Nicholas Azzopardi inquiry | Magistrate’s inquiry was flawed – Labour media

Opposition media insists on inherent flaws in magisterial inquiry into alleged police brutality death.

Just before he passed away, Nicholas Azzopardi recorded his allegations on video on a hospital bed at Mater Dei.
Just before he passed away, Nicholas Azzopardi recorded his allegations on video on a hospital bed at Mater Dei.

Magistrate Antonio Vella's handling of the inquiry into the allegations by Nicholas Azzopardi, who died from injuries suffered in an alleged beating by police officers while in custody, has come under intense criticism in the Opposition's media.

According to online mouthpiece, the relatives of Nicholas Azzopardi - who are now pursuing justice in a reopened inquiry into the bizarre death of the father-of-one - "feel the magisterial inquiry was a cover-up to exonerate the police." has raised questions about the lack of an identification parade for Azzopardi to identify the alleged aggressors when he told Magistrate Vella of his ordeal at the hands of police investigators, when he gave his testimony to Vella while recovering at Mater Dei's intensive therapy unit.

The Labour media is also claiming Vella "worked too closely" with Assistant Commissioner Michael Cassar, who was then tasked with holding an internal inquiry into the actions of the police when Nicholas Azzopardi was in their custody.

Commissioner of Police John Rizzo was at the time of the incident recovering in hospital for medical treatment.

"The version of the police officers implicated in the case was accepted uncritically, while Azzopardi and his family were treated with hostility."

"Vella did not give due weight to what Azzopardi had to say just before he died when usually such statements ('articolo mortis') are considered indispensable to establish what happened."

Azzopardi was found beneath the bastions of the Floriana police headquarters, suffering from injuries he said were incurred in a violent beating by his police guardians. A magisterial inquiry by Antonio Vella could find no conclusive evidence that he had been left for dead by his aggressors, who alleged Azzopardi jumped off the bastion when he escaped from custody.

The inquiry has been re-opened by Commissioner John Rizzo after it transpired that Azzopardi's interrogator - former police sergeant Adrian Lia - was charged with the theft of €30,000 in seized gambling cash.

But the new inquiry is also being led by Magistrate Antonio Vella, an aspect that has been criticised by Nicholas Azzopardi's father, Joseph, who says the new inquiry should be independent.

Joseph Azzopardi, 70, claims a confidential source with information on his son's death is reluctant to come forward with information due to the lack of a Whistleblower's Act. "This person is afraid of losing their job and is afraid of what could happen to their family," Azzopardi, had told MaltaToday.

"During the original inquiry magistrate Antonio Vella and assistant police commissioner Michael Cassar didn't record Nicholas during the interrogation. They had instead insisted that our family handed over the footage we had of Nicholas explaining what happened to him."

Azzopardi believes his son may have been taunted by police sergeant Adrian Lia, over his relationship with Nicholas's estranged wife, to the point that he may have reacted physically against his interrogators.

It also transpires Nicholas Azzopardi had been brought in for questioning after his wife filed a police report, alleging he had abused their daughter, just days a court awarded Nicholas Azzopardi extended custody of their child.

After he was found unconscious beneath the police depot's bastions, Nicholas Azzopardi later was recorded on a home video on his hospital bed, claiming he had been brutally 'beaten to a pulp' by two policemen while in custody.

If I were Nicholas Azzopardi's father and had information regarding my son's death I would bring it out in the open and not throw stones then hide. If Mr J Azzopardi really wants to get to the bottom of this tragic episode he should provide the original tape which he himself filmed of his son on the death bed and also come out with the recent information regards his daughter in law, if it is true. If he has no faith in the local authority he should get some body such as Scotland Yard to carry out the investigations.
LUPU: l-ewwelnett jekk tridni nifhmek ikteb jew bil-Malti jew bl-Ingliz u mhux bl-Gharbi u t-tieninett ikteb bis-sens.
LUPU: l-ewwelnett jekk tridni nifhmek ikteb jew bil-Malti jew bl-Ingliz u mhux bl-Gharbi u t-tieninett ikteb bis-sens.
Anette B Cassar
@Demartino. Ma nistenniex gvern ta' partit li tant kien wal contra dak li semmejt inti, jispicca jghamel l-istess. Din hija ipokresija. U specjalment Kristjani ghandhom ikunu jafu kemm Kristu kien jobghod l-ipokriti. U haga ohra hejjem nies bhalek joqghodu jghidu fuq zmien li Muscat l-anqas biss kien ghex. Dan qisu jien noqghod nghajjar li-demoKRISTJANI tal-llum fuq l-inkwizizjoni. HMM ghalkemm iz-ziju tal-mexxej tad-demokristjani ried jghamel inkwizzizjoni fuq il-laburisti fi zmienu. Ipokriti ma jifhmux li zewg affarijiet hziena ma jghamlux wahda tajba.
Niehu cans iehor! Il-lejburisti mhux imdorrijin b'inkjesti li jkunu flawed. Hu dik ta' Nardu debono, ta' gaffaraena' ta' Lino Cauchi, ta'Cardona, ta' Ray Caruana u Pietru pawl, Hu ta' Karen Grech SKOND DAK LI QAL MISSIERHA. Ipokriti? Tridx tmur.
U da zgur li taht il-PN dawn l-inkjesti jkunu flawed. Ara l-inkjesti ta' Karen Grech ma kinitx flawed. Saqsu 'l missierha. Anqas ta' Ray Caruana, u ta' Pietru Pawl u ta' Lino Cauchi u ta' Nardu Debono u ta' Gaffarena u ta' mijiet ohra. Ipokriti wisq dawn in-nies.
Il-lejber ghandhom ragun. Bhal dejjem. Araw kif kienu jsiru l-investigazzjonijiet fi zmienhom: saqsu lil Pietru Pawl u lil Ray Caruana. Saqsu lil Nardu Debono; saqsu lil Karen Grech (aqraw x'qal missierha) saqsu ,lil Lino Cauchi.......lista bla tarf. IPOKRITI.
Isn't it crass incompetence not to say cover-up not to order an identification parade when such grave allegations were made by a man on his deathbed? Smells fishy doesn't it?
some body such as Scotland Yard if he has no faith in the local authority.
Very serious accusations have been made by reputedly responsible sources that must be given their due weight in a potential impeachment scenario. Will justice ever be carried out?
Reopening the inquiry and having the same magistrate to conduct it, casts serious doubts on the credibility of the resullt of this second inquiry, if the result is the same as the first inquiry. The reason being, that if a different conclusion is reached, this would mean that the same magistrate had not done his work properly during the original inquiry ! I appeal to Dr. Joseph Muscat,to hold another truly independent inquiry on this case, if the PL is given the voters' trust in the coming election. To make sure whether this case has been a repetition of the Nardu Debono case or not !