From Parliament to party: Speaker seeks advice on agenda, PN gears up for elections

Speaker Michael Frendo meets parliament’s legal consultant over motion controversy.

Watch me now: the Franco Debono factor weighs in, as both Speaker and party are preparing themselves for the possibility of a snap election brought on by a guillotine motion.
Watch me now: the Franco Debono factor weighs in, as both Speaker and party are preparing themselves for the possibility of a snap election brought on by a guillotine motion.

On Wednesday afternoon the Speaker of the House Michael Frendo met with Prof. Ian Refalo, the parliament's legal consultant.

The meeting focused on the latest political developments following Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's announcement to forge ahead with a 9 May vote on the money bill to implement the 2012 budget measures.

The announcement infuriated backbencher Franco Debono, who remains adamant to have 'his' motion - or the Opposition's - on justice and home affairs debated before any other bill, given the time that has lapsed since being tabled.

Debono yesterday was seen talking to Frendo at least four times, and later engaged in a 15-minute private conversation with Opposition leader Joseph Muscat who stunned the few people present inside the Chamber, when he crossed the floor and sat on the far end of the government bench for a tête-à-tête with his former St Aloysius classmate.

While Muscat told MaltaToday he had chatted to Debono on "parliamentary matters", Franco Debono approached the Speaker's chair once again.

Frendo left his chair at midday, where he then held a meeting with Refalo until 12:30pm.

Debono insists he will "do anything" to have the justice and home affairs motion debated "without further delay", but has not commented on whether he or Labour will table a guillotine motion to force the debate on justice and home affairs to be held with urgency.

If Debono abstains on the 9 May money bill, the Speaker will have to once again use his casting vote to keep Gonzi's government afloat.

But as things stand, it is the government that sets the parliamentary agenda through the Leader of the House and there is little room for manoeuvre. The Chair may be called to give a ruling - through the House Business Committee - to have the motion brought forward before May 9, should either Debono or the Opposition table a new motion calling for the pending justice and home affairs motion to be heard with urgency.

Away from Valletta, the Nationalist Party has been gearing up for an eventual snap election since January, shortly after Gonzi called on Minister Austin Gatt to take up the party's electoral campaign.

It has also secured the return of former secretary-general and ace political strategist Joe Saliba, practically sidelining his successor, Paul Borg Olivier.

Gatt is rarely seen at his ministry, and his parliamentary presence is down to a minimum. Saliba, who left politics shortly after securing Gonzi's re-election to power in 2008, moved on to the private sector as a consultant to party benefactor and entrepreneur Zaren Vassallo.

Gatt and Saliba have taken over the second floor at the PN headquarters, which houses Gonzi's political office - tellingly, Borg Olivier's office is at a level below, giving colour to the rumours of the secretary-general's reduced influence on the forthcoming electoral campaign.

The second-floor 'war room' is not accessible by everybody, save for new security staff and other campaign staff which include university students from the SDM movement, entrusted with research and voter follow-up.

One party source has insisted with MaltaToday that Borg Olivier is not always kept in the loop and that emails are not always copied to him, although this newspaper has not been able to verify the extent to which Borg Olivier has been sidelined.

The party coffers are said to be "in dire straits", a claim based on the fact that party and media employee salaries were paid a week late in March. PN-friendly entrepreneurs have now been asked to donate towards the forthcoming electoral campaign.

On Tuesday evening, MaltaToday witnessed street-leaders and other party activists collecting confidential information on 'disgruntled voters' - a common practice in Maltese elections - to see how to address any concerns and secure their votes.

A billboard strategy is also in the offing: the advert bases have already been re-touched with fresh blue paint in a field in Naxxar.

Parlament Malti mandra 1981-2012
Dan il-poplu haqqu kulma jigi f'wiccu. Dak li tiehu meta jkolok gvern arroganti u li kahseb li hadd bhalu mhu bravu. Min qal lil l-Maltin huma cwiec (tiftak Tonio Fenech?) ahjar l-ewwel ihares ftit fil-mera u fuq ix-xellug u l-lemin tieghu! Gawdi poplu galdarba ghandek mill-imzazen.
nahseb li Guidocforte ghandu ragun.Issa hija cara.Biss nemmen bi shih li il-pajjiz xorta mexa mhux hazin meta wiehed jikkonsidra il-promlemi internazzjonali kollha li kien hawn madwarna.Il-labour jargumenta li hawn hafna nies qed jaghmlu xoghol prekarju-vera-pero wiehed ma jist6ax jinnega li F?Malta me ziedx il-qaghad ghal rati allarmanti bhal Spanja u pajjizi ohra.Bqajna niehdu servizzi tas-sahha b'xejn,ghalkemm l-ewwel wiehed jien gbajt nistenna.Il-pajjiz xorta baqa jissebah bi progetti,toroq u restawr godda. Meta tikkonsidra dan kollu,nemmen f'pass wiehed-IlP.N.ghandu politika ahjar mil P.L.Hafna minn dak li jghid Joseph Muscat hu minnu,pero il-weghdi li qed jaghmel huma difficli u l-akbar problema li ghadu mdawwar anzi sar iktar imdawwar minn nies li l-poplu sfiducja ghal darba tnejn tlieta. Nemmen li l-Dr.Gonzi u l-klikka tieghu ghandhom jarrendu u jaghtu cans lill talent gdid u frisk fi hdan Il-P.N u b'hekk terga tkun zgurata legislatura li taghmel gid u verament tixraq Lill Malta,ghal gid taghna lkoll.
Luke Camilleri
In plain language ,since when is the Speaker of the House , NOT ELECTED but NOMINATED has a casting vote with the same weight as that of DEMOCTATICALLY ELECTED MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT , the TRUE representatives of the Maltese People? ---------------------------------------------------- Will the Speaker of the House, (an EX-P.N. MINISTER) nominated by the Prime Minister Gonzi Leader of the P.N., ever bite the hand that feeds him?
Gonzi Int Pulcinell immexxi min imnihrek,,,,Bicca deputat qed inizzlek gharkuptejk u iwaqqak ghan nejk mad -dinja kollha ja Supperv ,,,Taf kif spiccaw kull min kien dittatur hux,,,,Ma tajc li ma tigix min Dak li Irrovina il Knisja f'malta fis sittinijiet,,,,,Dabbar rasek qabel ikun tard wisq....
Gonzi, inti sraqt l-elezzjoni u dak li tisraq ma tgawdihx. Ghalhekk kellek daqstant problemi u se jkompli jkollok problemi fid-dittatorjat tieghek. Fittex itlaq u aghmel pjacir lil Malta u lill-poplu Malti.
I suppose this is what a nation be-gets when an election is "stolen" as happened in the last one. This throws the whole political symphony into disarray. The present ugly scenario is there for all to see and hopefully learn from.
If I am not mistaken a money bill cannot be voted on by the speaker, therefore evne if Franco abstains a draw will result in a government defeat.
Ghandi il fuq min 60 sena , QATT, ma niftakar gvern nazzjonalista jew laburista, imhawwad u imfixxkel daqs dak li hemm illum. Mill bidu deher li ser ikun gvern zopp..Ilu izzappap erba snin..L-ewwel zball li ghamel Dr.Gonzi huwa li ta l-impressjoni li il partit jimxi bil kapacita tieghu biss, u gaghluh juza it timbru ta GONZIPN...Illum huwa sigrit mgharuf li GonziPN, huwa biss nom de plume ta xi erba kapitalisti u businessmen li hakmu lil gvern u jghamel li iridu huma...Dak huwa il messagg li irid jibghat Dr.Franco Debono..