Gonzi summons PN parliamentary group after Debono ups ante on justice motion

Backbencher Franco Debono tells Prime Minister: ‘You know what my position is… this lack of responsibility cannot go on’

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has summoned the Nationalist Party's parliamentary group to meet this afternoon in the wake of troublesome developments within his one-seat majority,after he was confronted by backbencher Franco Debono, when he approached him in the House and informed him that he was not ready to accept a parliamentary vote on the Budget Measures Implementation Bill unless the Opposition's justice and home affairs motion was not debated before. 

After finishing his conversation with the Prime Minister, Debono crossed the chamber of the House to speak to Opposition leader Joseph Muscat.

As he left the House he was heard telling the Prime Minister: "Sahha, Sur Prim Ministru!"

The PN parliamentary group is reported to have been summoned for 4pm. 

When contacted Debono said he had only talked to, and not argued with, the Prime Minister. He said he reiterated his position with Gonzi - "that a government where no one assumes their responsibilities cannot operate properly".

"It is unacceptable for a minister (Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici) with a motion of censure on his head, to be in parliament and proposing amendments to laws at the same time," Debono said.

Business before the House on Monday included readings of bills to amend the Criminal Code and various laws on criminal matters.

Debono added: "His [the Prime Minister's] stubbornness is incredible".

He said that the Prime Minister "must realise that delaying tactics are not fooling anyone".

Asked whether the Prime Minister had agreed to move the motion before the Budget Bill vote, Debono said he didn't know what he [Gonzi] was going to do.

"However I'm going to do everything in my power to see that the motion is discussed first. If need be I'll even present a motion myself. But things cannot go on like this," he insisted.

PN backbencher Franco Debono's consistent criticism has led the Prime Minister and the Leader of the House, Carm Mifsud Bonnici, to avoid calling for votes on crucial resolutions or bills that could weaken government's fragile one-seat majority.

The justice and home affairs motion was presented in December by justice and home affairs shadow ministers José Herrera and Michael Falzon. The motion was presented before Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi held a Cabinet re-shuffle and split the justice ministry from home affairs on 6 January - a move that started the internal rupture inside the PN when Franco Debono's support started wavering.

The separation between justice and home affairs was one of Nationalist MP Franco Debono's main concerns, which eventially led to the Opposition's motion of no-confidence, which government survived in spite of Debono's abstention. Gonzi's reshuffle meant that the justice and home affairs portfolios held by Carm Mifsud Bonnici since 2008 were split. Mifsud Bonnici held on to home affairs whilst Chris Said became minister of justice and social policy.

Herrera and Falzon's motion presented in December, demanded that political responsibility be assumed for 'endemic problems' in the sectors falling under the responsibility of the then Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs.

Sur Demartino pls jekk jogbok ghamillu pjacir lil siehbek GONZIKARETTAPN u mur ivvota flok franco fid 9 ta mejju dejjem jekk ghadek fuq dil-pjaneta ghax nahseb li fuq pjaneta ohra tejx int sieeeehbiiiii
This has been going on for to long know . For the sake of the country Gentilmen pls end it asap. We have become the laughing stock of europe. I dont care Who is wright or wrong . all i know is that its hurting the country .
U fejnhom dawk il pampaluni bloggers nazzjonalisti li jifhmu hafna...Jaqaw is Sur Giovann mar btala. Jekk in nazzjonalisti qeghedin jahsbu li ahna il laburisti genwini u ta rashom fuq ghonqhom, qeghedin niehdu pjacir b`dan id disgwid kollu, sejrin imqarqin. Ahna nibku dwar il qaghdha imwerha u tal misthija li Dr. GonziP.N. gab lil pajjizna.Min jaf kemm qeghedin jghejdu fuqna il girien.Min jaf kemm hsara qeghdha issir fl-investiment lejn Malta qeghed isir u ma nafhux...Dr. GonziP.N. tibqax stinat bhal ma kien iz ziju.....ara x`ser tghamel, u tina pajjizna lura.
Igor P. Shuvalov
How pathetic to see our Prime Minister throwing himself on the floor and being trodden in order to try to postpone the General Election!!!
This country cannot continue to be run like this if you love your country call a general election as soon as possible!!! Here noone will get far nor the country nor the PN
Zack Depasquale
Tigi msejjha jew ma tigiex imsejha elezjoni issa, dik dejjem prerogattiva tal-PrimMinistru Dr Gonzi. Li hu zgur li jekk Dr Gonzi jbaxxi rasu ghal Dr Franco debono u jressaq il-mozzjoni dwar Dr Mifsud Bonnici, ikun qieghed juri bic-car darba ghal dejjem bhalha l-iktar PrimMinistru bla sinsla li qatt kellna Malta.
Yes, lets pretend that all is well and the country is doing fine, parliament is functioning and everyone is happy. ...Mr.Prime minister your days are counted. The more you try to keep yourself glued to the seat of power, the more we people will be offended and will pay you back a 100 fold in the General elections...WAIT AND SEE. Everyone knows that now you have become a puppet in the hands of Franco Debono.
I fully agree with MALONKI!! issa gonzipn --- umiljat, imcekken, irridikolizzat, mghaffeg, imkasbar, imkisser, imfarrak - Exactly what GONZI PN did to the people. What goes around comes around!!!!
Here in Gozo we need work not bla bla bla .This is the run around of this current government.
Din id-darba jidher li Franco Debono gibiedilek sew l-ispaga Dr Gonzi! Jew dak habel li ghandek ma ghonqok?!
Franco, ma jidhirlikx issa li qed iggebbed. Jien nazzjonalist daqshekk u jekk inti trid tohrog ta ragel issa jekk tivvota kontra l-Gvern jew ivvota favur. Toqghodx tastjeni biex ISALVAK l-Ispeaker. Ghax jekk tivvota kontra, titlef is-siġġu issa u ghal dejjem. Mhux ahjar tiddeciedi xi trid taghmel. Tahseb li l-Ministru Mifsud Bonnici ma ghamel xejn ghal Gustizzja; ma tafx il-kliem li kien hemm fost l-avukati "issa tara tahdimx il-qorti la tispicca minn ministru". Allura ghamel xi haga, nahseb. mhux hekk Franco. L-irġulija mhux Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici irid juriha, dak nafuh ahna tad-distrett, imma inti li trid tiddeciedi x'ser taghmel ghax jekk ser tibqa tastjeni ser tinfetaq bhal min ikollu saqajh fuq zewg nahat.
Ginger I think that it is your Gonz who is not being taken seriously by the electorate. Why is he afraid to call an election? CHICKENING OUT Gonz?
You're at teh end of the road and you cannot do anything about it Gonz. Call an election NOW.
You're at teh end of the road and you cannot do anything about it Gonz. Call an election NOW.
Il-garra gejja u sejra fl-ahhar tinkiser ! Tghid din id-darba se tinkiser jew le ? Sewwa kien qallu Joseph lil Lawrence, li minkejja li l-mozzjoni ta' sfiducja m'ghaddietx minhabba l-vot ta' li Speaker,xorta se jibqa gvern instabbli ! Ghal darba ohra Joseph kellu ragun !!!
The Prime Minister has to call a General Election soon. Our Parliament is not functioning......It is the end of GonziPN....HURRAY!!!!
Lest nilghab miljun ewro li wara dak li qal franco debono lil gonzipn il-bierah, issa gonzipn --- umiljat, imcekken, irridikolizzat, mghaffeg, imkasbar, imkisser, imfarrak --- se jcedi u il-mozzjoni tigi diskussa fil-granet li gejjin. L-importanti li gonzipn jibqa' iggranfat, ikkakkmat, imkahhal, marbut mal-poter ..... u franco debono jerga' jastjeni u jerga' jsalvah Mr B'TAL-LINJA JAQBILLEK ... u nibqghu sejrin hekk ghal xahrejn ohra sakemm terga' tqum xi wahda ohra ..... sewwa qed nghid li franco debono aktar b'sahhtu minn joseph muscat?
In other words: "Either I become Minister or else!" Nobody in Malta is taking you seriously anymore Dr Debono. Even Zoo are making fun of you! You either stand up for what you believe in or else call it a day, either shut up or resign.
Another month stuck to that powerful position equals another month of sucked remuneration! No wonder they will not let go willingly. Too much to lose.
Parole, parole, soltanto parole!
Erga baxxi rasek ghal Dr Franco Sur Prim Ministru. Mhux hekk ridt ga la darba ma hadtx il-pass xieraq mall-ewwel. Imma s-siggu komdu wisq biex titilqu! U imbaghad fl-ahhar mill-ahhar din skalda zghira ghalfejn it-travu li qed jerfa' l-poplu.
Luke Camilleri
What's stopping Franco Debono now? Just do it Franco if you believe in this cause so much for your sake and JUSTICE in general! You do have backing, not from Gonzipn's oligarchy, but you do have backing! Stand up and be counted!
franco f'gieh is sewwa iddeciedi xi trid u x'se tghamel ghax gibt pajjiz gharkubtejh. issa x'hin jibdew jintilfu il postijiet tax- xoghol kullhadd jigi f'sensieh.