Puli suggests media scared off investors in Marsa sports village

PN donor Nazzareno Vassallo had requested revision of MEPA local plan for sports village to include his 20-storey business centre.

Parliamentary secretary Clyde Puli (centre) says negotiations on the White Rocks sports complex are ongoing.
Parliamentary secretary Clyde Puli (centre) says negotiations on the White Rocks sports complex are ongoing.

Parliamentary secretary for sports, youth and culture Clyde Puli has suggested media reports on the lack of interest from businesses in developing the Marsa sports village, may have scared off investors.

Puli, addressing the press on the past four years' of achievements in sports and culture as part of an ongoing government roadshow, was asked by MaltaToday to justify the protracted negotiations on the White Rocks sports village, and the lack of interest to develop Marsa.

"Sometimes I ask myself whether reports appearing in the media could have dampened interest and scared off prospective investors," Puli said, without referring to which reports exactly.

Puli may have been referring to reports in MaltaToday when a request by entrepreneur and Nationalist donor Nazzareno Vassallo to change MEPA local plans to accommodate a 20-storey business centre at the former Lowenbrau factory site - as part of the revision of planning policies related to land in the environs of the Marsa Sports complex - had been turned down by the planning authority.

It is now being suggested that Vassallo expressed interest in the Marsa sports complex. Vassallo has now applied to develop a supermarket in the area.

MEPA turned down the request, insisting that the local plan review was exclusively related to the extension of sports facilities and that the proposed uses of the Lowenbrau site were not aimed at widening the range of sports facilities on the site, but simply to increase commercial development without any obvious link to the sports complex itself.

Clyde Puli said that the government's call for expression of interest at Marsa, was seen by five investors but none of them had submitted it by the closing date. "We are currently evaluating and see how we can amend it and then reopen the call."

On the other hand, Puli reported "substantial progress" in the negotiations for the White Rocks sports village when asked by MaltaToday why such projects are announced without guarantees of completion.

"We announced the start of the negotiations for the simple reason we wanted to be transparent. If we hadn't announced it, then it would have looked like we were negotiating secretively.

"Negotiations are still ongoing but there has been a substantial progress. Our aim is to conclude the negotiations by end of this legislature. However, we will not close the negotiations until we ascertain that we have the best."

The ambitious project was launched in June last year by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, announcing that negotiations were to be concluded by the end of 2010, and that government would "not be spending a cent" on the project, which is estimated to create 800 new jobs

Negotiations intended to finalise the proposed €200 million development of the former White Rocks Complex into a sports village had reportedly come to a standstill.

Don Brister, a director and shareholder within the White Rocks Holding Company, said: "We honestly don't know what is holding government on this, we are very keen to go ahead with the project, but something internal within government seems to be stalling all progress."

Brister, who is often engaged in talks with government over the project could not specify the "internal problem" but said that government had already been presented with the proof of financing one year ago, and that a lot of work had been done in the UK with regards to designs, to the extent that "the consortium is ready to go to MEPA."

X'ghandek kontra "l-kandelabri"? Mhux xempju ta' serjeta' u integrita dawn jew? Kollha ghira din ghal min lahaq fejn lahaq ghax uza ilsienu sew!
Priscilla Darmenia
Hon Puli, as usual with your cabinet and government, you call sour grapes and blame someone when you fail and take all the credit, even if no credit is due to your government, for the minimum success that comes by.
Taf x'anhseb, Hon.Puli, hemm xi problema biex tispjeqa kief sejjer ikun hemm 300 appartament lussuz meta dan suppost ''Sports Complex'' u mhux xi Midi jewn Portomaso sakemm ma jitffaccax xi skyscaper ta 30 sular f'lahhar seconda. Jaqaw dawn l'atleti ta dan il ''Sport Complex'' kollha miljunarji? Jewn issa qed jahsbuha min kien interresta ghax madux facli t'biehhom l-appartamenti. Bhal ma grala tal Midi f'Manoel Island, issa rega qed hajsiba. Mhux hekk!!
Hon Puli,forsi beza mill intelligenza tieghek peress li int ma gejtx imsemmi mal-Ambaxxata Amerikana. U hallina, ghax ghar ritratti biss int tajjeb biex toqod tipposa
Sur Edituri tal-Maltatoday: imma intom gejjin minn wara l-muntanji tafux jekk ma ghandkomx ideja meta se jithabbar li se jibdew il-progetti tal-Marsa u l-progett tal-White Rocks!!!! Nghidilkom jien? Ftit jiem qabel jew ftit jiem wara li tithabbar id-data tal-elezzjoni, naghmlu imhatra? U by the way, mela clyde puli jibza' jaghti press conference wahdu? Dawk iz-zewg kandelabri wiehed fuq kull naha ghalfejn qieghdin hemm? Hadd minnhom ma jaghti impressjoni li ghandu l-isport ghal qalbu - anzi jekk hemm haga li tghaqqadhom hi l-oppozizzjoni ghad-divorzju !!!! Imma bilhaqq kont insejt .... wiehed minnhom kellu fama li xejn ma jmur tajjeb ma' certa ministru u malajr qalftitu 'l barra kif hadet l-edukazzjoni taht idejha !!! - u allura issa sar sportiv hej il-boy !!!!
Ghadek ma xbajtx tiffanga Zaren?
Oh why am I not surprised? We announce projects and then?? Castles anyone?
Ejja inhaffu naqra Puli......ghax l-elezzjoni qeghedha maghna.
and can the hon mr puli illuminate us on who scared the white rocks project?
Luke Camilleri
PN donor Nazzareno Vassallo .....PN Cruise Organiser for PN General Secretaries and BENEFACTOR/ gonziPN beneficiary …..!
Luke Camilleri
PN donor Nazzareno Vassallo .....PN Cruise Organiser for PN General Secretaries and BENEFACTOR/ gonziPN beneficiary …..!