Government whip brusquely brushed off by Debono in parliament, who then speaks to Muscat

“We discussed parliamentary matters" Muscat tells MaltaToday after 15 minute tête-à-tête on government bench with PN MP Franco Debono, who earlier walked into the House telling government whip: I challenged them all”

Not on good terms: Franco Debono (left) and government whip Dvaid Agius.
Not on good terms: Franco Debono (left) and government whip Dvaid Agius.

Updated at 11:40am

Backbencher Franco Debono this morning brushed off an approach by his party whip David Agius, who tried to calm him down after the backbencher entered the House in what seemed to be some agitation.

It is understood that Debono was furious to learn that government was about to invite Malta's permanent representative to the EU, Richard Cachia Caruana, to appear before the foreign and European affairs committee and answer questions there as part of a proposal to the Opposition, instead of the motion that calls on the prime minister to ask for Cachia Caruana's resignation.

MaltaToday witnessed Debono heading straight to where Agius was sitting, and told him: "I challenged them all" - in obvious reference to a challenge he made yesterday evening through MaltaToday, where he invited the Prime Minister to a public debate - something Lawrence Gonzi has refused to entertain when announcing yesterday he had scheduled a crucial vote on a money bill for 9 May.

The incident with Agius continued to develop when the PN whip stood up and attempted to approach Debono and invite him to talk privately, away from other MPs and the media.

But as soon as Agius placed his hand on Debono's arm - in a gesture to ask him to calm down and move to talk privately - the MP rejected this approach, lifted his arm, brushed Agius and moved away.

Debono later took a seat at the very end of the government back bench.

At 11:07am, upon entering the House, Opposition leader Joseph Muscat could be seen in conversation with Franco Debono on the government bench. Debono signalled to Muscat as he entered the House, and Muscat acknowledged him back.

Approached by MaltaToday to explain what the 15 minute-long conversation with Debono was about, Muscat replied, "parliamentary matters" and walked off.

Meanwhile, Franco Debono refused to comment on his conversation with the Opposition leader. However when pressed by MaltaToday, he said that "I am doing all I can to have the justice and home affairs motion debated without any further delay."

Debono also admitted to be considering another motion before the House, in order to have the pending motion brought up on the agenda with urgency.

The 9th May vote will show how Franco Debono will be remembered in our history books - whether he had the guts to be a man who converts his words into action, or otherwise. If GonziPN loses this election, it's bye bye to his clique and a new and cleaner PN will emerge from the ashes, a PN which will have a place for Franco. It would be a loss for Maltese democratic politics if Franco disappears from the political scene, just because of a wrong show of hands.
Its really going to far now. The PM should know that he is not fooling anyone. If he is fooling with the electorate he is not fooling with Dr Debono for sure! Today it has been proven how gentleman Dr Alfred Sant was. Lets hope the electorate does not fall victim again to those who in the past four years have neglected them and now in the next four months want to trick them back in their fold !! Nispera li din id-darba il-poplu ma jinsiex. Dan il-Gvern dahakk b'kullhadd vilment.
Franco is a person that we don"t want to loose,he gave us a clear picture how politics is in Malta.Franco the great,you must not leave politics at all cost,create a new party if nesesary.Lots of people in our island are in desaray,don"t know what to do next.
"I challenged them all” he had the occasion to challenge them all in the run for the PN leadership , but he did not go for it. On the 9th May Debono won’t have David Agius accompanying him out of parliament. I guess no one will miss that occasion, when Franco will vote with the opposition and betray his electorate and the party on who’s ticket he got elected!
L-onorevoli Franco Debono jista' jurina kif 'skalda zghira' tista' taghti 'tetnu fatali' lil 'par idejn sodi'.
Franco jekk trid tibqa mnizzel fl-istorja bħala il-membru parlamentari li ghal onesta u integrita waqa' lil-gvern tieghu, tisteniex aktar. Ħu dan iċ-ċans. Nassigurak li l-maġġoranza assoluta tal-poplu Malti ser jajdlek grazzi u jibqa jafulek. Tkunx ġwejjef iżda ibqa sod u eqred lil GonziPN darba ghal dejjem. Grazzi bil-quddiem.
Possibbli dan il-gvern b'dan il-priministru ser jippersisti li jittratta il-poplu malti ta mbecilli u ikompli jirredikola l-parlament?? Il-kelma misthija lanqas biss issibha fil-vokabolarju ta dawn in-nies ghax vera ma jisthu minn xejn u minn hadd , l-aqwa li jibqaw ipappu u jisolhu minn fuq is-siggu tal-poter. L-Onor. Franco Debono issa irid veramnet juri li jemmen bil-fatti f'dak kollu li ilu jishaq, issa zmien il-kompromessi u zmien li jitrangaw l-affarijiet mal-gvern tieghu stess spicca. Gonzi u l-klikka tieghu wrew bic-car li jrid ikompli fl-istess triq li l-gvern tieghu ilu imexxi bieha jigifieri dik tal-klikka u l-oligarkija, mela kuragg Onor.Debono u ghamel dak li huwa ta gid ghall pajjiz!!! U jekk inhu imnalla u l-poplu jidirlu li ghandu jerga jafda lill GonziPN u shabu, HEKK IKUN pero ma nistawx nibqaw ghaddejjin hekk ghax hsara l-pajjiz qedha issir.
Mela t-tiġrija b'żiemel wieħed għalxejn kienet!!! U l-universita' kif qtt ma' titkellem meta jitfakkar li l-whip nazzjonalista inqabad jikkopja u għaddaa xorta?? Dan x'pajjiż hu!!? Id-dun qatt ma' jgħid xejn din dwarha fuq campus fm!!
Bonzi kif jghid il-qawl MAlti, dak li tisraq ma tgawdihx. Gonzi SERAQ l-ahhar elezzjoni u mhux se jgawdi t-terminu kollu u jkollu jirrizenja.
What does the Whip expect from someone who worked his way up and was never caught copying at exams at University?
Serves Mr Copy Cat MP right, he's a very patronizing person and deserves all the embarrassment he can get.
L-anqas haqq il flus li intefqu u ghadhom jintefqu biex jghamlu bini ghal parlament gdid. Jekk riedu jinqalaw mill bini tal palazz tal President...setaw qasmu it triq imxew kantuniera u dawn il buzzullotti kienu jghamluhom il Manuel Theater...Jahasra f`hiex giet Malta.
Ma nistax nifhem kemm il Prim Ministru se jibqa jigie umiljat min shabu u ma jghamel xejn. issa anke biz ziju isqof dahal fil kredu.fl-1998 Gonzi kien jghid lill alfred Sant il pajjiz ma jistax jibqa sejjer hekk u jzomm bil vot ta li speaker. L-istess medicina qed johoda hu u din id darba hawwarilu tifel. Alfred Sant kien gentlom, u vera jhobb lill pajjiz. Mar ghal elezzjoni meta cansijiet kienu juru telfa. Gonzi irrid jibqa ggranfat ghax forsi ghad fadal ftit xi jqassam.
That would be a Historic Occasion "A Debate between the so called World Leader and a person who's interest is Fair Play"
Ara gejja l-mewt ghalik Biex tixwik, biex taqlik Ara gejja.... ara waslet Din id-daqqa min tghajilhek? FRANCO DEBONO! Yessssssssssssss! U Malta kollha tiehu nifs kbir!