Updated | PN denounces ‘secret’ farewell call by North Korean ambassador, President denies reports

Nationalists accuse Muscat of ‘rekindling Mintoffianism’ by pledging stronger relations with North Korea.

Joseph Muscat was reported by a Korean news agency of saying the launch of a satellite was a sovereign right, but the party later said it expressed opposition against nuclear armaments.
Joseph Muscat was reported by a Korean news agency of saying the launch of a satellite was a sovereign right, but the party later said it expressed opposition against nuclear armaments.

Updated with denial of KCNA content by Office of the President of the Republic.

The Nationalist Party is taking to task Labour leader Joseph Muscat for allegedly "strengthening ties between Labour and North Korea" without publicising a courtesy call by North Korean ambassador Han Tae Song.

A statement by the Korean Central News Agency reported that Muscat expressed deep condolences for the demise of North Korea's dictator Kim Jong Ill, in a meeting he had with Han Tae Song on 3 April.

A party spokesperson said the ambassador was on a farewell courtesy call. A similar unpublicised meeting took place on 5 April with the President of the Republic George Abela, prompting a statement from his office that at no point did he say that he was "pleased with the great achievements made by the DPRK in building a thriving nation under the wise guidance of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un".

"The President simply asked how the economy of the DPRK was faring, a customary question during such meetings, and made no further observations to the reply given by the outgoing DPRK ambassador, H.E. Mr. Han Tae Song.  Neither did President Abela mention the demise of former DPRK general secretary Kim Jong Il," the President's office said.

According to KCNA press statement, Joseph Muscat is paraphrased saying the Koreans will greet the centenary of Kim Il Sung's birth "with shining achievements in economic construction under the wise leadership of the dear respected Kim Jong Un".

According to the press statement, Muscat is reported to have commented that the regime's ambition to launch a satellite was "a legitimate right of sovereign states", and that he would expand the friendly relations between Labour and the Democratic Republic of North Korea.

North Korea's rocket launch has failed on Friday, after flying only for a short time before breaking up and crashing into waters off the Korean peninsula. North Korea says the aim of the launch was to put a satellite into orbit - a move marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of national founder Kim Il Sung.

A PL spokesperson said Labour expressed "clear opposition to nuclear armaments" while stating that it respected the integrity of sovereign states.

The Nationalist Party's reaction to Muscat's encounter with Han Tae Song has been less than enthusing.

"Like Dom Mintoff before him, Muscat wants to strengthen relations with North Korea's Workers Party. He is rekindling Mintoffianism yet again," a party statement said with reference to Malta's former links with the communist regime.

"As foreign minister, Labour's current international secretary Alex Sceberras Trigona had signed a secret military agreement with North Korea for the provision of arms and ammunitions. Muscat wanted his meeting with North Korea's ambassador to remain a secret, as well, without even issuing one public statement," the PN said.

North Korea's new leader Kim Jong-Un has been appointed "first chairman" of the country's top decision-making body, the National Defence Commission. The move continues the transfer of power to Kim Jong-Un from his father, who died in December.

Two agreements were signed with Malta for "a free offer of military assistance" with North Korea. The first agreement was signed in Valletta on 25 March 1982. A second agreement, signed in July 1982 in Pyongyang, superseded the first, changing only the number of weapons and ammunitions that North Korea agreed to donate to Malta,

The agreement stipulated that North Korea "will, free of charge, provide (Malta) with weapons and ammunitions". Four instructors were sent for three months and were paid according to their military rank equivalent to those of Maltese officers.

Sur Hindu ( Rajah ) Price , ghandek ragun tghid tal-misthija u back to basics ghax veru mortu back to basics ghax hlief terrinati u tippruvaw tbezghu lin-nies bil-babaw ma tafux . Veru tal-misthija li tghid tippreferi thallas €25 jew anke €50 milli skond int terga tara lill-pajjizna mistmerr mill-kumplament tad-dinja . Mela kemm int komdu , Sur Rajah ?
By the way the news article which mentioned PL and the president was issued by the same Korean agency which some years ago informed its people that North Korea had won the world cup. I guess it is the same news agency that Radio 101 NETTV IN-Nazzjon il-MUMENT and MaltaRightNow get their news from.
President George Abela is not asking people to vote for him and not boasting about how progressive and liberal he is. George Abela is not aching to become our next PM so what he says is less relevant. What Joseph Muscat says, on the other hand, is important because it shows that he wants to become PM in order to create a North Korea in the Mediterranean. He can rest assured the Maltese - led by the PN - won't let him.
I am not one who will defend antoin's vella usually silly and puerile comments but his one on this article he did start with the sentence "If the reports are true........" knowing too well they aren't he is simply hoping that the rest of his post is bellieved while the first comment is overlooked.This is what is know as , pulling the wool over the eyes. Considering your standing in society Antoin you should know better, you are even starting to lose the credibility of those around you.
Gonzipn denounce's North Korean rocket launch, after this did notmanage even to lift off and explode. If gonzipn wanted to be credible it should have denounced the launch before and not after the total flop.But trust gonzipn to get it wrong every time.
Desperate times call for desperate measures but in gonzipn's instant desperate times call for unimagininable silly measures. Gosh what a bunch of moronic idiots.
@ torquemada: who do you think you're fooling? You never intended voting Labour at all. As for the KCNA report, this news agency, for your information, is as reliable as your own Nazzjon Taghna and Net News, who nobody watches. So if you want to believe it, it's your business. I've read enough Chinese, Iranian and Korean news items to know what to believe and what to throw into the rubbish bin. The rubbish bin, by the way, is full now of Nazzjon Taghna.
Whom I am going to vote PN PL I dont know.I"m geting mixed up now.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Lil Antoine Vella u shabu nistaqsihom: intkom x'suppost qal Joseph Muscat biss rajtu. X'suppost qal il-President ta' Malta ma qrajtuhx? Jekk taqraw sewwa bejn wiehed u iehor Muscat u l-President kwazi qalu l-istess kliem fil-konfront ta'l-ekonomija tal-Korea ta' Fuq u Kim Jong-Un. Allura x'inhi r-reazzjoni taghkom ghal dak li suppost ( u nenfasizza suppost) li qal il-President?
Ara biex iridu jimpressjonaw lil poplu ta' GonziPN ! Niskanta kif qeghdin jemmnu x'intqal fl-ahbarijiet tal-Korea ta' Fuq ? Xi stennejtuh JGHID L-AMBAXXATUR kOREAN, mhux kliem li jinstema sabih mill-mexxejja tieghu ? U jekk GonziPN ma jridx ikollu ebda kuntatt mal-Korea ta' Fuq, ghaliex accetta li jkun hemm ambaxxatur ghal-Malta tal-Korea ta' Fuq ???? IPOKRITI !!!!!!!!
Joseph Pace
If you google the website for "Malta" you'll find that in 2004 Kim il Jung sent a happy new year card to EFA. DO we care? No.
Joseph Pace
If you google the website for "Malta" you'll find that in 2004 Kim il Jung sent a happy new year card to EFA. DO we care? No.
“A drowning man will catch a straw”
Igor P. Shuvalov
It seems that the Nationalist Party read only part of the Korean Central News Agency Report.. that part that reported what Dr Joseph Muscat was supposed to have said. Of course because this suited the propaganda machine. They seem to have missed totally the part which spoke about what the same agency said about the meeting with the President of the Republic which put words in the President's mouth which without any doubt the he never said. Those who read the KCNA reports know quite well how trustworthy are these reports.
Il-qawl Malti li jghid li "Il-kabura milli jkollha taghtik" joqghod perfettament lill-PN.
Dawn il-laqghin NAZZJONALISTI issa jaghmlu bhal ma ghamlu fi zmien Mintoff jghajru u jitkazaw bil-Libja u c-Cina u wara marru laqghulom it-toqba ta's****m. Dawn hekk jafu jaghmlu. Jekk in-Nazzjonalisti ma jaqblux mal-Korea ta' fuq messhom ma hallewx li tinfetah ambaxxata hawn u daqshekk ghax billi qed ihallu ammaxxatur tal-Korea ta' Fuq ghal Malta huma qed juru li huma hbieb intimi maghhom. Veru IPOTREKI NAZZJONALISTI, tghajru biss tafu.
Dawn il-laqghin NAZZJONALISTI issa jaghmlu bhal ma ghamlu fi zmien Mintoff jghajru u jitkazaw bil-Libja u c-Cina u wara marru laqghulom it-toqba ta's****m. Dawn hekk jafu jaghmlu. Jekk in-Nazzjonalisti ma jaqblux mal-Korea ta' fuq messhom ma hallewx li tinfetah ambaxxata hawn u daqshekk ghax billi qed ihallu ammaxxatur tal-Korea ta' Fuq ghal Malta huma qed juru li huma hbieb intimi maghhom. Veru IPOTREKI NAZZJONALISTI, tghajru biss tafu.
Gonzi - are you not the last head of state to have met up with Qaddafi and whose party has supported and enriched itself by supporting a dictator of the worst kind - you share in the guilt for the tortured and murdered people of Libya; their blood in on your hands as much as Qaddafi's.
From the p.n stables one can only expect bull shit.
PN should collectively take off their underwear and stuff it in their own mouths. Gonzi - you are a dictator running a corrupt government and a religious nutcase too boot. Your attempt to distract us has failed.
Thorny jidher li ta' Gonzipn qatt ma semghu bil-qwiel "kieku l-gemel jara hotobtu jaqà u jmut zoptu" u li "min jitkaza jaqà fil-kaza" kif gralhom meta kienu jghajjru lill-Gharab u issa qed jilghaquhom.
Issa anke mat-Torok qed jitliequ! Kemm jifilħu jaqgħu fil-baxx ta' GonziPN! Xi snin ilu meta kien hawn logħba futbul bejn malta u t-Turkija, xi bravu mimli b'intelliġenza sopranaturali, għamel 'streamers' fil-Marsa, fejn ingħad li 'bħall m'għamilnielkom fl-1565, hekk se nerġgħu nirrepetu l'istess rebħa'! Miskin, veru miskin, minn ipprova jqanqal dan it-tip ta' FANATIŻMU! X'ġara f'dak is-snin, xejn m'għandu x'jaqsam maż-żmien riċenti, u fuq kollox kienet gwerra tal-kavallieri u mhux tal-Maltin! Bħas-soltu, dejjem servili tal-barrani, speċjalment meta jkun hemm il-partiti tal-lemin fil-gvern. Komplu ilagħqu! Issa ġej tal-Qatar ukoll! Għax issa m'għadhomx tal-ħabbażież l'Għarab hux! Din ipokresija fl'aqwa tagħha!
Ian George Walker
The PN spin-machine has lost none os its efficiency - or its viciousness. It's going to be a very dirty election campaign as the PN desperately tries every trick in the book to hang on to power.
Jien kont qed nahsibha nivvotax PL ghall ewwel darba ghax hsibthom inbidlu imma ahbarijiet bhal dawn ibezzawni. Joseph imissu johrog stqarrija u jghidilna l-kliem ezatt li qal lil ambaxxatur. Kulhdd jaf li north korea hi pajjiz ripressiv u totalitarju u l-ahhar pajjiz li ghandna ninhabbu mieghu.
Zack Depasquale
Ara vera min ikun qieghed jeghreq jaqbad ma kull tibna. Bl-istess argument la GonziPN ghandhom relazzjonijiet tajba mac-China, u ghaliex ic-China ghamlet veto fuq rizoluzzjoni fuq is-Sirja, allura l-Partit ta'GonziPN jaqbel mat-tragedja tas-Sirja (li onestament ma nahsibx li huwa l-kaz). Hallina nghixu GonziPN l-ebda bizgha mill-passat li hafna minnu mahluq mill-propaganda Nazzjonalista, mhux sejjer inessi lill-poplu Malti id-dizastru li hawn f'pajjizna Malta. Ma ninsew qatt ukoll dak l-ahhar kap ta'Stat li mar jitghannaq u jitbewwes ma Gaddafi.
tal misthija..... back to basics. viva lajber ta Malta... partit tal moderati ( my foot!!!!) I rather pay 25 euro or even 50 euro ghal cilindru gas milli nerga nara lil pajjizi mistmerr mill kumplament ta dinja
If there is one state which is considered as a pariah state by all the world there is no doubt that North Korea takes this dubious honor. North Korea also raises justifiable concerns in us Maltese given the secret arms agreement and the highly secretive military personnel housed in Tigne barracks in the turbulent early 80's. Whilst I am certain that no rhetoric sentences in the typical KIM North Korean type were uttered by the leader of the opposition and the President it is still a matter of concern given the historic antecedents that such meetings took place in secret. If we all believe in transparency and keeping the citizen informed this was one of those specific situations occasions where we and the media had the imperative right to be informed.
If these reports are true, Joseph Muscat has really touched rock-bottom. He has the gall to bleat about the price of gas while expressing such extra-disgusting sentiments about North Korea. I hope for the sake of Malta that these reports are false.
X'vujtagni !!! Kemm raghwa fil-vojt mill-partit li l-mexxej tieghu kien L-AHHAR (nirrepeti L-AHHAR) persuna politika mill-Unjoni Ewropea li GHANNAQ (nirrepeti li GHANNAQ) lil Gaddafi. Kemm raghwa fil-vojt mill-partit li tghidx kemm ipprova jbezza' lil Maltin fis-snin sebghin li meta gew ic-cinizi biex jghinuna kienu gew f'Malta biex ixerrdu l-komunizmu fil-mediterran !!!! Kemm raghwa fil-vojt minn partit li ta l-medalja tar-repubblika lil president tat-tunizija li mbaghad kulhadd hareg jghid x'dittatur kien fih !!!! Ara min qed jitkellem fuq politika barranija !!!
Hekk ukoll kienu ghamlu meta Mintoff waqqaf ir-relazzjoniet diplomatici mac-Cina u mal-Gharab. Tghgidx kemm tkazaw u werwruna bil-babaw. Issa huma u shabhom il-konservattivi ewropej qed jilghaquhom. Tista tkun ipokrita iktar min hekk? Ma nahsibx.
John Mifsud
I am informed that the outgoing North Korean ambassador also had a meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the same day. Can MFA please provide information about this, and tell us why it was not reported, not even on the MFA website?
Bigri tigi l elezjoni ha nehilsu minn JM u il partit tieghu. Shame on you, praising North Korea. You praised North Korea as you praised Divorce, IVF, Abortion. Shame on you. Mhux ta b xejn li il laburisti kollha qed jistennew telfa kbira kbira minnhabba fik. Prosit Dr. Laurance Gonzi. Il PN haqqu li jmexxina, mhux al 5, lanqas al 20 sena, izda ghal dejjem. Il hsara li l MLP igib fuqna jekk (il Bambin iharisna) jitilghu fil gvern hija inkalkolabli. Socialism is bad.
Luke Camilleri
Luke Camilleri
Issa noqghod nimla ic-cilindri tal-gas b'ahbarijiet minn dawn mill Media Medjokri li qieghed jofrilna ta' Gonzipn! Xebghu jilghaqu u jitghannqu ma Gadddafi....
Luke Camilleri
Issa noqghod nimla ic-cilindri tal-gas b'ahbarijiet minn dawn mill Media Medjokri li qieghed jofrilna ta' Gonzipn! Xebghu jilghaqu u jitghannqu ma Gadddafi....
Luke Camilleri
Issa noqghod nimla ic-cilindri tal-gas b'ahbarijiet minn dawn mill Media Medjokri li qieghed jofrilna ta' Gonzipn! Xebghu jilghaqu u jitghannqu ma Gadddafi....