should have given government time to get back on its feet and amend its mistakes. I can't understand why it instead chose to stop parliament for four weeks," Debono said.

He also insisted that he has always been loyal to his party all his life, unlike "a former canvasser of a Labour MP, who contested the fifth district on the PN ticket" - without identifying the candidate in question.

Debono, who had abstained on the no-confidence vote, had previously stated that he would not back government on the budget bill.

But now he is refusing to answer the question. "I have no obligation to say how am I going to vote. At this point the question is irrelevant and the question to be asked is for government to say when it will be taking votes in parliament," he said.

Sur Debono - you should be loyal to Malta and not to the party. You should be ashamed to have answered that you are loyal to the party - you have good instincts but you have a lot to learn still. You are still thinking from inside the box. Get together with other disgruntled MPs and form your own party. You will get a few seats for sure and will be able to yield a lot of influence in parliament. You are not going to save the party from within. Many of us will never ever vote for PN again and yet we are not convinced by labour either. If you think they are going to make you the leader of the PN party - you must be abusing some substance - my friend. This is GonziPN - no good deed will go unpunished. Only crooks and criminals will share in the spoils; loyalty not quality is what counts. Take Gonzi out before he takes you out. They are bullies, they go after the weak and those who cannot defend themselves. And anyways, if the worse happens, this country needs one true and willing martyr - you would be the first. Surely in the bible you must have read to score so highly in religion you must have read how god often required the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good. What you though religion was about wearing your Sunday best and meeting the voters in your district ?
Franco, ilek tghid li ma taqbilx ma dak li qed jaghmel il-gvern u hafna minna naqblu mieghek, imma x'inti taghmel biex izzomu milli jaghmel aktar hsara? XEJN. Jekk inti daqshekk cert, ivvota kontra u mhux tastjieni u jekk ma tivvutax kontra, ghalija qisek hmar tinhaq ghalxejn.
GonziPn qed ikompli fejn halla zijuh. L-Arcisqof Mikiel Gonzi difen il-Mejtin Laburisti fil-Mizbla u in-neputi difen lil Laburisti Hajjin fid-Dipartimenti u Korpi Parastatali. Imma niftahru bid-dimokrazzija, bil-Meritokrazija, bis-solidarjeta mal-familji (ma nafx ma liema familji), Gustizzja u li kulhadd ghandu dritt. Fejn hu d-dritt? Nispera li jasal dak iz-zmien li ssir Gustizzja, nispera ukoll mhux fil-boghod. Nemmen lil Gustizzja trid issir ma KULHADD, min fuq net sa isfel net, u min ghamel il-hazin ihallas ghalih, huwa min huwa.
Kollha kemm huma jiggieldu ghat-tazza ta' l-iktar kummenti bla sugu, kummenti stupidi, kummenti bla sens. Alchemist ukoll irid jiccalingja ghall-unur. Keep it up.
@Demartino(re Guidoforte). As can see Il-bozza tal-Gherf detto l-Profs(ovvja tal-kindergarten)is still at it, trying to poke at those whom he thinks are not up to his standard.One may grow old but deep down remains ‘vavu’ with his nappy on and all! X’taghmel! Some mothers do have them.
Luke Camilleri
Jekk hemm hanqa ta' hmar zgur il-hmar mhux Franco Debono! Il-poplu fis-silenzju jaf iwassal il-mesagg tieghu...kif waslu il-Pietru Pawl Busuttil u l-petizzjoni li prova jaghmel!
sur debono hanqa ta' hmar qatt ma telghet is sema. ghalxejn toqod twahhal f'dak u fl-iehor u tirrakonta stejjer ta' zmien in nanna. inti il prim attur hati tal pozizzjoni li jinsab fiha il parlament. jekk mintix taqbe........IRRIZENJA MIL PARLAMENT. Altrimenti trid tamel li jghidlek il prim ministru u kap tieghek u mhux inti tghidlu xjamel.
U hallina bi kwietna Franco. Ghandna bizzejjed x'nitfaccaw biz-zieda fil-prezz tal-fuel minn xahar ghall-iehor u tac-cilindri tal-gass. Dejjaqna u xebbajtna tparla fil-vojt. Kif ighid L-Ingliz: Empty vessels make most sound.
Luke Camilleri
Halluhom il Demartino sive jew u l- Rajah(?) jitpaxxew b'taghhom f'taghhom! ------------------------------------------------------ Veru qedin jaghtu show b'dawn il-battalji bejn il-hbieb, jew bejn il-membri ta' dik il-FAMILJA WAHDA imsejha Gonzipn / jew PN! ---------------------------------------------------- Lay Back and enjoy : )
@GHAMJAILMEWT..... lol Tini raguni wahda ghaliex ghandi inkun 'mahruq' skond int.....funny guy!!!! Forsi ghax qied nghid il verita ????? jew ghax forsi kwazi ili kwart ta seklu nistenna biex il partit tieghi ikun fil gvern ???....
Ara s-Sur Guidoforte, miskin. Kif int? Mel'ghadek ma tghallimtx tikteb Malti tajjeb? Sewwa taghmel tinjorani lili. Dak il-parir li tawkom il-kbar.
@rajah kif int mahruq!
Biex xieraq jigi fil-parlament u jivvota mal-gvern issa. Ara vera jaqa ghac-cajt!!
Dr Debono, toqghodx ixxebbah dak iż-żmien ma dan iż-żmien biex tilhaq l-argument tieghek. The cause does not justifuy the means. Kulhadd qalek, inklużi nazzjonalisti, li ghandek ragun f'hafna affarijiet, iżda mhux mod thalli lill-pajjiż imdendel.
@ GuidoForte... jaqaw int xi spizjar il professjoni tieghek? ghax skond il qawl Malti dak itik milli jkollu. Il parlament gabuh skond int ma nafx xix.... insejt xkien jigri fil parlament Malti fi zminijiet mhux il boghod??? Jekk insejt saqsi lil Leo Brincat , Karmeu Vella , Joe Debono Grech , George Vella fost ohrajn jew inkella aqbad ktib u aqra naqra il hnizrijiet li kienu isiru fosthom swat u tghajjir. Int qied tghid lin Nazzjonalisti li siggu qied ghal qalbhom LOL...... bir rispett kollu "what a small mind some people have" Grazzi.
Kemm ghandhom ghatx dawn il-laqghin li qed jippruvaw jincensaw lil huna Franco... il-Mulej Maghkom.
Time to move from words to action, dear Franco. Even though you may be unfairly accused of having brought down a PN government (which would not be true - financial instability is the real cause), you have to pluck up courage and vote against government on 14 May.
Veru miskhom tisthu......Gibtu il pajjiz `ON ALLERT`il hin kollu, u fl-istess hin MONOTONU......Dejjaqtu lil kullhadd.Parlament ghamiltuh ,ahjar ma nghejdx, ghax l-Editur jiccensurani....pero ahsbu fl`aghar kelma u dik hija......ISTHU JEKK TAFU....Dak is siggu ta qalbkhom ..illum,ghada xahar, sena ohra tridu icceduh.
And what is the Labour party doing about this grave situation Malta finds itself in? It seems no one is in a hurry for elections. Would the Labour party guarantee that any spurious contracts concluded this year would be revoked on their successful election?
Dr Debono as a super politition,he gave us more lights as how to chouse members of parliment in the future,he is advance modern politition, we must follow him to have better life.
@Franco Debono int qieghed tahli z-zmien ukoll ghax missek mil-ewwel ivvotajt kontra, intik ragun ghax hsiebt li Gonzi sejjer jirranga li kisser, u l-anqas zijuh ma ried jirranga mal Pl fis-sixties, kellu jkun il Kardinal Grech u Gerada biex marru l-vatikan u nehhew id-dnub il-mejjet, allura tahseb li Gonzi sejjer jirranga li kisser u l-klikka mbaghad kif ha tkompli tisraq flus il-Poplu. Mur ara fid-departimenti tal Gvern jekk hemmx laburist wiehed imlahhaq, mur dur L-entitajiet tal Gvern u ara kemm hemm nies imlahqa u l-anqas ghandom l-abilita li jkunu nkarigati ghax bla kwalifiki necessarji u l-anqas esperjenza mghandom, dan ghax blue eyed boys, int qdift ghalxejn, issa l-waqt li tnehhi dan l-iskandli li saru u jekk int onest itlaq almenu min mal PN sa kemm jerga jirranga dawn il-hnizrijiet li saru. Hawn entitajiet u burukrazija biex il-blue eyed boys jkunu komdi b'xi pagi ta €50000 u kunsulenti l-anqas haqqom giex soldi u bhekk tara il korruzjoni li hawn, mur dur ha tara , mur MTA, EneMalta etc etc mur ha tara b'ghajnejk mur u tinduna li int qieghed f'xibka ta hazen u serq