Updated | Lawyer died of heart attack, autopsy indicates

Result of autopsy reveals that Margaret Mifsud, found dead in a car on Thursday suffered a heart attack as her former partner is arrested.

Margaret Mifsud was found dead in her car at Bahar ic-Caghaq. Her former partner Nizar el Gadi has been arrested on charges of holding Mifsud against her will back on 24 March 2012.
Margaret Mifsud was found dead in her car at Bahar ic-Caghaq. Her former partner Nizar el Gadi has been arrested on charges of holding Mifsud against her will back on 24 March 2012.

Results of Margaret Mifsud's autopsy indicate that she suffered a heart attack, however it is still unknown what caused the heart attack. Mifsud was found dead Thursday afternoon in a car at Bahar ic-Caghaq.

Earlier on, Nizar el Gadi, the former partner of Mifsud, was arrested on suspicion of holding her against her will, injuring, threatening and harassing her on 24 March 2012.

Lawyer and judicial assistant Margaret Mifsud, 31, who had two children from El Gadi was found dead in her car in an isolated part of the Bahar ic-Caghaq. On Wednesday evening at 11.30pm she was reported seen at the Fortress Bar in Xemxija, later taking her secretary home but she never went back to her mother's home, going missing until being discovered dead on Thursday afternoon.

Police yesterday ruled out any foul play into the death of Margaret Mifsud.


In 2005, the family courts awarded custody of the couple's two children to Mifsud, after she demanded he pay maintenance for the two children. El Gadi was then employed as a labourer with Vassallo Bulders on a Lm270 (€500) monthly salary.

So her car was at Bahar ic-Caghaq and the police/autopsy say it's a heart attack? Im ashamed to be Maltese. And the where is the quality of journalism? this became a story about cheap wages to an illeagal immigrant who abused Margaret? and some of you fools used this story as a forum for it? You should all be more ashamed of that then the wages of an abusive illeagal immigrant!!!
povri tfal innocenti hajja kiefra u ingusta. vittmi ta' polemici tal-genituri.
A person dies and the story goes completely out of subject (intentional or not?) just to try to put a bad light on Vassallo builders. Now that is shameful reporting if there ever was one.
Priscilla Darmenia
“Earlier on, Nizar el Gadi, the former partner of Mifsud, was arrested on suspicion of holding her against her will, injuring, threatening and harassing her on 24 March 2012.” - How efficient our police force is. Why did take action now, after Mifsud’s death and not when the report was lodged? Did they do it to impress the public of their serious dedication? Well I am not impressed.
Just €500 monthly. All that are saying that you can't live on such a meager sum, better check first, because there are hundreds and if not thousands of senior couples, now that the breadwinner is retired, that live on such a pension. This is the standard of life in EU Malta in 2012.
Kemm hi il minimum wage?
No doubt this is one of the thousands of 'new' jobs that Gonzi was so elated about some days back. The only thing important to Gonzi is the employment figure. He is always harking about the "Xoghol ghalik". What he conveniently does not mention is that thousands of employees are treated as modern-day slaves.
Sur Editur Quote ' Updated | Lawyer died of heart attack, autopsy indicates ' Unquote ma nafx xrelevenza ghanda il paga ta l-gharbi f'dan il kuntest - mhux ahjar tatu naqa rispett lejn it tfal u il familja ta din l-avukat, biex forsi il qarrejja tieghek jatu naqa gieh lejn il mejtin.Taf tisthi Guidocforte........ taf x'hinu rispett lejn il familjari tal vittma sur Guidocforte...... tahseb li kummenti bhal tieghek se timpressjona lin nies jew aktar igib stmerrija lejk u kull min jahsiba bhalek.! R.I.P. Dr Mifsud.
Bonzo. This is not slavery. It is called the minimum wage. In 2005 it was Lm55.64 per week. Nothing to investigate. Ni has to be deducted from it. http://www.ird.gov.mt/v1/services/ssc/sscrates.aspx
What a deal for the contractors...where is the ETC, if this is not slavery what it is?
Instead of posting our comments we should spend our time watching "THE UNTOUCHALBES" movie!!!!!!
Bonzo. This is not slavery. It is called the minimum wage. In 2005 it was Lm55.64 per week. Nothing to investigate. Ni has to be deducted from it. http://www.ird.gov.mt/v1/services/ssc/sscrates.aspx
El Gadi was then employed as a labourer with Vassallo Bulders on a Lm270 (€500) monthly salary. This is slavery, I think ETC should investegate this and should also investigate the hourely rate including Sundays a feasts of cleaners in Elderly homes operated by same contractor.
500 euros a month....125 euros a week...53.50 old Maltese Lira ??? Mama Mia....Ma riedx ihallas il bolla ukoll hux.....Umbaghad jghejdu li ma ghawnx xoghol PREKARJU...