Gozo General Hospital undergoing long-overdue restoration and maintenance works

Gozo minister Giovanna Debono says the extensive works will provide better services, as modern facilities replace the old ones.

Ongoing renovation works at the Gozo General Hospital
Ongoing renovation works at the Gozo General Hospital

Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono visited ongoing restoration works at the General Hospital in Gozo. Debono said the works, which started a few days ago, formed part of the "ministry's continuous work to see health facilities in Gozo improving".

The works include the removal of an asbestos soffit from the corridors, the installation of a new electricity system in corridors and waiting areas and the installation of a lower voltage system in the fire alarm and detection system, in the public address and background music system and in the CCTV system for the conservation of energy.

Other installation works include a new water service system, a heating system in corridors, bumper railing and mineral fibre laminated false ceiling; replacement of existing floor tiles and doors.

Debono said these works were in addition to ongoing works in the operations theatre that formed of the setting up of a Radiology Department with an investment of €3.3 million.

"Over 15,600 imaging examinations and 1,400 CT scans were carried out at the General Hospital in just under a year. These also included cancer patients who before had to go to Malta for regular CT scans," Debono said.

She added that through this project, Gozitan women are now taking part in the National Breast Screening Programme without having to travel to Malta for the tests.

Soon, Debono said, bone density tests will also be carried out in Gozo.


Pathetic. Giovanna overhaul fuq il-haddiema bazuzli ser taghmel? Jew issa dment li gejja l-elezzjoni ndahhlu xi ftit security ohra? Insomma wara daqshekk zmien ta zdingar trid tiehu l-prosit ghax bdiet taghmel xogholha cioe li tara li l-isptar ikun mizmum tajjeb. Prosit tassew. Overhaul election ghandna bzonn.
Pathetic. Giovanna overhaul fuq il-haddiema bazuzli ser taghmel? Jew issa dment li gejja l-elezzjoni ndahhlu xi ftit security ohra? Insomma wara daqshekk zmien ta zdingar trid tiehu l-prosit ghax bdiet taghmel xogholha cioe li tara li l-isptar ikun mizmum tajjeb. Prosit tassew. Overhaul election ghandna bzonn.
Priscilla Darmenia
My humble opinion: another vote catching project by the GonziPN. - Why now, on the eve on an election, when the Gozitans have been complaining for ages about the bad state of the hospital.
L-isptar ta' Ghawdex mhux rinovazzjoni biss irid, imma rinovazzjoni wahda nobis. Dan l-ahhar mort inzur habib tieghi u kif ghaddejt il-gewwa mill-Casualty sejjer lejn is-sala kont waqajt ghax l-art kollha hofor, (craters), hmieg kullimkien, il-lifts izjedma jahdmux milli jahdmu (imsieken ilhom hemm min-1975,il-boilers li hemm kollha mmermrin, tara bramel fil-kurituri halli jilqghu l-ilma li jaqa' mill-pajpijit li hemm mas-saqaf. L-operation rooms ilhom tliet snin biex jigu rinovati. Rinovzzjoni ohra ghadha bzonn issir (u urgenti) fil-haddiema li hemm go l-isptar, smajt li hemm ma 1000 impjegat jahdmu hemm, kollha jahbtu ma xulxin u ghajr il-haddiema li ghandhom x;jaqsmu direttament mal-pazjenti hadd ma jrid jaghmel xejn, tara mpjegati ta' l-siptar jggerrew barra b'envelope f'idejhom biex taparsi hargu fuq xoghol, issa Alla jbierek gibna lil-kullhadd jahdem il-Hdud (nahseb ghax gejja l-elezzjoni). Insomma nahseb li kien ikun ahjar li nbena sptar gdid bi spazju iktar ghal morda ghax illum kull sala tesa' biss 32 sodda fil-kumdita li suppost u mhux tara l-kurituri kollha mimlijin bis-sodod u kollha mmarkati bl-ittra K (jigifieri Kuritur).