Heritage Oil plan drilling off Malta, ‘highly attractive prospect’ identified

London and Toronto-listed Heritage Oil says it is “planning” a high-impact well offshore Malta, after seismic data “confirmed the mapping of a highly attractive Lower Eocene carbonate reef play within a prospect in Area 7.”

Heritage Oil chief executive Tony Cunningham said that “well planning is being undertaken to drill the principal prospect in Area 7.
Heritage Oil chief executive Tony Cunningham said that “well planning is being undertaken to drill the principal prospect in Area 7.

In a statement issued this morning announcing financial results for the year ended on 31 December 2011, Heritage Oil chief executive Tony Cunningham says that the seismic data collected last year in Area 7 to the South East of Malta, has shown that "primary targets are recognised as major hydrocarbon producing zones in the central part of the Mediterranean."

The company said that the seismic data collection exercise allowed for mapping - with greater certainty - of deeper carbonate reef play within the Cretaceous section of the prospect.

Cunningham said that "well planning is being undertaken to drill the principal prospect in Area 7."

In addition, Heritage Oil said it has also recognised the presence of a "north-south trending shelf margin on the eastern part of the blocks where a number of attractive reef prospects have been mapped."

Heritage Oil entered into a PSC with the Maltese government for a 100% interest in Areas 2 and 7 in the south-eastern offshore region of Malta in 2007.

The licences cover almost 18,000 square kilometres and are situated approximately 80 kilometres and 140 kilometres, offshore Malta, for Area 2 and Area 7 respectively, in water depths of up to approximately 300 metres.

The two Areas are close to, and similar to, a number of producing fields offshore Libya and Tunisia.

Heritage Oil claims the licences are "underexplored" with only one well previously drilled in Area 2; the Medina Bank-1 well in 1980. The well was drilled to a depth of 1,225 metres but failed to reach the target horizons, estimated to be between 1,500 and 4,500 metres.

Heritage has an extensive data set of approximately 5,000 kilometres of 2D seismic, including data acquired in July 2011 using greatly improved acquisition parameters compared to the inherited legacy dataset.

In October last year MaltaToday revealed Heritage Oil's controversial acquisition of controlling interest in Sahara Oil Services Holdings Limited - Sahara Oil - which owns the entire share capital of Sahara Oil Services Limited, an oil field services company in Libya.

Heritage claims that Sahara, is uniquely positioned to pursue field rehabilitation activities and be awarded exploration and production licences as we have operator status. "This means Heritage is well placed to play a significant role in the future oil and gas industry in Libya," Cunningham said, adding that he views the acquisition as consistent with HO's strategy of "first mover advantage and entering regions with vast hydrocarbon wealth where we have a strategic advantage."



Fabian Psaila
Riesqa l-elezzjoni...... Iz-zejt li ma ghandhomx f'wicchom tiela f'wicc l'ilma!
Joseph MELI
Take care that in the event that they find sufficient reserves of oil and gas in MALTESE waters a search will be on to find WMD here or perhaps charge Malta with having a despot at the helm and denying democracry to its people and our saviours will then attempt to free us from such oppression.Far-fetched?
Jien cert li ghad insibu z-zejt. Il-PL ilu jghid li hawn iz-zejt vicin Malta. Fi zmien Dr. Alfred Sant sar thaffir anki f'Ghawdex u konna ferm vicin li nsibuh, izda lahqu telghu tal-PN u kollox sar suf !Imma aktar importanti li meta nsibuh, ikollna gvern GHAQLI li jkun jaf jaghmel il-kuntratti li jharsu l-interess ta' pajjizna ! Ara kif nistghu nafdaw kuntratti bhal dawn f'idejn GonziPN meta naraw xi frejjeg ghamlu fil-kuntratti, per ezempju, tal-bini ta' Mater Dei u ma Arriva !!! Eddy Privitera
I bet my hat that the PM will hold a special press conference on the eve of the elections, announcing that oil has been struck in the Medina Bank. If this is true, one thing is certain: the Maltese people are not fools enough to trust a PN government with so much monies. The PN inner circle managed to make itself enormously rich with a lame economy, imagine what they would do with an oil-rich economy!
U jista' jkun li ghad baqa' xi ibleh wiehed li hu wiehed f'Malta li ma jemminx li gonzipn anki fl-elezzjoni tal-2013 se juza l-istess tattika li uza fl-2008, il-famuza power of incumbency? Ga bdiet l-orgja ta' pjaciri, favuri, promozzjonijiet, permessi, ghotjiet ta' flus, U turns u hwejjeg simili .... u issa naturalment qed nergghu nibdew naghtu l-impressjoni li dalwaqt insibu z-zejt .... x'dardir .... xi qziez ta' tmexxija politika .... f'post wiehed imissu jsib iz-zejt gonzipn ... f'wiccu ghax ilu li sparixxa, jekk qatt kellu!!!
qrib l-elezzjonijiet dejjem tinxtamm ir-riha tal-bakkaljaw.
WASLET L-ELEZZJONI EJA L-KOLL INKANTAW FLIMKIEN:- WASLET L-ELEZZJONI U HA NHAFFRU GHAZ-ZEJT, WASLET L-ELEZZJONI U HA NSIBU Z-ZEJT, WASLET L-ELEZZJONI U MALTA HA SSIR BHAL QATAR, SAUDI ARABJA ETC, ETC. u il-petrol u l-diesel se jigi jinbieh bix-xejn. Dan qed nghidu biex ahna l-poplu fidil naraw kif se nivvotaw ghax issa ha nsibu z-zejt u dan il-gvern kif dejjem ghamel iqassam il-gid kollu li jigi mill-bejh ta' dan iz-zejt lilna l-koll u naturalment ghalih u ghal shabu tal-partit fil-parlament ma jiehu xejn ghax hu jhobb jaghmel is-sagrificcju MISKIN. GEJJA L-ELEZZJONI U HA NHAFFRU GHAZ-ZEJT U HEMM PROSPETTI TAJBIN.