Pre-feasibility study on Malta-Gozo tunnel ‘ready’
A pre-feasibility study on a proposed tunnel between Malta and Gozo is ‘ready’ says infrastructure minister Austin Gatt.
Government will this week publish a pre-feasibility study on a proposed tunnel between Malta and Gozo, minister Austin Gatt said in a parliamentary reply to a question put to him by his predecessor and former minister Jesmond Mugliett.
Dig the tunnel, maybe you find minirals, like cold,copper,whatever.Why don"t you fix all the streets of Gozo first,if you can afforth it.
Kemm jghagglu meta tkun waslet l-elezzjoni!!!!!!! Nittama li dan jibqa' biss holma ghax tassew trid tkun mignun biex tahseb biss li taghmlu. Il-miljuni jew biljuni li jigi jiswa jekk qatt jitlesta hadd ma jkun jista juzaha bil-hlas li j kun irid isir u l-poplu jibqa' dejjem ihallas l-imghax fuq il-kapital biex isir bla ma qatt jifdih.
We go bonkers when we let our prejudices prevail. This is just a road within our country, a road which badly needs upgrading and which will benefit all if we care to look at the bigger picture. I know it takes an effort to feel in favour of an investment in a road in Kalkara, if you rarely dare out from Ghasri, so I know how many may feel by any improvement of the link between Mgarr and Cirkewwa. But we can change, and realize that Malta is so small that its rate of development and improvement in all aspects is determined by the pace of areas like Gozo and the South. Is it not appropriate that finally we realize that we are barely a speck on the map of the world for us to keep speaking of the “north/south” and “gozitans/maltese” or “red/blue”...and that we cannot move on at the expense of the others on the other side?
We go bonkers when we let our prejudices prevail. This is just a road within our country, a road which badly needs upgrading and which will benefit all if we care to look at the bigger picture. I know it takes an effort to feel in favour of an investment in a road in Kalkara, if you rarely dare out from Ghasri, so I know how many may feel by any improvement of the link between Mgarr and Cirkewwa. But we can change, and realize that Malta is so small that its rate of development and improvement in all aspects is determined by the pace of areas like Gozo and the South. Is it not appropriate that finally we realize that we are barely a speck on the map of the world for us to keep speaking of the “north/south” and “gozitans/maltese” or “red/blue”...and that we cannot move on at the expense of the others on the other side?
And let it remain a pre-feasibility study for God's sake. That is unless we are really going bonkers now.